#20 Producer Over Past Week... FOR THE ENTIRE PROJECT

Congrats Dan (the_technocrat)
Over the past week, you have accumilated almost 40,000 points. That makes you the 20th top producer for the entire project!!!
Over the past week, you have accumilated almost 40,000 points. That makes you the 20th top producer for the entire project!!!

Bitmap? n00b.
I'd say all of the machines that are on for a significant amount of time during the week should turn in their first WU' tomorrow or maybe thursday. At that point, I should level out on the daily production. I'll watch and see if maybe I can jostle my way into the high teens or so.
Also, the daily production is kinda jumpy right now, since a lot of machines are on the same WU completion schedule. It'll even out over time, which might lower my weekly production (level instead of spiky), but should also make the WU's come across at a more regular, constant rate...
Thanks Q and everyone else for the support! Let's get T93 back up there!
edit: oops - meant high teens
He talks about 'adding another Thz of procs' and all...seems a little fishy?
Just seems kinda odd that a single person could add :Thz" of machines at a time every so often...?
There are companies out there with a lot of machines.....
But still....Very freaking fast folding TT...you're really 19th not 20th, cause anonymouse hardly counts.
I agree...but this seems strange. Wouldn't he just have a rollout (like me) and then production? Just seems like every so often he'll find a way to add a few hundred machines...doesn't make sense.
Ah well.
Well... PC that I took the snapshot only had MS Paint.... Sorry... {FIXED - JPG}
eh, we all been there
badboys badboys
whatcha gonna do
format police are comin afta you!
Awesome job, TT.
Just kidding.... I have room in my Folding Friendship Circle for everyone!!!
FFC ->
heh, that was supposed to be a party
This looks like the high time to take over Team MacOS X, we need everyone to check on their folding rigs and push them to full capacity. With TT putting so many points a week, we could catch them in a couple of months, how about this challenge?
I haven't been very active here with folding for a while now; been back with my original team for the last 1 1/2 years or so, but I still care a lot for this team too. I'm glad to see a big hitter like you folding for team 93.
And the guys you all are talking about, Flecom and How??, are or were (in How???'s case) senior IT guys with companies or universities and are able to roll out the client as needed (with permission of course). Wish I had their borging power.
As far as the How??? name goes, that guy had moved onto another job and the person that replaced him at his old job had kept folding going, until some asshat mofo's ruined everything by borging some boxes for seti or maybe some other DC project without anyone's permission, locking the computers in knots. So now, none of those machines can do any DC project. Just another example of a couple of asshats ruining a good thing. :shakehead
At least, we need to defend against the threats from CustomPC, and ABXZone.
There is one other thing I noticed, I am getting more points per WU then most of the people, but I do not know how? Should we look into this with the hope that it could help everyone?
This would also cut the advances of CustomPC and ABX.
I just ordered a Dell C2D for my brother. I'll install FAH as a service on both cores when I install OpenOffice, AdAware, etc. for him.
(I'm going to start a new thread...)
Years back, WU's had a much lower point value - some even as low as a fraction of a single points. If you see a long-time member with thousands of WU's but a low Point:WU ratio, it probably means that they piled up a lot of those one and two pointers in the early days.
As for current WU's, those come in cycles and can vary at different times for different members. I have some machines which are getting thses measly 44-point WU's which do not do well on AMD machines.
Of course, you may be looking at teammates who have not fully optimized their rig(s), in which case any advice you could give would be much appreciated.