Leo busts 30 mil. in the teeth

Leonardo just went through 30 million like a cheap hooker. Worse part is his ppd keeps going up:eek3:. If we don't watch him he is going to be doing 100k a day, just like a 3rd of the points for the team. Good job man!
Maybe it's about time you get your own icon too! Hehe
thank you.
Hey guys, what can we do to revive interest in [EMAIL="Folding@Home"]Folding@Home[/EMAIL] and Team 93? There, I said it. It used to be such a driving force here at Icrontic. You would think that Folding was a fashion and had fallen out of favor. Far be it from such. The project is becoming bigger and more potent all the time.
I suppose I should open a new thread for this. Well, then, I shall. HERE