Introducing Kyle "Hammer" Everett
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Kyle "Hammer" Everett was born to parents Mat (Sledgehammer around these parts) and Carrie today, May 8th, 2007. Entering the world, at approximately 12:17pm PST, Kyle weighed in at a very healthy 7lb 8oz.
We have a new little Short-Median to rear up! It takes a village to raise a child, folks... so let's get to it.
We have a new little Short-Median to rear up! It takes a village to raise a child, folks... so let's get to it.
Congrats Sledge & Missus!!!
Best of luck to you and your new family!!
I can't wait until KyleHammer joins our wonderful forum! :bigggrin:
!!!! Happy Zero Birthday, Kyle !!!!
Congrats to Mat and Carrie!!!!! Enjoy every moment of his childhood.
Congrats to the happy family, all the best to you.
Congratulations! Remember: your needs are now always secondary to your child's. His welfare must always come first. Remember that principle and most of your parenting decisions will not be difficult.
I have a seven month old boy and he his the funnest and best thing I have ever done. I'm excited for you man!!!!!!:D
Good luck and let the fun begin
One thing i clearly remember-
Life changed overnight and was never the same again.
Make the best of it.
Congrats to you and the Missus!
He looks too cool already. He will be a heartbreaker for sure!
GooD luck with your family
Grats, sir (And missus! She did all the damn work, after all. )
How's Carrie doing? Kyle doing Good?
The tables have turned and as all you guys with kids say, life has changed 100% since yesterday but in a way I love.
Great to hear buddy! Glad Momma and Jr. are doing well!
Glad to hear all went well and everyones healthy & OK.
Now it's time to enjoy Daddyhood.
Just remember things are going to be squirtin out both ends for a while.
Oh, And As soon as you take the diaper off for a change, drop a cloth over that little bugger or you'll be changing too!
Happiness is seeing the world through childrens eyes.
He looks so cute that I may see if the GF wants to give it one last try.
Couldn't help that one! :o