Last time I went over the border for fireworks, like 10 years ago, I remember seeing a fat guy with two hooks for hands rifling through the M-80s. At first I thought, "You're cut off, mister!" But then I thought, well, I guess you can't blow your hands off again.
The only downside is the technology tends to kill ghosts, the movement of which helps keep harmful space rays from mutating our pies and other baked goods.
<miraclemans> I dislike the idea of pooping with others around. Doesn't seem that unlikely. <Shwaipnix> there's a difference between dislike and "hold a terrible shit in for 2 hours so i can go poop at home while i yell at my wife to stay out of the bathroom"
Same thing we do everyday, Pinky. Make jokes of an increasingly sexual and off-putting nature, and then hope to God potential employers never find us here.
UPSLynx: "Prime I'm so jelly you got to go to Detroit Grand Prix this weekend" Prime: "Yeah, it was awesome. I totally became a racing fan this weekend" Cola: "... That's racist"
...In terms of alcohol.
- Cannonfodder to Lincoln, at ICNY 2011
Annes: yes
Lincoln: Is that a venerial disease?
miraclemans: How was it?
Lincoln: "itchy"
miraclemans: -.-
<Shwaipnix> there's a difference between dislike and "hold a terrible shit in for 2 hours so i can go poop at home while i yell at my wife to stay out of the bathroom"
* annes joined the chat room.
shwaip: ohi
Sono: Nothing like a tall glass of almond milk, wearing a maidenform slip and really getting in to my character "LustyArgoianMaid"
Canti: this is how happy i am for you (youtube link)
Drasnor: is it dog? i am not clicking dog
Primesuspect: No, it's not.
..30 seconds go by
Drasnor: it was dog
Prime: "Yeah, it was awesome. I totally became a racing fan this weekend"
Cola: "... That's racist"
Lincoln: "You just opened a beer?"
cola: "It says 'breakfast' on it..."
shwaip: "I posted twice, actually"
Gargoyle: "I did too, actually"
@midga's take on Detroit
@Aaron, referring to ICHQ, after @Ryder asked if he got fired (he didn't, this time).
CB: Pineapple added for scale.
Myrmidon: It's a good thing the bananas were there for scale on that pineapple, or I'd be totally in the dark!
Cannonfodder: I'm confused about being a girl at this point.