My ETF2L username is Preacher; Rex is rexxar95.
Having learned the VERY HARD way at EPIC 2010, playing organized TF2 requires extensive coordinatio among the group. First Question is...who were the first 9 to respond or do we go with who plays on IC the most?!?!?! I would expect that list to be the primary group.
However, I would vote for the following primary class layout based on what I know, as in, who owned me and the server when I was playing:
Cuz you f****d with the wrong thread! You half way volunteered yourself. We will again have to assume by this new post that you do not want to play?
Preach, Thank you for the help. I have been sending out PMs to everyone and recruiting on FB and IRC (soon to Tweet) to make sure anyone that may be interested but doesn't come to the forum very often has a chance to get in. Without Koreish we have room for 3 more peeps to step up and be awesome with us.
I like that list but I want everyone to understand that we are doing this for fun. I'm going to do my best (as I hope everyone will) but as long as we have fun, I don't mind losing. I want everyone on the team to have a chance to play... earn their Participation Medal. Keeping this train of thought I believe that Foxy K (as he stepped up first) should be our first game Spy and Rex would then step in on the second game. Same sitch with Shwaip and Zebie.
Per the rules, once we register we will be put into a group of 5 teams and our first round will be playing the other 4 teams in our group. I hope it works out that everyone is able to play in at least 2 games.
I would like everyone to check into this thread (even a comment "Hey, I'm still in, I understand everything you have stated") at least once every couple of days to keep a line of communication for the team. I need to know that each and every one of you understand what we are expected of on Game Day (ie: you know how to record a demo and email it if needed) All official info will be sent via PMs, you might want to make sure you have email notifications turned on to make sure you are kept in the loop.
One more Tiny thing: I mentioned this to Canti in IRC yesterday so I figure I'll tell everyone, For being on the team I have a little something for each of you. I'll be asking you to PM me your shipping address so I can send that out once the tourney is over.
Rock On Everyone. I hope to see you all tomorrow for LOEI.
GAME1 is Sept 12th, Put it on your calendar, add it to your phone, create a reminder, tattoo it to your hand.
Keeping this train of thought I believe that Foxy K (as he stepped up first) should be our first game Spy and Rex would then step in on the second game. Same sitch with Shwaip and Zebie....
Bobby (and Foxy K),
My apologies. Foxy K did beat Rex to volunteer so it is only fair that he would be first. I thought I had reserved a spot, but I was unclear and Rex took a while to confirm it. As for Shwaip and Koreish, they seemed less than sure which is why I went with the other names. Whatever is cool...I agree that we are in for style points and fun.
1. I'll be honest when I first posted this I did not expect to get the response it has. I am so Freakin' Excited about this you have no idea. I honestly deeply appreciate each and every one of you joining the team. As Preacher mentioned organizing these sort of things is not easy so please forgive me if I give you too much info. I am trying to keep the PM's to a minimum, I'm trying hard not to get annoying.
2. I'm a bit worried about and in general giving "502:Bad Gateway" errors. Been this way for the last 48 hours at least. I can't memorize the rules if I can't get to them!
This procedure will create a short demo on a private server.
1. Start Team Fortress 2.
2. In options, ensure that the developer console is enabled.
* On the main menu, choose Options.
* On the Keyboard tab, click Advanced.
* Place a checkmark in Enable developer console.
3. Create a server
* On the main menu, click Create Server.
* On the Server tab, choose any desired map such as ctf_2fort.
* On the Game tab, set the Server password to prevent other players from joining during this test.
* Click Start.
4. Once the map loads, recording may begin.
* Choose a team and character class as normal, such as a Blu Scout.
* After spawning, open the developer console. The default key is ~ (tilde).
* On the console's command line, enter record demotest. This will record the demo to a file called demotest.dem.
* The game is now recording.
o Close the console.
o Walk outside of your spawn area and jump and move about.
o Use a taunt. While taunting, look at the character from different perspectives.
o If the character is a Soldier or Demoman, use explosives to suicide.
5. After recording for a suitable period of time, stop recording.
* Open the console.
* On the command line, enter stop. Note: disconnecting from a game while recording a demo will also stop recording.
* The console will return the total time and frames recorded.
