System keep freezing even after reinstall

revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
edited August 2008 in Hardware
Hi, i think my pc has some severe problem.

Basically, it just freezes. firstly, firefox wont load any pages but i can still be talking to people on xfire (for like 20 mins later, so it is still connected). all my downloads will stop. Then firefox will become unresponsive, then the mouse will not move and the system completely freezes. I have reformatted 3 times now and it still randomly does this.

It does it on both Windows XP and Vista (both 32 bit).

Im pretty sure its not a heat problem as i have pretty good airflow although i have touched the motherboard heatsink and it does get extremely hot.

The PSU voltages are 12.03
and 3.31 i think.

RAM has been tested and works fine. Hard drive is in good shape, Graphics card is at stock speeds and very stable.

I often get a BSOD saying irql_not_less_or_equal

I'm guessing it has somthing to do with drivers.

I formatted 2 times today. First time gave me that BSOD then wouldnt boot (got stuck on the xp loading screen) this was after i had installed all updates.

i formatted it again and it has been fine although it has done the complete crash around 10 mins ago.

Please help. My pc is still in warrenty so getting new parts is an option.



  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Well, i've been trying to download steam client and the download goes for about a second, then it looses connection to the internet, xfire goes offline,pages wont load etc.
    Strangly, if i don't download i can surf the net for ages without loosing connection but the second i was to download somthing it looses connection.

    WHAT'S GOING ON? I'm going mad :(
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Pleeeaase help! I beg of you :(

    It just froze up again. I've had a look in event viewer and there is nothing.

    Crash happened at 11:51. I goto event viewer and there is no events from 11:48 till 11:52

    Please help. Is it the PSU?
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Right, taken a look at the voltages.
    Are as follows:
    Vcore: 1.34v

    Is my PSU the problem?
    Could this be temprature of my north bridge?

    Please help :(
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    I am concerned about this statement in your original post: "I'm pretty sure its not a heat problem as i have pretty good airflow although i have touched the motherboard heatsink and it does get extremely hot." "Freezing" can be traced to heat, RAM problems, overclocking, driver conflicts but your statement makes me think heat. "Extremely hot" to the touch bothers me. While terms mean different things to different people, "extremely hot" tells me you can't comfortably touch the heatsink. If that is true, that is too hot! I would remove your hsf, clear the thermal compound on both the core and the hsf, re-apply and remount the hsf making sure contact is good. Try your pc after this and see what you get. GL!
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Ok, will do, i have never applied themal paste before. I will try and get some arctic silver.

    Will doing this make my warrenty void?
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Ohh and this freezeing mainly happens if i leave the system idling or downloading. Do you recon that puts stress on the Northbridge, causeing it to heat up?

    I will do this reapply paste thing along with buy 2 more 120mm fans
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    Whoa, whoa, thing at at time. :) Troubleshooting is a step-by-step process and if you change too many things at once, you can never be sure what the problem is or was. Maybe I am confused. You say the processor hsf is "exremely hot" but yet you question the northbridge temp. I would suggest you leave the northbridge alone for now. Tell the forum more about your PC. If it is still covered under warranty, that is where you should start. Do you have any software that tells you your cpu temperature? If not, do you know how to enter the BIOS to check your cpu temperature?

    Oops! I didn't see your system specs until I looked again. Is this a custom build or store bought? Service under warranty is the issue here.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Erm, i did say motherboard heatsink, by that i mean the northbridge heatsink.

    My cpu heatsink and fan is fine.

    CPU is running at fine temps.
    around 37c to 45c under full load

    I will give my pc manufacturer a call tommorow, i bought it off ebay. Company had loads of good feed back so went for it.

    Do you think the problem could be PSU related?

    I did mean that the northbridge heatsink is too hot to touch, cpu is fine.
    GFX never goes above 50c

    I am pretty sure i have good airflow.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    just to modify what's already been said: 1) heat reduction is the first logical step, 2) yes, remove the theatsink - the northbridge heatsink, and reapply thermal paste

    These pastes are all top notch:

    Arctic Silver 5
    Arctic Silver Ceramique
    OCZ Freeze
    Tuniq TX-2

    If your NB sink is still hot to the touch (not just warm), then consider mounting a small fan on it. Some of the passive NB sinks installed on motherboards are just barely adequate, which can be inadequate if the computer case contains over-warmed air the front side bus is overclocked.
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    Sorry, my ISP went down for the better part of a day. Ok, cpu temps are okay. Northbridge heatsinks do get hot. Some much moreso than others. Follow Leonardo's recommendation next. You could also remove the side of the case and put a box fan blowing directly into the PC and see if it acts up like you described in your original post. If it doesn't, you have a heat problem that maybe fixable with a NB cooler. If it still acts up, you have another problem. GL!
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Hmmm, I am really not sure what this problem could be. Could it be caused by my wireless adapter overheating? I know it does overhat from time to time. I really don't know. My case has good positive airflow. I can just about touch the NB heatsink but it is very hot.

    It hasnt frozen for a day. I will let you know when it next freezes.

    I am also going to order 2 120mm fans.

    My case has 1x 120mm fan on side and 1x 80mm fan on side over cpu
    It also has 1x 80mm fan on the front and another 80mm on the back.
    The back of the case is also well ventilated and the front is very well ventilated.
    I also have a harddrive cooler.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    1 X 80 as an exhaust on the back
    1 X 80 as an intake in the front
    1 X120 on the side?

    That is a really strange configuration. Usually, the most import fan is the rear exhaust. Evacuating hot air is the most important part of the air flow cycle.

    What will you do with the two new 120mm fans? You can pump plenty of fresh air on the motherboard and CPU fan, but if it can't be exhausted from the case fast enough, it won't make much difference.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2008
    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is a hardware error when a device does not respond to the IRQ it was on, and it did not switch to a lower one. When you bluescreen again, post the associated application. It'll say this near the bottom of the screen, sometimes it'll be a .dll or an .exe, so let's have that.

    I've already got a few ideas of what's causing it, but do me that little favor to confirm it.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    I have a 80mm on the side and a 120mm on the side, 80mm on the front and a 80mm on the back.

    Erm last time i got a BSOD is said somthing like wgt11.sys which i know is related to my wireless adapter.

    My system froze yesterday. First lost connection to the internet, then i tried to shut it down but it froze on the shutdown screen.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    revorocks wrote:
    I have a 80mm on the side and a 120mm on the side, 80mm on the front and a 80mm on the back.

    Erm last time i got a BSOD is said somthing like wgt11.sys which i know is related to my wireless adapter.

    My system froze yesterday. First lost connection to the internet, then i tried to shut it down but it froze on the shutdown screen.

    When i say somthing like i dont mean that is the actual name, im just going by memory.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008

    i found the name of the thing in the BSOD

    Its called WG11TND5.sys

    that comes up in IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

    Hope this helps.

    As for my fan layout, should i move my 120mm to the back and have 2 80mm on the side and 1 80mm on the front.
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    Your wifi USB adapter may be faulty. Remove it and try connecting to the modem/router with a cable.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2008
    Oh yeah, USB wireless adapters are terrible for long-term network connectivity. If it's a desktop, sacrifice a PCI port to a wireless card, or just run some Cat5 cable.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Right about 10 mins ago, my system froze up again. First lost connection to internet, then froze.

    I did power reset and then it wouldnt boot, it just got stuck on loading windows with the blue bar and wouldnt go any further.

    I tried another reset but only had the same problem.

    i then unplugged my wireless adapter to let it cool down, 10 mins later i plugged it back in and my system booted fine.

    I don't really understand IRQ's but could this be because my wireless adapter uses a IRQ, once it overheats, it cant switch IRQ's for other things to use it so then my system wont boot. Is that right?

    I will try to source a PCI wireless card because my parents will not have cat5 running along the house.

    When he has time my dad will run one up through the wall.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2008
    IRQ is Interrupt Request. Devices use IRQ's to basically address themselves. You know, like apartments.

    If the device is overheating, you need to do something about that, like make a heat exchanger, or open the plastic case(Which voids your warranty, but I had to do on my SMC wireless adapter when I go to a LAN.)
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    OK then, its around 2 years old anyway so im not bothered about its warrenty, ill open it up and see if i can make some sort of heatsink or put it near a fan.

    Recently, well today infact, i have it running next to a fan, it doesnt get too hot anymore but i lost my connection to the internet, then my pc froze again (mouse doesnt move).

    im pretty sure my wireless didnt overheat. this generally happens when im surfing on the net. i was playing gmod for around an hour, i went on the internet to look at somthing and it lost connection after about a minute.

    Ill open it up but if it isnt it overheating what could it be?
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2008
    Try using something other than that wireless adapter please. Find another one, bum one from a mate, get some Cat5, anything.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited July 2008
    Right, well, ive been using a different wireless adapter for about 2 days now.

    At first, it seemed fine, hasn't had this problem with disconnecting so far, but..

    I was playing on css and after about an hour, it suddenly crashed, music looping, and it had strange lines and funny pixels. i could still move my mouse though, i watched this for about 20 seconds, then the music advanced to 2 seconds after where it was looping and continued to loop again. After another 10 seconds, my mouse froze and i reset the computer.

    No information is in event view, it says the event log service was stopped.

    Im pretty sure my graphics card didnt overheat. Ive played crysis and run artifact scans for hours and its fine. never goes above 60c.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited July 2008
    Like, what kind of lines...lines straight across the screen, and inverted pixels, or lines in spots that go for about 10-20% of the screen and brightly colored pixels?
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    This could also be an overheating problem.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited August 2008
    or lines in spots that go for about 10-20% of the screen and brightly colored pixels

    like that, like some large purple pixels made of about 20 real pixels on my moniter
    the purple ones where rectangular going down
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited August 2008
    here, i took a pic of it.
  • Your-Amish-DaddyYour-Amish-Daddy The heart of Texas
    edited August 2008
    God..I know EXACTLY what that is.. IF it does it the same way every time.

    Congratulations on the dead video card. Looks like the die fused. It's losing track of what goes where about half-way down.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited August 2008
    Yep. Dead video card.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited August 2008

    you serious? I can still play css and crysis on it fine. that is the first time its happened. I will let you know if it happens again though.
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