Mobile Bartons for your desktop rig.
I decided to do a little experimenting before I went out to work offshore 2 weeks ago and ordered a mobile XP2400+ so that it would be waiting for me when I got in this time. I got in yesterday and started looking at it and sure enough, it is a barton core, IQXEA 0330. I had a rig sitting with no proc in it, due to the fact that I had robbed the proc out of it to get my Chaintech dually in operation, so the KHA+ mobo was to be my initial test mule. I installed the proc in it, along with the 8045 heatsink I had been using in that rig with an 80 mm Sunon case fan, and booted up. It booted up at 800 MHz, since the proc has a 6 multi set on the L3 bridges; the hi/lo sense must be detected via the L5 bridges on mobile boards, due to the dynamic speed changes involved with the laptop XP's in their various running states. I then entered bios and set a 12.5 multi on this old board, since it can't set a higher multi without modding the proc and rebooted. It then came up using a 12.5 multi and booted normally. I presently have it running at 155 X 12.5 in that old KHA+ rig using it's default vcore of 1.575v and folding normally at 34C. And this is just with a crappy old normal Sunon fan, not the low speed Delta FFB I used to use with that heatsink because I'm presently using that fan on the dually.
Today after I get back from my Father-In-Law's wake(he died Friday, from cancer:sad2: ) I will be pulling the proc from the KHA+ and putting it into my NF7-S and I'll see what it will really do.
These procs might just be the ticket to go with since AMD, in their infinite farqing wisdom:rolleyes2 , decided to start locking their new proc's multipliers.
Today after I get back from my Father-In-Law's wake(he died Friday, from cancer:sad2: ) I will be pulling the proc from the KHA+ and putting it into my NF7-S and I'll see what it will really do.
These procs might just be the ticket to go with since AMD, in their infinite farqing wisdom:rolleyes2 , decided to start locking their new proc's multipliers.
Excuse the fuzzies on the pics; I was dead tired when I had gotten in from the rig and did this and didn't do the most thorough job of cleaning the stickies off after removing that damn sticker newegg had put across the bridges.
Keep us updated and sorry for the loss.
EDIT: All in all, not bad for an $85 proc.:D
EDIT: Fixed typo.
typo? I don't see a "D" in that code...
Is there any special process that goes into installing a mobile processor or is the same as any other athlon xp? Is there any modding required? Also, to overclock it is there any modding or is can all overclocking be done without doing modifications to the chip?
I'm extremely interested in buying one of these as my temps are starting to annoy me and my 1800+ dissapointed me in my overclocking ventures.
Version: DN Released Date: 2003-04-02
Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
Fix the SCSI BIOS malfunction problem when three add-on cards installed together, PCI S3 VGA+GF4 MX420+DC390U3W(at PCI-1).
Supports Barton 2600+(333 FSB)and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266 FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166) to be AMD officially suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
so.... yes?...or no?...i already new my mobo supported bartons...just didnt know about the mobile part...what makes a mobile proc mobile? the low vcore?..and thats an old Bios;)