Good NEWS for Team Short-Media!!!
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
If we keep up the good work, we will be pulling further ahead of the Folding Frogs instead of them getting closer and closer to us.... Yesterday we scored higher in dailly production than they did:
Here are some stats from Statsman for Jan 12, 2004:
<table bgcolor="CCFCFC" border="1">
<tr><td>Team#</td><td>Total Members</td><td>Active Members</td><td>%Active</td><td>Team Name</td><td>Points\Day</td><td>WU\Day</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>977</td><td>226</td><td>23.1</td><td>Team Short-Media</td><td>30,672.43</td><td>6,517.98</td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>925</td><td>256</td><td>27.7</td><td> Folding Team</td><td>29,662.12</td><td>6,349.10</td></tr></table>
John-- wishing us all to keep on working at folding and to draw ahead more over time.... FOLD ON!!!!!!!!
Here are some stats from Statsman for Jan 12, 2004:
<table bgcolor="CCFCFC" border="1">
<tr><td>Team#</td><td>Total Members</td><td>Active Members</td><td>%Active</td><td>Team Name</td><td>Points\Day</td><td>WU\Day</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>977</td><td>226</td><td>23.1</td><td>Team Short-Media</td><td>30,672.43</td><td>6,517.98</td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>925</td><td>256</td><td>27.7</td><td> Folding Team</td><td>29,662.12</td><td>6,349.10</td></tr></table>
John-- wishing us all to keep on working at folding and to draw ahead more over time.... FOLD ON!!!!!!!!
John is gonna keep a daily tally and update his post each day.. so lets keep an eye.. and see how we do !
Very Good!!! Happy it is sorted out.
I have one farm with 10 computers (P4 1.6 or 1.8, I forget), that have multiple user logins and the client doesn't stay running unless the computer is rebooted. Once I add the -service switch, it should kick out a LOT more points.....
There is no color as lightGray so I made it white for now.
Geeky, is their alot of benefit of updating to 4.0? Cos I have one machine still running 3.24, should I update?
mmonnin, on my system it shows up as a light gray background, about 25% gray fill... From the website. Yes, there is such a websafe color as lightGray. It is a W3C CSS2 spec that can be used inline, comes out as #CCCCCC (used without pound sign on this site) equivalent approximately. I will change it back, or try for a lightBlueGreen-- settled on CCFCFC for now. It shows up as a light gray when you have 24 bit true color on a Linux box, or 32 bit color on a Windows box. Opera and Mozilla can parse it, IE does not know the W3C color values well, so what color did it show up for you???. If white, it is an IE thing or a color depth setting on your monitor.
VB3 knows W3C color specs for all websafe colors, and there are 4 websafe gray specs(white and black excepted) that can be speced with color values, websafe steps colors in units of a 33 increment. I will run stats noon to noon, EST until time changes, will be from noon update on statsman at GMT -5:00 as that was what I started with.
Move the whole program subtree to the All Users\Start Menu\Startup\ folder within the Documents and Settings folder. It then runs under all users, and runs even if the system is in a logged out state. If you stick it in as admin, (and leave in admin user subfolder) it runs only as admin. You can also run it with admin privileges (properties dialogs for the executable's icon) and hide the taskbar icon if you want, using the taskbar config dialogs. If you run it as a service, set the service on automatic in the service properties dialogs which comes up in the system management console|services subsection and then to get the automatic you doubleclick the service and change from manual to automatic as admin and then make sure that as above it is runs as an admin service by telling the executable's icon to run as admin.
ATM, the only problem I am having with the graphical client is when the log file hits max size while client is running-- core and client exit, neither client nor core can write to file as it is over max size and that appears to be hard coded-- when client is restarted, the filled file becomes FAHlog-Prev.txt and the FAHlog.txt file is restarted anew. Max file size is typically about 87 K for some reason, should be MUCH larger. This also happens in Linux client. Saving off the log file to a renamed file with the client off, every 24-36 hours, fixes that. If you can batch hits, let me know how, please, manually playing with file names once every day is getting to be a PITA.
