Is it possible to get some rules imposed on signatures please? Such as maximum height (maybe 6 lines tops?) and maximum filesize too (not sure on this one). There are some sigs now that take over 20 lines in height and some are a few MB in filesize. I just don't want to see what happened on Icrontic happen on here (massive sigs everywhere taking up almost the hight of a 1024x768 screen and having to scroll past it over and over, waiting ages for others to load).
Just a thought.
Just a thought.
w3rd. I hide sigs now for that reason, but I do miss having them.
I trimmed some whitespace out of the two sigs shwaip pointed out. Both are about 250 pixels tall. I don't think that's excessive, myself.
A hack exists to limit signatures to the first time a person posts in each thread. What's your opinion of that solution?
A lot of people seem to have the same problems with the whitespace too, but I think that that may be the result of the specific theme that SM has (the name, av, and assorted other icons below). I'm not suggesting that it needs to be changed, I just think that may be contributing.
I think the hack wouldn't really help, but I would use it if it became an option, if limiting sig size isn't.
Anyways, I do like the idea.
I'm on 1024x768 at home, and there are many signatures just as long or longer, I dont mind it. I tried getting the extra white space in between the two removed but I couldnt get it to. as far as that goes my sig is only 140-180 px tall if I could get that extra whitespace out.
my goal was not to single you out, but to show that some sigs are (imo) too big. It just so happened that I found somewhere that you and armo posted together.
I don't like when people post feature length flash videos, or recite their family history in their sigs.
It's not about load times.
Or just wait for the next vB update; it'll be copied in...
I can say that load time was a huge issue for me when I was still on dial up.
I am thinking of the many guests that happen on the site after Googling a tech related query. If they anything like me, I quit a site very quickly if it takes too long to load. I hope that's not happening here.
May I suggest we open a poll in another thread to see what most forum members think about the size and usage of sigs?
It's nothing against those users, but being able to hide some sigs that are big and I've seen plenty of times will help my poor scrolling finger. Being able to hide certain avatars and sigs would help make the site look a bit more legit when I check it at work, too.
It's about personalizing my SM experience, not nitpicking people's sig taste