This is great practice, once we are on the server for our matches you will just start at #4 until the end of the match. Tomorrow night at LOEI will be a great time to practice this if you are not familiar with the procedure. Again each and every one of us who plays in the matches will be required to create a demo. This is so if needed, the admins can check for cheating.
3: What do you guys think of creating a Steam group for us to keep in touch through Steam? If you are not already a member of Icrontic's steam group, make that happen by messaging Primesuspect on IC or on Steam for an invite, tell him Digi sent ya.
Our friend Shwaip had to bow out gracefully. He's still awesome, no lynching ok guys?
So our current first game (September 12th) lineup is this:
1. Digi - Engi
2. Cola - Sniper
3. _K - Soldier
4. Beartato - Demo
5. Canti - Scout
6. Preacher - Medic
7. Foxy K - Spy
8. CannonFodder - Heavy
9. Portzebie - Pyro
10. Rexxar
11. Pacifisto
If you are available this Sunday at Game Time (11AM-12:30PM Los Angeles Time PDT = 2PM-3:30PM Detroit Time EST) Please hop on the IC server. I'm going to try to be there, but can not guarantee. I would like you guys to play in small groups if possible to get used to playing with each other. For example we should feel out how Preach plays Medic and how everyone else likes their Ãœber popped. If you can't make it, not a big deal, have a great day anyways, maybe we will see you on next Wednesday?
IMPORTANT: If you have not already registered for a ETF2L account and tied it to your steam account, please do so ASAP. I will be registering our team next week and will need that done. Thanks!
Finally any further thoughts on a team name? We going with LOEI?
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
If I'm looking at this right we have to challenge another team or be challenged after our team is registered is this correct or are we assigned matches?
I believe that is only the case for the Highlander Ladder, which we can participate in before the coming tournament. I think we are assigned matches for the real deal.
Also, while it is a wee bit disingenuous, I would recommend we remove the ICs from our name and try to play on the same team. It will hide the clan-stacking. We may also want to consider turning off All-Talk or doing Ventrilo or Skype.
My ETF2L username is Preacher; Rex is rexxar95.
Having learned the VERY HARD way at EPIC 2010, playing organized TF2 requires extensive coordinatio among the group. First Question is...who were the first 9 to respond or do we go with who plays on IC the most?!?!?! I would expect that list to be the primary group.
However, I would vote for the following primary class layout based on what I know, as in, who owned me and the server when I was playing:
1. Digi - Engi
2. Cola - Sniper
3. _K - Soldier
4. Beartato - Demo
5. Canti - Scout
6. Preacher - Medic
7. Rexxar - Spy
8. CannonFodder - Heavy
9. Portzebie - Pyro
10. Foxy K - ? (Spy / Sniper / Heavy)
11. Shwaip - Pyro
12. Koreish - Spy
As for team name and tag, I concur with the League Of Extraordinary Icrontians and {IC} before our names. Why mess with success?!
Cuz you f****d with the wrong thread!
Preach, Thank you for the help. I have been sending out PMs to everyone and recruiting on FB and IRC (soon to Tweet) to make sure anyone that may be interested but doesn't come to the forum very often has a chance to get in. Without Koreish we have room for 3 more peeps to step up and be awesome with us.
I like that list but I want everyone to understand that we are doing this for fun. I'm going to do my best (as I hope everyone will) but as long as we have fun, I don't mind losing. I want everyone on the team to have a chance to play... earn their Participation Medal. Keeping this train of thought I believe that Foxy K (as he stepped up first) should be our first game Spy and Rex would then step in on the second game. Same sitch with Shwaip and Zebie.
Per the rules, once we register we will be put into a group of 5 teams and our first round will be playing the other 4 teams in our group. I hope it works out that everyone is able to play in at least 2 games.
I would like everyone to check into this thread (even a comment "Hey, I'm still in, I understand everything you have stated") at least once every couple of days to keep a line of communication for the team. I need to know that each and every one of you understand what we are expected of on Game Day (ie: you know how to record a demo and email it if needed) All official info will be sent via PMs, you might want to make sure you have email notifications turned on to make sure you are kept in the loop.
One more Tiny thing: I mentioned this to Canti in IRC yesterday so I figure I'll tell everyone, For being on the team I have a little something for each of you. I'll be asking you to PM me your shipping address so I can send that out once the tourney is over.
