Red Dead Redemption
So is anyone else excited about this game? I am definitely picking it up for XBox 360. has a $20 GC if you purchase through them (plus we can use the Icrontic affiliate link to throw a bit of it back to Brian and Matt) and you get the Golden Guns pack. This game looks awesome and the multiplayer sounds pretty incredible. An entirely open game world to ride your horses around in and have running gun battles, etc. Sounds good to me!! Posse up!!
For anyone that doesn't know about the game, its GTA in the Wild West, with an entirely open map twice the size of GTA: San Andreas.
I'm in when it hits PC.
Same here..I'm going to jump on this like a bum on a ham sandwich !
Yeah that could be a problem. But conceptually the rollers in Borderlands actually behave quite a bit like how a horse maneuvers so if riding is similar to that, that's a good base level. Ideally if horse riding was as effective as it is in Mount and Blade that would be nearly perfect.
I mean, it looks good enough, and it's an underutilized setting, but that's about it. *shrug* :|
Seriously though, who does not love westerns?
I dunno. They're cool, just don't do anything special for me. I still may investigate this. A 95 average on Metacritic indicates something should be experienced, at least.
You don't so much play the game as you walk around in it and experience what's going on.
Gee, thanks for making the long wait for this to come out on PC even harder.
It took the Steam release about 6 months after the release of EOLC on Xbox, if the same schedule holds, damn its going to be a long ass wait.
Some of my more interesting non-main quest exploits have been trying to help a guy save his friend from being lynched. That didn't come out so well. I cut down the guys trying to hang him, but his horse spooked and he didn't make it.
Next I ran across a farmer who's daughter was kidnapped by some bandits holding up at a hideout. We killed all the bandits but I wasn't fast enough to save the daughter.
I was beseeched by a mother to save her some from some hill people. I found the son. Well more accurately his shoe and his thigh bone.
I was playing Bounty Hunter and tracking down a criminal, when I heard a call for help from a treasure hunter. The treasure hunter was being attacked by other bandits then the group I was tracking down. I shot up the other bandits but the Treasure Hunter took off (I was going to persuade him to give me his treasure map). The gunfight spooked the guy I bounty I was after and he took off, but his crew stayed behind to shoot me up. So when the dust settled, I was left with no treasure map, no bounty and just a half dozen dead bodies that I looted about $20 off of. Then a pack of coyotes showed up, drawn in by the smell of all the dead and they attacked me.
Next I was wondering around and found some old lady who was all pissy because her fiance didn't show up to get married. So I agreed to help her and that lead me back to a nearby town to look for him. Turns out the guy died like 20yrs ago, but to find that out I had to hog tie this guys wife that was threatening to leave him. I probably could have just bribed him for the info. But I was in a hog tying mood and wasn't about to take any back talk from some women. Specially since the previous incident had left me in a foul mood.
And that all happened in about 2 1/2hrs of play.
MGS: Guns of the Patriots and this.
Just don't know if 2 games and BluRay is enough to justify 300$. Maybe if they still had the install other OS option... *grumble*