What da heck is folding?? =/
HI all im new to the forums here and have had my nose stuck in the threads tryin to get up to speed here. Im a total noob to overclockin and I love the info I find here. I have no idea what is ment by folding...what is that ..on a side note I never knew about the WCPUID and Saundra till I stopped in here thats is some cool sh1t. Just got the asus a7n8x barton 2500 dr3200 and right off the bat put it to 11x200 and rock solid so far and being the noob I am wont push further till I understand more...thanks for the info peoples =P
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Go there and download the client install it and configure it. Set it to use higher core priority, 100% of the cpu and under client type choose folding@home.
You'll have to provide it a internet connection just check the setting to use Internet Explorer's settings.
Now as to what it is...it's the geek community's way of giving the world a bit of a chance to figure out why all kinds of bad diseases happen and how to fix 'em.
We let our computers do the work by processing work units (known as wu's) and sending the completed wu's back to them for them to use that bit of info in a computer model of protiens folding as they are used by the body for what they are needed.
I don't entirely understand the whole deal but I know that the long term effects could mean some kid's not going to lose family members to cancer, alzhiemers and other things like I did growing up so I think that it's a nobel enough thing to do.
Besides that as you're going to be overclocking that nice rig of yours consider F@H to be a nice stress test to check yourself with...just turn it off before gaming.
Welcome aboard.
just download the 3.25 beta client or 4.0 beta prerelease1 and install ...put your name (W4R(H1LD) when prompted and your team number (93) when prompted ...also when prompted for preference choose (fah) ...other than that everything may go to defaults.
congrats ...you are now teh folder and welcome to teh team!
It's a distributed computing program, similar in concept to SETI. What Stanford is doing is using your unused CPU cycles (like the 99% you have free when doing word processing, surfing, etc.) to figure out why protiens act the way they do.
This is important because if we can understand this, we can potentially cure a number of diseases, including (but not limited to) Alzheimer's and Cancer.
It is also, as stated, a good way of stress-testing your system, as it puts your CPU under 100% load whenever it's running.
If you want more info, you should check out our folding forum:
And consider joining. There is no reason not to, other than the fact that your computer will generate a bit more heat and use a bit more power when it's on. Just make sure you have decent cooling.
Put Simply, Stanford has a higher education cooperative of students and educators and business folks who are teaming to lick Cancer over the long haul. They do this by getting volunteers top donate their machines spare time. Essentially, you need a box that can go online whereever and it would be nice if it knew how to hang up when it is done if this is a dialup connect.
Essentially, once you install the client as described above in this thread, you get a box that will happily crank out work on figuring out what make proteins "Fold" or form in ways that might not be best, and soem of the Work Units will also be looking at best guesses of how to prevent that. Stanford is combining Computing and chem and bio and physical research, and the net result is that since they, unlike Sandia and Los Alamos, CANNOT afford very large and very fast clusters of their own to do all this cranking of numbers and vectors and how things like temp and PH and other chemicals introduced CHANGE things that Stanford proceeded to get VERY smart-- lets get volunteers to do the cranking of numbers, and let our boxes do the evaluation and figuring out how to experiment NEXT and in some cases other universities are sharing grant money with Stanford in order to have their favorite theories about how to kill cancer processed on Folding@Home, and Stanford uses that money to upgrade things on their end to handle more of us volunteers more effectively and give the folks who think up the new experiments things to work with that are better than they had two-to-three years ago. The things they used get used to RUN F@H, the heads of Folding did a lot of real reasearch also and need more advanced imagery cpapbilities than ever to track all the work of the thousands that fold.
John, who also folds some. (PS: Backup ISP is functional again, who knows wassup???)
At all.
Everyone knows that it does. It has obvious adverse affects on Max Payne 1 and 2, GTA and Vice City, and other games.
I.e. also doesn't try to use 100% CPU usage constantly.
I've also tried to repeat the so-called "Issues" experienced with FAH and games. I've not been able to between two operating systems, five service packs, 4 sets of video drivers, two motherboards, default BIOS, tweaked BIOS, 4 different versions of FAH...
Max Payne 1, 2, and the GTA series have no issues on my computer. In fact I've been playing all four of those games non-stop lately, WITH folding going.
So in my experience. It doesn't.
Hehe. Before my laptop was stolen I had it running on mine. The heat from the exhaust fan made a white plume on the screen . So yeah, laptop + folding = risky business.
It would run for 7 days straight, then I'd turn it off for a couple to let the poor thing cool down. About the 6th day of straight folding, it would get so hot on the bottom, the thing would burn you.
So, folding + laptop = risky.
I ran folding on my laptop (the 2.4ghz thing) for like 4 weeks stright. It got very hot and even had the screen closed so that got very hot too, but it didn't have any issues (which would be more expected due to the hotter system) but still. All depends on the laptop. Though it is easier just not to otherwise charging will take years and it's generally more hassle.
This happens with BF'42 and DFBHD and I haven't tried it with any others but I figure it'll do the same with them as well.
No need to jump down someones throat, plenty of other people here are willing to answer their questions about the folding team without the rude comments.
I dissagree. There are threads stickied everywhere, and there is the ominous search button. It is impossible to miss them. It's not a matter of people not minding doing something, but it is something that they shouldn't have to do as it is already obvious from the huge amount of information on display.
Stop being a dickhead. Admit you're wrong and back down.
We're a forum. The primary role for users is to ask questions and get answers. Care to argue with something so simple?
I disagree with you. Those type of actions caused Icrontic's decline. It all started with actions like that. Soon it ended up with all the mIRC kids spamming the forums.