Sorry I was late guys, didn't get back from San Francisco until 8PM PST. Had a fun few rounds with those that were still going though.
I'm in again next week.
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
edited April 2011
Guys, I'm not gonna be able to make it next week, opening night for the play I'm in is next Friday, so we're going to be doing hardcore practice every night next week.
You've been invited to Lauren Faust's studio for lunch. This is the most exciting moment of your life, something you've wanted to do for the greater part of a decade. Upon arrival there is MLP stuff EVERYWHERE to look at and play with, the creative dudes are swirling all around the room, creativity, inspiration, happiness is flowing from every inch. You can immerse yourself in the world of MLP, ask any question you want to the many artists who work directly with the IP, and buy exclusive MLP memorabilia. This is your only chance to do this.
Yeah, that was a lot of fun. I haven't had a blast playing TF2 in so long. Weezer and Piggeh! People were getting stabbed and sniped left and right. Just like old times.
TF2 has been one of the best Icrontic community-building tools that has ever existed. It's very special to us.
You're welcome Enjoy.
I'll be on with you guys as often as possible.
I remember playing straight through from 7 Eastern til 2 or 3 with a full server...
I'm in again next week.
Because playing with Buzz Lightyear all day is.
....You actually think otherwise???? Are you nuts?
You've been invited to Lauren Faust's studio for lunch. This is the most exciting moment of your life, something you've wanted to do for the greater part of a decade. Upon arrival there is MLP stuff EVERYWHERE to look at and play with, the creative dudes are swirling all around the room, creativity, inspiration, happiness is flowing from every inch. You can immerse yourself in the world of MLP, ask any question you want to the many artists who work directly with the IP, and buy exclusive MLP memorabilia. This is your only chance to do this.
So you do.
My feelings on mlp nowadays;
EDIT: Installed in 1 hour 25 minutes and ready to go. Lets see how long until I rage quit.
Had a full server for a couple hours. Good times.