Best Beginners Class In World Of Warcraft?
When it comes to these types of games I am most familiar with being the DM of a D&D/AD&D/AD&DSecondEd. ,,,, writing the stories/adventures and playing NPC characters with various strengths and weakness to add to the gameplay. How do I take this knowledge and transform it to viable weaponry in the mastering of this vast new quagmire of fun I have discovered called World of Warcraft.
I want to start with a Mage(I'm so use to Magic(K)-User!!!!!! sheesh), but I do not want to end up some wild boar feast on my first outing!
Any advice for choosing a class to kick a$$ with(in time/exp points+of course)
, that will not regulate me to slash and stash type of RPG game play?
...are the classes I have been most investigating. Damn those mages start like limp noodles for Raistlins sake?!?
I want to start with a Mage(I'm so use to Magic(K)-User!!!!!! sheesh), but I do not want to end up some wild boar feast on my first outing!
Any advice for choosing a class to kick a$$ with(in time/exp points+of course)
, that will not regulate me to slash and stash type of RPG game play?
...are the classes I have been most investigating. Damn those mages start like limp noodles for Raistlins sake?!?

If you're willing to heal, and play a Druid or Paladin, you will always be in demand. Warriors willing to tank are of moderate demand. Well-equipped mages who prefer to deal with fire are of moderate demand, while Warlocks are low.
Shadow Priest and Rogue are virtually never desired in the advanced stages (Because there are too many).
I would say start out with whatever sounds most interesting to you. I might also suggest trying a few of the classes because sometimes you'll think a class is what you want but then find out its not.
p.s. what server are you on?
On my server it's usually harder to find a decent tank than a healer.
Anyway, for a first class, hunter will definitely be the easiest to play but for a first character that won't suck later on I'd probably recommend a mage.
None, as of yet. I am doing what I usually do; over-researching the subject
picking away at the manual. Etc..
That is what I have been thinking. Something similar to a magic-user of chaotic good alignment in a long running D&D campaign.
Exactly, because healers are in high demand, they're mostly taken. Tanks are moderately desired, so it's easier to find them.
And your opinion of the likely hood of taking a Mage to mythical levels:bigggrin: first go of the WoW challenge!
....are you asking me to leave Prime?
He said its harder to find a tank, than a healer...meaning a tank is more in demand than the healers..on his server
we love ya
edit:/ ...and remember you love you to
quoted for truth
Well you're almost wrong...I could spend more time in IRC or playing TF2, but it's not like I dropped off the planet!
Anyway, easiest to start is hunter as you've heard. Next would probably be mage, as you've heard. A shaman would probably be a fun starting character and you can respec it for either DPS or healing (resto shammies are worth their weight in gold on my server, chain heal FTW).
To piggyback with what Thrax said, if you want to be useful to people in the endgame, play a healer. For the love of whatever do NOT try to level a healer-specced class on your own. I know the only way I made it to 70 as a holy pally was because I played every session with 3 other people. If I can't play with others now, I just don't play. IMO the game in general is miserable by yourself as a healer.
Sword "XYZ" way do 24-48 points per hit but it's so slow of a weapon it can only be used every 3 seconds. DPS of 8-16.
Dagger that can do 10-18 points per hit every second is actually a better DPS.
WoW is so freaking easy (especially at the beginning) that you should just choose whatever class you want to and go with it, not having to worry about ending up a wild boar feast. The suggestions about being a healer, tank, or fire mage are good ones though.
All these builds are really gear dependant and you will get second choice of gear if you are "off spec" on drops, i.e. Your heal spec and your with a warrior who is tank spec, they should get first call on the armor that drops.
Meh, probably not. I haven't quite given up everything (heck because I've only played on semester breaks I haven't actually given up anything).
If your idea of a good time is controlling the flow of battle and keeping the attention of the bad guys then a tank is a good idea. Healers are a blast if you like being the person in the back keeping the tank and rest of the party alive. DPS obviously gets their kicks from dealing as much damage as possible (without pulling aggro if they're good at it) to whatever they encounter.
The best piece of advice I can give is that if you want to go with a DPS class, such as the mage you mentioned, make sure you pick a pure DPS class. Otherwise you may be pigeon holed into a role you might not enjoy. For example, a well geared warrior can do nice amounts of damage when played right. If you plan to do any non-PvP related content; however, groups will typically expect you to fill a tanking role. If you are not interested in tanking then a warrior probably isn't your best bet.
The pure DPS classes that fill no other role than DPS are Hunter, Mage, Rogue, and Warlock. Any other class can fill multiple roles. With that said it is possible to play one of the other classes as a DPS class. If you find the right guild you will be able to play your class the way you have the most fun with. In the right guild a warrior could be used soley as DPS without ever having to tank.
Anyhow I hope that little bit of information helps.
JOIN US!!!!11!1!!!!!
"damnit damnit damnit" ~TF2 Engineer
Anyway thanks again; and feel free to leave any other advice/criticism.
This is going to be a blast, but I assure ye Prime I am still a Icronticaholic