Maybe you didn't read my post fully.. The service works. It's the client that has the problem. When you switch users, or have multiple logins/logouts throughout the day, the service still runs. The core is still running, it shows up in the process list, HOWEVER, it's doing nothing. I think maybe it's a bug in the client. If you stop the service and restart, it works again. If you reboot (thus stopping and starting the service), it works. I'm hoping the -service switch and the upgrade to the 4.0 client will fix this problem.
What 4.0 gets you is several things:
First, a bigger proportion of Gromacs WUs than 3.24 or 3.25 got. The thing to keep in mind here is also partly how old the machine is and whether it is an Athlon, a Barton, or a PIII or up. Those boxes will get most out of the new WUs and clients as the tuning that was done also uses more modern assembly optimizations and more advanced vector processsing. Boxes that have CPUs with SSE2 implemented in processor, or the equivalent, and are moderately OC'd, will do best. I get 1.3 times the weekly pooints I got with the 3.24 client, but these are WUs that need the modern porcessors to get the most gain.
Second, if you delete your CORES and leave your pending WU work, the new client will pull down a Core_78 of a new release version (release version 1.55), and you will getmore work that uses that core. The Core_65 work is Tinker work. Modern processors actually do about 1\4 the point throughput with a Tinker than with a Gromacs. Older boxes (AMD K6-2 and K6-3 and PIIs and down) will have a radically different ratio, more in favor of Tinkers.
So, think about how old the CPU in box is, whether or not it has more than 256 MB of RAM, and whether it only folds or not, especially if you use a graphical client.
Yes, for boxes with components mfr'd in last 3-4 years, you will get reasonable to substantial benefits from switching. How much is dependent upon how new the CPU and how FAST the RAM is, adn whether you get huge Wus or not to a degree. If you leave the new client running for weeks at a time, you will find you get smaller WUs if your box is slower, but most will be Gromacs WUs these days. I am getting WUs with project codes that used to relate to Tinker 6 months ago, as new Gromacs Betas. My Barton and my P4 both like them, and I have had feedback from folks with PIIIs getting more points also. A HD of UDMA 4 or better grade and a chipset that supports same, will make the benefits more obvious, by a small percentage.
The biggest Gromacs I have gotten unarchive to over 6 MB each(archived, they are about 1.2 MB-- expansion out of archive is about 5X), into RAM. The smaller (and newer) Gromacs ones unarchive to about 4 MB each(archived they are about .9 to 1.1 MB each-- expansion out of archive is about 4X). These are bigger than Tinkers are. Then you need work space for the client and core. My linux box grabs and holds almost 96 MB for new client and core, which is why I say 256 MB recommended for this new client and core pair, plus O\S, if you want to do anything else. XP needs about 128 MB to load and recommends 256 MB. So, if you want to run XP on an older box, I would use 512 MB as a better recommended figure as the client and core pairs run best in RAM all the time, and RAM is one heck of a lot faster than HD swapping.
John--not meaning to butt in, but have looked at some details that might help you and others to judge when and if to upgrade.
I've also built a 3rd box today, nf7-s, running win2k, overclocked to 2ghz and the first thing installed (& probably the only thing that will be installed) was graphical client 4.0. :celebrate
<tr><td>Team#</td><td>Total Members</td><td>Active Members</td><td>%Active</td><td>Team Name</td><td>Total Pts\WK</td><td>Total Points\Day</td></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>1,809 </td><td>366</td><td>20.2</td><td>Ars Technica Team Egg Roll</td><td>218,211.41</td><td>32,550.00</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>977</td><td>225</td><td>23.0</td><td>Team Short-Media</td><td>185,024.61</td><td>28,690.00</td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>926</td><td>256</td><td>27.6</td><td> Folding Team</td><td>186,866.88</td><td>26,724.54</td></tr>
If you install the 4.0 client however that has been taken care of except now if you want to use SSE boost you use the -forcesse flag instead.
So with 4.0 use -advmethods to request gromacs and -forcesse to use SSE boost and your performance will sore. If -forcesse causes problems (like wu's stopping and sending early) then just omit -forcesse.