SATA-IDE Adapters
Compatibility problems? After some research, I have learned that apparently some of the first generation IDE to SATA adapters don't work with newer generation motherboards' SATA ports. For example, Newegg states that the Abit Serillel adapter they carry (original, not the "Serillel II") is not compatible with the Abit IC7.
Hmm, I would appreciate any comments or links to definitive articles. I've already ordered an Abit IC7 and NF7-S rev. 2.0. I will need adapters for the SATA ports, as all my hard drives are IDE. I realize that SATA is not much faster than 8MB-buffer IDE; but nevertheless, I need/want all ports on my new boards available.
There are several brands of adapters available, include Highpoint's, IS2's, and Abit's.
Please steer me in the right direction.
Hmm, I would appreciate any comments or links to definitive articles. I've already ordered an Abit IC7 and NF7-S rev. 2.0. I will need adapters for the SATA ports, as all my hard drives are IDE. I realize that SATA is not much faster than 8MB-buffer IDE; but nevertheless, I need/want all ports on my new boards available.
There are several brands of adapters available, include Highpoint's, IS2's, and Abit's.
Please steer me in the right direction.
Given that you have the boards coming, I would wait on buying adapters and see what ships with them.
The reviews that I have seen for those boards that show pics show at least one adapter. IIRC, one review was at amdmb's site. ABit has accessories for sale separately, so if can get their part number from their store site you can call NewEgg on toll-free and hav them XREF the Abit part to their stock number. Or even search NewEgg with the ABit part number for the adapter.
John Danielson.
To get a second one for each board, I'd suggest you go to eXcaliburPC.
Abit's SerillelII adapters now support ATAPI devices as well.
btw: both versions of the adapters (specially the first generation) have trouble detecting Maxtors ATA133 drives.
Good luck!
They show the SerillelII logo on the NF7-S page too so I guess you're ok for at least two adapters.
Good luck with the builds and let me know if you need anything.
I'll be updating my rebuild recommendations thread after I assemble the machines.
btw: you should consider ordering an extra bios chip or a Bios Savior for the NF7. Bios corruption has been fixed in latest bios but the sucker gets picky sometimes...
Flashmenu? Is that a Windows-based flashing application? (I'm still behind from being deployed to the middle east for half a year.) I'll do a search.
I remember know - that utility came out 18 months or a couple years ago, and most everybody was scared to try it, including me. I had installed for a while, but never had the courage to "just push the right button" (Capt. Kirk, Star Trek).
Well anyway, I couldn't find a download from Abit-USA or Google.