folding help



  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited May 2005
    naginaoe wrote:
    :yell1: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my computer totally crashed!!!! we had to reinstall EVERYTHING!! we lost everything!!! so i have to go threw that hole thing again!!! hey do you guys know if my progress would be saved or will i have to start all over? :fold: :fu: i have my computer!!!
    Did the drive get completely reformatted? It sounds like it. If you did that you will have lost any work in progress. It shouldn't be too bad if you get it back up and running shortly, because a day or so loss isn't too much in the long run.

    If you had it on a second drive that wasn't reformatted there might be hope, but maybe not because you used the graphical version, and it may have installed something into the registry, I'm not sure, does anyone know?. *caugh Hawk *caugh
  • naginaoenaginaoe Florida
    edited May 2005
    yeah we lost everything! we had to reinstall windows the internet and everything so i lost all my work. but i guess i only lost like 3 WUs
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited May 2005
    You probably only lost 1 wu. The only way you would have lost more is if there were errors sending in the completed wus and they were waiting for a later time to be sent in again, or you were running more than one at a time. I'm sure you were only running one. People usually only run more than one if they have more than one cpu in their system or they have Intel's Hyperthreading.
  • naginaoenaginaoe Florida
    edited May 2005
    awsome! well i got it installed again and its running that i knew what i was doing it was really quick to get it up and running again.
  • yaggayagga Havn't you heard? ... New
    edited May 2005
    GREAT! :fold:
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