let's just hope none of the others around us will get too strong
I'm starting to learn that flexibility and timing can substitute for power when necessary. A powerbase gives us a lot more of that.
You can't raid my resources if I can move them faster than you can attack In my new villages, I build the market up along with the warehouse so I can "return to sender" if necessary.
I am going to be honest with you. My alliance is the biggest sissy alliance created. I admit they are big but that means nothing. They have so many Allies's and NAP's it makes it impossible to attack anyone in this region. I am a very offensive player and going crazy.
I noticed your alliance when you moved into my 7x7. Also I checked your offense and defensive. I liked what I saw. I dont like to see the two top players in Spear ( Both with 4000+ pop) have less attack points than me but are ranked in the top 300 in defense. I was disgusted.
I have forced several farms around me to run to my alliance's wing or my alliances Allies. This is frustrating when I am refused my farms. I will be good for your alliance. I am not so overly aggressive that I would jeprodise my alliance in any way. I am also fast growing and only so small because I moved here after dominating the US server. I helped run a top 30 ranked alliance and have experience.
I also moved here because my brother, gman2648, is in this server. He is powerful and is in Zero, which makes him even more so. He is close enough to me that it takes less than an hour to send a slow moving group of Legionares to me. So if we needed him, he would be there. I look forward to hearing from you.
Oh,and I vote yes. It would be nice to hear from him about tactics. Make sure he knows about these threads (specifically) and the rest of icrontic.com (generally).
Would be good to add another superpower to Icrontic, especially one that's been with the game for so long. Adding fresh blood and experiene to {IC} can't be a bad thing
I would place a high priority on getting a Residence:10 and Settlers to send to the powerbase. The alliance will be much more viable once that is built up.
The two largest LOTR players (including the founder) defected to a different (larger) alliance, and Fal Dara is farming the now-largest player and others.
Screw it, it's open season on weak alliances at the powerbase.
I don't think it will be long before I can start making new villages. My overall plan is to make another 4 villages and take the Oasis that are directly next to my current City. Then I'll start expanding globally. MWUHAHAHA.
We have "Gimley & Legolas" and "degobah" in the R.U. alliance smack up against us, and they're getting bigger - both have 2 villages in close proximity. We either need to ally with them, or we need to pummel the crap out of them by the weekend. What do you guys think?
Personally I'm supporting trade, but pummeling and looting work just as well. It's up to whether you guys are able to smash the hell out of them with armies. I'll have an army soon, but not within the next couple days methinks.
Either you guys expand to a second village too quickly or I've been focusing too heavily on beefing up my main village. I still only have 1 village (499 population). If I were to start a second village it would take me 6-7 hours to save up enough resources to make 3 settlers and supply them with resources to take. I won't do that, though. Perhaps in 2 or 3 days I'll expand to a second village, but there are still other things I want to do in my main village--like build up my army so it can adequately defend itself.
It took me a few days of saving in order to spawn my second AFTER I thought I was ready. It's ok... Your second is useless if your main gets blown away.
In terms of Keeblers suggestion about the local "R.U." members, I'm inclined to atleast arrange a NAP until both me, Q, snehnesne and Fal Dara are ready to mount a reasonable attack - Backstabbing I know but..
In terms of Keeblers suggestion about the local "R.U." members, I'm inclined to atleast arrange a NAP until both me, Q, snehnesne and Fal Dara are ready to mount a reasonable attack - Backstabbing I know but..
If that's the plan, then let's simply not contact them. They're in no position to attack us.
You can't raid my resources if I can move them faster than you can attack
We interested?
Oh,and I vote yes. It would be nice to hear from him about tactics. Make sure he knows about these threads (specifically) and the rest of icrontic.com (generally).
Resistance is futile.
Screw it, it's open season on weak alliances at the powerbase.
/me goes to build scouts
But yeah, like Q said.
Did I mention Snake-Eyes has 15 wheat fields (a "15 cropper")?
It's like it was made for fielding an army.