Perpetual energy machine? Maybe?

This story piggybacks on one I heard a few years back, where an Irish scientist claimed he was onto something. He announced that, when finished, he would reveal it to the world and let any scientist who wished to play with it do so. To paraphrase, he felt as though a device and claim of such scientific magnitude and scepticism could only be validated by such a broad and thorough investigation.
Whether or not this is a continuation of the story, I cannot be certain, but it would be prodigious if true. Steorn's Orbo.
Whether or not this is a continuation of the story, I cannot be certain, but it would be prodigious if true. Steorn's Orbo.
they have released this updated picture of the device working. Due to the removal of the lights, it may be slightly difficult to make out the exact workings. Rest assured that it is working, though.
Now, if it never gets displayed, I'll laugh right along with all of you. But you all must admit that it's a bold move to show it off, eh? I'm a skeptic, not parochial.
"time variant magneto-mechanical interactions"
so they're going to use energy from the earth's (always changing) magnetic fields to drive some moving part. Whoopdy-do.
But this just reminds me too much of the claims for all the devices that were supposed to dramatically increase automobile gas mileage. It also reminds of the "cold fusion" scandal in Utah a few years ago. Technology that truly could have changed the world, but that for some reason, could not be reproduced under peer observation.
1,000,000W LIGHTS.... ON!
This is free energy in the same way that a solar panel generates free energy.
*laff, wheeze, koff.................... genius, sheer genius....
Or clever schemers - working with Garage/Basement scientist/layman?
Or maybe the new Electric Car -conspiracy anyone????
Or a web phenomena created to capitalize on Green Energy?
Makes for good reading anyway
Thanks Thrax!