GAME1 is Sept 12th, Put it on your calendar, add it to your phone, create a reminder, tattoo it to your hand.
Bobby (and Foxy K),
My apologies. Foxy K did beat Rex to volunteer so it is only fair that he would be first. I thought I had reserved a spot, but I was unclear and Rex took a while to confirm it. As for Shwaip and Koreish, they seemed less than sure which is why I went with the other names. Whatever is cool...I agree that we are in for style points and fun.
Addendum: My username is Pacifisto.
Yes! Welcome to the Team! I'll trow you a PM with more info.
Edit noted :-P
What classes do you enjoy playing?
1. I'll be honest when I first posted this I did not expect to get the response it has. I am so Freakin' Excited about this you have no idea. I honestly deeply appreciate each and every one of you joining the team. As Preacher mentioned organizing these sort of things is not easy so please forgive me if I give you too much info. I am trying to keep the PM's to a minimum, I'm trying hard not to get annoying.
2. I'm a bit worried about and in general giving "502:Bad Gateway" errors. Been this way for the last 48 hours at least. I can't memorize the rules if I can't get to them!
What I was going on there to look up is their walkthrough of Demo Recording. Turns out has quite a good one in their wiki:
This is great practice, once we are on the server for our matches you will just start at #4 until the end of the match. Tomorrow night at LOEI will be a great time to practice this if you are not familiar with the procedure. Again each and every one of us who plays in the matches will be required to create a demo. This is so if needed, the admins can check for cheating.
3: What do you guys think of creating a Steam group for us to keep in touch through Steam? If you are not already a member of Icrontic's steam group, make that happen by messaging Primesuspect on IC or on Steam for an invite, tell him Digi sent ya.
I suppose I should have specified but I thought it was implied Bagfoot MacKenzie is Cola's roommate.
And I would like to play I just can't.
It's all good, thank you for clarifying. I was unaware that Cola and Bagfoot were roommates. Bagfoot indeed would bring even more comedy to the team.
Maybe we will see you on the server tonight though?
Happy LOEIWednesday everyone!
[me]* Canti can't tell if trollin'[/me]
8/10 for both of you.
Glad my new laptop came today
Our friend Shwaip had to bow out gracefully. He's still awesome, no lynching ok guys?
So our current first game (September 12th) lineup is this:
1. Digi - Engi
2. Cola - Sniper
3. _K - Soldier
4. Beartato - Demo
5. Canti - Scout
6. Preacher - Medic
7. Foxy K - Spy
8. CannonFodder - Heavy
9. Portzebie - Pyro
10. Rexxar
11. Pacifisto
If you are available this Sunday at Game Time (11AM-12:30PM Los Angeles Time PDT = 2PM-3:30PM Detroit Time EST) Please hop on the IC server. I'm going to try to be there, but can not guarantee. I would like you guys to play in small groups if possible to get used to playing with each other. For example we should feel out how Preach plays Medic and how everyone else likes their Ãœber popped. If you can't make it, not a big deal, have a great day anyways, maybe we will see you on next Wednesday?
IMPORTANT: If you have not already registered for a ETF2L account and tied it to your steam account, please do so ASAP. I will be registering our team next week and will need that done. Thanks!
Finally any further thoughts on a team name? We going with LOEI?
From the other side:
(CST) Central Standard Time is 1 hours behind (EDT) Eastern Daylight Time.. and so 2 PM EDT is 1 PM CST
And uh, I can be a backup too if you like.
Sorry Pacifisto, My copy paste skillz have failed me. Post edited. You (and Rex) will be backup for Game one and Starter in game two.
If anyone can not make the game on September 12th Please speak up now so we can work with that.
Log into TF2 and join a server
Press ~ to being up the console
type Status
The number after STEAM_ is your Steam ID. It will be in the format of X:X:XXXXXXXX (For example mine is 0:0:17069763)
BTW: ID there is IC_CannonFodder.
I wish I didn't have such a common name.
Also, while it is a wee bit disingenuous, I would recommend we remove the ICs from our name and try to play on the same team. It will hide the clan-stacking. We may also want to consider turning off All-Talk or doing Ventrilo or Skype.