
Take C|Net's bandwidth test and post your scores!
Let the question of who has the phattest pipe be laid to rest.
Let the question of who has the phattest pipe be laid to rest.


Rated 3000/640, but I routinely get higher than that.
Don't do the conversion to $US, just give me $CA.
Only for the US based members unfortunatly. I could measure it, but stats is WAY inaccurate.
I just signed up this month during a Look promotion, so it's $44.95 CDN for the first 6 months... then it's $64.95 CDN a month.
Unlimited transfers per month, 10 MB personal storage space, Dynamic IP (which is nice), 5 e-mail accounts and the ability to host a website on the connection.
It's kick ass, much better than the crummy old Rogers network I've been on for 3 years. You don't share any bandwidth, as you have to be within Line-Of-Sight of a Look Microwave Transmission Tower. There's one about 750 yards behind my house.
However, since the parents don't want to pay $64.95 CDN a month, they are going to keep paying $44.95 CDN a month for their Rogers Hi-Speed service, while I get pay for the Look connection and get to use it exclusively.
Are you at Algonquin/Carleton/Ottawa U by chance?
My college days are far behind me.
Just asking!
I remember getting 32,000 last year on the Carleton redundant T3 connections, which was kinda nice
So in that regard, I'll post what everyone else's tests give me:
eMule was using 6.6KB/s of my bandwidth as well.
I use the same number I had with the phone from when I lived in Houston
/me loves Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.