First Multiplayer Game You Played?

What was your first multiplayer pc game you played?
Mine was Doom on my 100mhz packard bell across the phone line with my friend.
2 player deathmatch at its best!
Mine was Doom on my 100mhz packard bell across the phone line with my friend.
2 player deathmatch at its best!
CS on P4 1.7GHz Compaq 2001
1.5up/down cable
then came Half-Life...needed bigger cans of spray paint!
First REAL multiplayer experience??? Quake on Remember HEAT?
console..geez I've forgotten
I don't know if I actually used it but I do remember signing up for it at one point....
No, wait!
I think it was before that: My friend Darius and I used to play Paperboy in 2 player mode, on his Commadore.
Did Nintendo come out before that? I remember Darius was also the first kid on the block with an NES. His dad got it for him the day it hit the shelves, and we played Super Mario together for weeks!
I'm getting my timeline mixed up...
Well, I remember the first multiplayer game that you didn't have to share a screen with your buddy was Doom, and I was there. I was namn good too. Then games started comming out that had a namn Z-axis... Shot my game to hell. I've sucked at FPSs ever since.
I was the Heat Intercollegiate Gamming League Team Captain for Cincinnati State. Zanthian was a Captain for NKU. And, CrazyJoe was a Captain for UC. We each got a package of ten T-Shirts to give to our respective team members. We just kept the shirts.
On a 286 with a 12 inch orange and black screen. Blazing fast 20mhz-ish speed processor, made by AMD (licensed from Intel). 30mb hard drive. 2400 baud modem. PC Speaker sound. I still have almost every part of this system. It was fully functional when I took it apart 2 years ago to mod it's box (which turned out to be about 2mm too small to hold a full ATX mobo :banghead: ). I still use the ancient, massive powersupply to test drives and fans.
The only parts I can't find now are the HD and Floppy.
Here's some glamour shots
i didn't play doom over multiplayer because i didn't know multiplayer doom even existed! infact i didn't play doom until i was like 12 or 13 because the game gave me nightmares when i was a kid.
then came 2 player donky kong on a TI 99/4a
and the first on the web had to be doom, over 14.4 k dial up.
things sure have come a long way since the good ole days of pong. btw there is an updated version of Pong coming out that will support 4 player simutanious play.
sounds like quite a gheym
The first conventional game I ever played non-hot seat multiplayer was the MacPlay version of Descent on my Apple Performa 6200CD with my buddy over 14.4KBps direct dial-up (I dialed up his Mac). My first multiplayer PC game was MechWarrior 3, which I'm still fairly good at multiplayer-wise. The game had lousy multiplayer code, so not a whole lot of people were very good at it.
First console multiplayer was Super Mario Bros. in two-player, though that wasn't nearly as good as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game for NES. The only time I ever really got along with my sister (she was Michelangelo, I was Raphael).
PS Xenogeared, your avatar reminds me of my current desktop.
Dude... exactly the same for me. Acer computer, best friend, War2, and all. His modem would overheat though so we had to keep our games short
Only truly got into multiplayer with Starcraft on bnet. I think I spent a whole summer doing that, hehe...
before that it would have been an atari console and pick a game...
We also had an intellivision pong game and a coleco vision which had graphics that owned atari...
Some 2D VLBUS video card... brand name began with an "S"...
Generic mono 8-bit sound card
Generic SCSI 2X CDROM (connected to the soundcard)
Maxtor 520MB HDD
8 Megs of RAM (30-pin SIMMs)
CTX 14" monitor
14.4Kb modem
THe floppy drive from that machine is still much in use today (over 10 years old now). Everything else from the system is long gone (threw away some of it's ISA components a couple weeks ago).
As far as PC goes, it would probably be Warcraft 2 or Duke Nukem of Kali!!! I actually paid the $20. Does anyone remember Kahn?