I haven't put it on any of my machines yet. But that said....
What, Do these different updated versions have a 15- 30 day time limit on them or something to that affect?
....okaayyy. it is easier to type M$ then microsoft. it is simpler; and you cant argue with the fact that the company really values the OEMs and Money more than the End User, but! The guy came up and made himself a billionaire from being no one, cant really argue with that. Not to mention he is pretty much giving away all of his money, so I guess he isnt too greedy. Im not hostile towards Microsoft, I just think that the OS could be better than what it is, that is all.
Ahh, OK, Thnx @BF, hehehe, j/k
One thing we must realize is that most or the majority of people around the world including here in the US wouldn't even be on a computer or on the internet without MS and their operating systems.
As for being better-- They HAVE continually gotten better with each new OS. No one can deny that fact.
Not to mention that is why they are giving out pre releases for people to try out and give feedback on what fixes/ improvements it needs for the final version.
That said... Although, I realize they have to pay for the creation and the employees who work within their company.
I wish they could sell it at a lower cost.
Or at least make it so you could buy a standard one pc version for a set price then maybe for a few dollars more get a license to put it on 4-5 pc's as a home user with multiple pc's.
Just put in your location and it will take you to a MS live login page. Login using a live ID and it gives you a key. Bonus: refresh the page when it gives you a key and it will give you another one both can be used, and both work for activation.
Okay, I have an issue with RC1 that's driving me nuts (yarr!) and I stupidly deleted the 'feedback' icon from the desktop so I'm not sure where to post problems etc... maybe you guys can help. I'm running on a laptop, connected to a docking station. I want to use my monitor as the primary display and my laptop screen as the secondary. I had this working fine (after some fiddling) yesterday when I first installed Vista. Today it's refusing to accept my monitor as the primary display. Whenever I click the 'make this my primary monitor' tick box and hit apply it just sets my monitor to 'unattached'. I can move the taskbar and sidebar over there, but new windows open on the laptop screen. Very, very annoying.
I have a 64 bit proc but still downloaded the 32bit iso because I know everything will actually work.
On a second note, is RC1 smooth enough to run on my main rig? Is anyone running it as their primary os or are you guys still dual booting? I thought about making the switch but didn't know it if would just turn into a PITA....
finished download last night and most of the install. Only issues i had this morning was no internet. Seems vista couldnt find drivers for my nic card.
Good thing i have another pc connected to the net and was able to find those drivers.
here i am all up and going.
so far so good, i love that they intergated msn explorer onto vista my kids ar going to hate me. Also the fact that i can lock them out of programs now and limit there time on the pc.
Life is going to get easier from here:)
Its a refresh, not the actual d/l, its just has updates.
I have d/l this and says its not compatible with anything on my pc. i'm currently running windoes vista
Its a refresh, not the actual d/l, its just has updates.
I have d/l this and says its not compatible with anything on my pc. i'm currently running windoes vista
Yeah you are right indeed. They discontinued the downloads to free up some bandwidth for Vista I suppose.
However you can still order Office 2007 Beta, it is only 5 bucks. Personally, if I wouldn't have downloaded it a couple of months ago I would just buy it for $5.
Plus it will look spiffy with the Vista install. You can impress all you friends with all your cool new software. :bigggrin:
I haven't put it on any of my machines yet. But that said....
What, Do these different updated versions have a 15- 30 day time limit on them or something to that affect?
//The previews expire June 1, 2007
One thing we must realize is that most or the majority of people around the world including here in the US wouldn't even be on a computer or on the internet without MS and their operating systems.
As for being better-- They HAVE continually gotten better with each new OS. No one can deny that fact.
Not to mention that is why they are giving out pre releases for people to try out and give feedback on what fixes/ improvements it needs for the final version.
That said... Although, I realize they have to pay for the creation and the employees who work within their company.
I wish they could sell it at a lower cost.
Or at least make it so you could buy a standard one pc version for a set price then maybe for a few dollars more get a license to put it on 4-5 pc's as a home user with multiple pc's.
Just put in your location and it will take you to a MS live login page. Login using a live ID and it gives you a key. Bonus: refresh the page when it gives you a key and it will give you another one
is everyone still dual booting or did anyone stick it out and go vista full time?
Virtual Clone Drive will allow you to mount CD / DVD images as a virtual drive.
Img burn lets you burn CD / DVD images to disc.
I have a 64 bit proc but still downloaded the 32bit iso because I know everything will actually work.
On a second note, is RC1 smooth enough to run on my main rig? Is anyone running it as their primary os or are you guys still dual booting? I thought about making the switch but didn't know it if would just turn into a PITA....
cheers :bigggrin:
Shweet, I missed out on the first release, but I got a product key of my very own this time
The DVD for 5728 will do a full install, right? Language on the page makes me think so, but I thought I'd double-check.
Good thing i have another pc connected to the net and was able to find those drivers.
here i am all up and going.
so far so good, i love that they intergated msn explorer onto vista
Life is going to get easier from here:)
I guess it gives a good 8 month to try it out.
So far not liking this windows live for my mail collection
Download the 2007 office beta. It has outlook 07.
It is going to take me 8 months to get use to the new word interface anyways... might as well start now
can you point me in the right direction please.
get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/getthebeta.mspx
Its a refresh, not the actual d/l, its just has updates.
I have d/l this and says its not compatible with anything on my pc. i'm currently running windoes vista
Yeah you are right indeed. They discontinued the downloads to free up some bandwidth for Vista I suppose.
However you can still order Office 2007 Beta, it is only 5 bucks. Personally, if I wouldn't have downloaded it a couple of months ago I would just buy it for $5.
Plus it will look spiffy with the Vista install. You can impress all you friends with all your cool new software. :bigggrin: