Social Media overtakes Porn on the web?
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
According to Bill Tancer's new book "Click: What Millions of People are Doing Online and Why It Matters", social media sites have overtaken porn searches on the interwebs... Continue reading
But, relating to this article, people are trolling the social sites for pr0n.
I think the results are skewed mostly because using Google to find porn will just get you a bunch of spyware, thus disabling your system, and stopping you from searching for more porn.
I know exactly how you feel, it's the weirdest ****ing thing and I can't understand it one bit.
1) Unless you don't use the site daily, or you need to use tens or hundreds of sites even for work use, not to mention free time usage, you just might not remember the exact url address of the site. Domain extension might be com, net, org, or country code, and if the name consists of two or more words, you never remember whether there are hyphens or what.
2) It is easier to write just one word instead of the whole url.
3) Usually the main page of the site is not the page you like to go. For example, if the site has country-specific pages, google offers first your home country.
When you have google as the home page, it is so easy: just click home, write one word, and then click where you need to go.
But of course, the next person to reply has a brilliant nerdy reason why this still can't be understood...
Your example one is just basic searching. Other people pointed out that people are using Google to get to sites they're quite familiar with.
However, I was talking about understanding such a behaviour, and listed some reasons, which you missed or skipped because they were not important to you.
- ctrl+enter produces dot com. What if the domain is net, org, or some country code?
If you are not forced to use Explorer, Firefox has shortcuts for org and net, but how about country codes then?
And remembering domain extensions is another thing.
BTW, this Google-discussion started from an example where a father typed "utube" when he was supposed to go to youtube. Obviously the father did not even know it was "youtube" and not "utube". BTWBTW, I'm not THAT father...
- Usually the main page is not the page you are going to.
I'm also fairly certain I read your post in its entirety.
I was standing over his shoulder gritting my teeth the entire time he was doing it. I wanted to see what his way of using the internet would bring up, and sure enough, Google was smart enough to display YouTube as the first result. Still, seeing the inefficiency with which my dad browses the web really did get to me.
But of course, your interpretation of the discussion is better than mine because I don't know you at all, so I'm not able to see the underlying meaning.
Anyway, in this matter I'm defensive only with regard to the rationality of the reasoning. I do not personally use Google for accessing familiar sites.
But you are right about me enjoying: I love to argue, and also I'm practising my english (as you see I'm far from native english speaker).
Sorry about making you as collateral damage of my hobbies
Welcome to Icrontic. I hope you stick around.
Thanks for getting Thrax a "ding." He enjoys that!
And, speaking of The Thrax: That's pretty cool! new to me