I'll come check it out at the LAN if someone helps cover the plane ticket and considering I worked in Construction and architecture for at least 6 years I could be of some help in re tiling the main bathroom
We decided that since the former dining room would be turning into the media center, there was no need for a pantry / food cabinet in there. The blue area is where we yanked the food cabinet and we're going to be building a little bar there.
Keebler's moving upstairs. The room used to be a weird melony/orange with blue carpet and a sky blue ceiling. Very odd. He's going a bit more traditional. One wall done.
Maybe it's a failure of my imagination, but if you're cramming the media center in the dining area, where will the people sit?
I'm with GH....I don't like this idea. Yay for the remodelling, poo on the choices :-P
And Queenie, if you're going to go all pink on it, make sure it uses a masculine color like slate gray/black/brown to balance it all out. Plus those color combos are hot.
I'm with GH....I don't like this idea. Yay for the remodelling, poo on the choices :-P
And Queenie, if you're going to go all pink on it, make sure it uses a masculine color like slate gray/black/brown to balance it all out. Plus those color combos are hot.
No! Professor Umbridge says, EET MUST ALL BE PINK!!
Ahh! I can't make my ugly mug smaller! I don't want to see that much of my face!
......You have to like pink though...pink is going to be an essential part of my design...
I sort of like this room, how do you feel about it Buddy Jesus?
These pieces are great too!
Pink fluffy lights!
(P.S. (To anyone) I wasn't sure what format the forum wanted pictures submitted in, so someone let me know if this is bad or something)
Pics please.
The "before" shots: Those of you who have been to ICHQ know how shoddy the dining room was:
I'm with GH....I don't like this idea. Yay for the remodelling, poo on the choices :-P
And Queenie, if you're going to go all pink on it, make sure it uses a masculine color like slate gray/black/brown to balance it all out. Plus those color combos are hot.
Unless you're part of the entertainment center or some other strange set of circumstances arose around your conception, YOU ARE PEOPLE TOO.
We eat at the island counter.
The dining room was the least used room in the house, hands down. It will make a great home theater. You'll see.
Well...as long as it includes a bar I GUESS I'm ok with it.
No! Professor Umbridge says, EET MUST ALL BE PINK!!
Ahh! I can't make my ugly mug smaller! I don't want to see that much of my face!