Also, it isn't about what you want or don't want, this is about what other people have a choice to drink or not. My tiny bit of libertarian is showing, but I fully support people's ability to choose to drink/eat/smoke things that are directly or indirectly, or cumulatively or otherwise, harmful for you, presuming they are aware of the effects and the product does not break any laws (laws being the will of the people, so there are laws, such as those in the agriculture industry which prevent farms from legally selling raw milk or processing their own livestock, which are not necessarily the will of the people and should be changed)
"Blue Raspberry definitely does not taste like raspberry. Hell, it doesn’t even taste like anything blue, with the possible exception of 2000 Flushes. Put simply, Four Loko Blue Raspberry is abhorrent and I can only imagine that these cans are filled by a long assembly line of Smurfs vomiting."
Saw an interesting piece relating to this on Rachel Maddow Show today. The FDA put out a warning to makers of these beverages today saying that their products are considered "dangerous" which is assumed to be a sign that they will be forcing them to pull it from the shelves in the near future. The main problem, apparently, isn't so much the mix of booze and caffeine but rather the AMOUNT of booze. One can of most of these beverages has the same amount of alcohol as an entire bottle of wine. The caffeine plays in because it (allegedly) causes your brain to not register how drunk you are getting as it normally would. This adds up to people drinking way more than they realize and ending up giving themselves alcohol poisoning.
Am I saying I agree with this? Not really... I'm a fan of personal liberty (and also Darwinism) and think that anyone dumb enough to drink themselves to death is better off doing it and improving the gene pool. I was just throwing this out there. Also, for those of you that are interested, here's the Maddow clip:
This shit is an investment now. Buy them for 3-4 dollars now and in a week or two you can sell it back to all the crazy kids that want it for a profit.
I went and got some Sparks before they got pulled from the shelf, its the only alcoholic energy drink I can withstand and having them on the boat is amazing. Also, Sparks is only half the alcohol content of Four Loko and some of the other disputed drinks.
This shit is an investment now. Buy them for 3-4 dollars now and in a week or two you can sell it back to all the crazy kids that want it for a profit.
Currently, IrishinFL and I are getting goddamn wasted on Four Loko and Joose. We were both sober when we started, just got out of class for the day.
1 hour 30 minutes in and we are just done with one can each (Joose for me, Four Loko for Jake (irishinFL)) and its bad. Real bad. Jake has gone to get another can of another flavor for both of us. This stuff is amazing: its horrible tasting, my stomach hurts, but goddamn am I completely fucked up off one can.
I fully expect to be sick as shit before I finish the second round, but I like to think of this as doing the public a favor in understanding just how much a moderate drunk (such as myself or irishinFL) can drink of this stuff before its too much.
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
Ok, so that was very interesting. One can was about all we could take, tried drinking a second and didn't make it a quarter of the way through before stopping. I could've kept going but it would not have ended well.
Anybody who drinks more than one can of this stuff or drinks other types of alcoholic drinks is insane and deserves what happens to them.
Also, it isn't about what you want or don't want, this is about what other people have a choice to drink or not. My tiny bit of libertarian is showing, but I fully support people's ability to choose to drink/eat/smoke things that are directly or indirectly, or cumulatively or otherwise, harmful for you, presuming they are aware of the effects and the product does not break any laws (laws being the will of the people, so there are laws, such as those in the agriculture industry which prevent farms from legally selling raw milk or processing their own livestock, which are not necessarily the will of the people and should be changed)
"Blue Raspberry definitely does not taste like raspberry. Hell, it doesn’t even taste like anything blue, with the possible exception of 2000 Flushes. Put simply, Four Loko Blue Raspberry is abhorrent and I can only imagine that these cans are filled by a long assembly line of Smurfs vomiting."
Coffee, Baileys Irish cream and Jameson whiskey. Hot tasty drink, perfect for the cold weather
Am I saying I agree with this? Not really... I'm a fan of personal liberty (and also Darwinism) and think that anyone dumb enough to drink themselves to death is better off doing it and improving the gene pool. I was just throwing this out there. Also, for those of you that are interested, here's the Maddow clip:
<param name="movie" value="" /><param name="FlashVars" value="launch=40246053&width=420&height=245" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed name="msnbc5d9a22" src="" width="420" height="245" FlashVars="launch=40246053&width=420&height=245" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></object><p style="font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 420px;">Visit for <a style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;" href="">breaking news</a>, <a href="" style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">world news</a>, and <a href="" style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;">news about the economy</a></p>
If they're that concerned about the high alcohol content, move it to the liquor aisle, where everything there is at least 20%, and some are 70%+.
this is a man with a plan. +rep
1 hour 30 minutes in and we are just done with one can each (Joose for me, Four Loko for Jake (irishinFL)) and its bad. Real bad. Jake has gone to get another can of another flavor for both of us. This stuff is amazing: its horrible tasting, my stomach hurts, but goddamn am I completely fucked up off one can.
I fully expect to be sick as shit before I finish the second round, but I like to think of this as doing the public a favor in understanding just how much a moderate drunk (such as myself or irishinFL) can drink of this stuff before its too much.
Stay strong out there, man!
Make sure this happens before you lose consciousness.
1.25 cans down...a;sdf;gjbsdflkhsd g'jdf
Anybody who drinks more than one can of this stuff or drinks other types of alcoholic drinks is insane and deserves what happens to them.