If anybody wants a different girl badge, please feel free to submit it in 40x25 pixels, rgb
What do you think I am? A graphics designer? pshaw!
CB is making some interesting stuff...more in the right direction I should say. But honestly, if now other girl on the site has a problem with it then it's cool to keep it how it is. I'm not a badge nazi or anything.
Actually, I've been sacrificing sleep time to make these damn things... I don't get home from work 'til 10pm, and I should go to bed... I've been staying up til 130 making badges instead:P
I do have a problem, but too much freetime is not the problem...
Don't you know you can't use Webster's for this? I usually have to use Urban Dictionary to discover the meanings of anything I don't understand around here.
I think some people changed it from fanboy to fanboi because it is a genric term in how I am using it, and it would apply to both boys & girls. You can be a fanboi of anything
I watched him.
Well LIN send a couple Ideas to prime I think
he would change it.
He's fair
I'm sorry.
- This member has been known to be particularly helpful.
- This member's advice seem to be accurate most of the time.
- This member has been humped by the site's mascot.
- This member has slept on the couch at Icrontic.com HQ.
or - This member can't stop customizing their hardware.
- There is no such thing as a stupid question, but this member is willing to make occasional exceptions.
- This member's elitist attitude is justified.
- This member is not a square, daddy-o.
- Many of this member's threads contribute nothing to the site.
- This member understands notes and stuff.
- This member's smilies have lost some meaning through abundant use.
- This member often posts just to see their number go up.
- This member can help with Photoshop.
- This member understands coffee.
Well, I tried to resize to 40x25, but no joy.
Original size is 150x150.
Although I entered pixels as 40x25, it ends up at 25x25.
- This member is not from Mars.
I've seen pics!
What do you think I am? A graphics designer? pshaw!
CB is making some interesting stuff...more in the right direction I should say. But honestly, if now other girl on the site has a problem with it then it's cool to keep it how it is. I'm not a badge nazi or anything.
- This member has to many additional info links
I do have a problem, but too much freetime is not the problem...
- Has been known to be an ATI Fanboi
- Has been known to be an Intel Fanboi
- Has been known to be an Nvidia Fanboi