"A mode of transportation: The play area will be Metro Detroit, and you’ll need a vehicle to get around" - requires hooking up with someone willing to drive all over Detroit, limits those flying in.
"A four person team." gotta organize a team, which takes time
"At least one person on your team needs an iPhone or Android-powered device running Android 2.1 or higher. Your phones must be able to support the SCVNGR app." I know what SCVNGR is, but could care less about it. I don't know the stats on people with phones > android 2.1 either
"A SCVNGR account for one of the members of your team." again, some people just don't care about geo-locations (fad)
"A Facebook account for every participant" ah, why do you need facebook again? is this just to keep track via linked account with twitter?
"A ticket to either the 4pm or 7pm IMAX 3D showing of TRON Legacy at the AMC Forum 30 in Sterling Heights, MI on December 17th, 2010." to be honest, I had never even heard of TRON until everyone at Icrontic started fapping about the movie coming out. Yet, I still have no desire to see it. I think the movie is gonna let a lot of people down, imo.
"Friday, December 17th free on your busy social calendar." and this is the main killer right here. We just got done Thanksgiving, and we have Christmas right around the corner, so anyone not a Detroit "local" is pretty much out. I'm also gonna throw in the "new" TSA and the effin prices of plane tickets now days. I know I'm not flying anytime soon, if ever again.
So, instead of a "hey come hang out at ICHQ, drink, laugh, don't need to think or really do anything besides wear a costume, party" you have something, that while I'll admit is a really cool idea and something to look more into, that requires planning, requires traveling in December, and requires a good amount of $ to participate in.
As for why you don't have more "locals", I gotta agree with Thrax
A lot of people work until 6 PM, which makes it difficult to leave work, get ready and make it to the theatre in time for the showing.
It would be problematic for me, for example (if I were local that is).
AnnesTripped Up by Libidos and HubrisAlexandria, VAIcrontian
edited November 2010
Sounds rad as hell, and I would LOVE to do this (or something like it in the future), but it's the same day as my company's holiday party which was booked months ago.
I should also mention that, from the description, it doesn't feel like it's a "hey, come visit for a weekend" event - more of a Friday night one-off.
I've found personally that it's extreemly difficult to get anything going in December. People simply have too many family things and holiday parties to go to. I think last year's Decemberweenmas was a scheduling fluke (although, I can't be sure since I wasn't able to make it (too many holiday parties)).
I mean: from now until the first of the new year, my weekends are packed with stuff for work, friends, and family. Everybody wants to have a holiday party, and there are only so many weekends in December.
Driving up to Detroit for a weekend, when it would mean missing 2-3 other holiday parties is a non-starter. Especially since I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing you guys in January, which isn't far off.
For those who have to fly, this is the worst time of year to fly, even when you don't consider TSA's new policies.
I would like to attend, if Andrew can leave work early. He would have to get out early to make it out there by either movie time. We are also going to Detroit the weekend before this event for my graduation, and money is a big constraint at the moment. (Main reason why we didn't come out for the small get-together this past weekend.)
But in all honesty, Saturday would be a better evening (or day) for this. Can still go to the concert Friday night, then Saturday do scavenger hunting (when there is sunlight) and see the movie.
Even Meghann said she would want to do it, but can't make it in time to see the movie/scavenger hunt on Friday because she has an exam. I think the Friday thing is just the biggest issue.
Yeah, I can't really get out of work easily with the holiday season in full swing, so Saturday would be much more accommodating for the hunt. I could make it for the 7pm movie but making it with enough time for the scavenger hunt would be hard.
I am excited for it as I usually am for IC things.
And, jesus christ Greg way to be a negative Nancy.
"A four person team." gotta organize a team, which takes time -- Not really that difficult.
"At least one person on your team needs an iPhone or Android-powered device running Android 2.1 or higher. Your phones must be able to support the SCVNGR app." I know what SCVNGR is, but could care less about it. I don't know the stats on people with phones > android 2.1 either Brian is very passionate about SCVNGR, which is pretty cool, one of the prime reasons for this event. To introduce people to this app, the abilities it has, and to do a modern scavenger hunt.
"A SCVNGR account for one of the members of your team." again, some people just don't care about geo-locations (fad) Then don't participate in the scavenger hunt. Have you ever heard of a person not participating in a scavenger hunt because they don't care about cameras (or think they are a fad)?
"A ticket to either the 4pm or 7pm IMAX 3D showing of TRON Legacy at the AMC Forum 30 in Sterling Heights, MI on December 17th, 2010." to be honest, I had never even heard of TRON until everyone at Icrontic started fapping about the movie coming out. Yet, I still have no desire to see it. I think the movie is gonna let a lot of people down, imo. This is the main reason for the event. People on Icrontic are excited for TRON, so Brian created a pretty sweet event surrounding the release for the movie, and put work into the scavenger hunt, for a fun and unique activity for fans.
I think this event is a great idea. See my previous posts for suggestions (Saturday instead of Friday). Brian, you put a lot of work into this event, and I love scavenger hunts! I hope we can make it out! Would love to geek out with you about QR Codes and SCVNGR.
Brian, I also think you need to message the 10 people who have confirmed on FB to get them over here and finish the registration process.
I imagine several of them accepted, and are planning on attending, but didn't read through everything and understand that they also need to confirm over here.
Yeah, we no longer need Facebook participation. Fuck Facebook really. Also, Fatcat, I've seen a 20 minute preview of the movie and it blew my mind more than any blowjob I've received in my life. Which is why I'm trying to secure a blowjob during the movie so I can at last die in peace. Any volunteers PM me.
Yeah, we no longer need Facebook participation. Fuck Facebook really. Also, Fatcat, I've seen a 20 minute preview of the movie and it blew my mind more than any blowjob I've received in my life. Which is why I'm trying to secure a blowjob during the movie so I can at last die in peace. Any volunteers PM me.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to bow out of playing this one. I'll probably try and make it to see the movie with you guys, but I'm completely backed up on work and just can't spare a whole day this week for anything fun. Sorry guys.
I am so sorry, but I need to cancel the SCVNGR trek event due to many circumstances; believe it or not, the weather factored into it, but so did family sickness and some other random stuff, all of which severely impacted my ability to get everything ready in time.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the let-down and inconvenience.
The Daft Punk Tribute is STILL going on at the Old Miami. I highly encourage your attendance, it's going to be an amazing show and you get to see DJ Meph in a helmet. He is a robot, after all.
Since no one communicated anything, and just found out that no one (other than AlexDeGruven) is going to the movie... and it doesn't sound like there is any set get together... Magic and I are staying home this weekend. Wish there was more communication on what people were still doing...
I think we're planning on doing a Saturday night show; no one bought tickets yet and today's a really bad day for me. Gonna be with clients till 8pm or so.
Alex, you can try contacting customer service and returning it if you don't want to make the drive, day of they sometimes will.
I'm inclined to do an evening show personally. There's a 7:30PM show at the MJR 20 in Real3D; the trade-off is the audio isn't as bowel-quaking as IMAX but from what I hear, the Real3D's projection and glasses technology is superior to the IMAX implementation.
I will be driving by that theater today around 2pm, and would love it if I had an accurate count of tickets because I could buy them then. They can also be obtained on Movietickets.com if you want to pay the $.50 per ticket service charge. Otherwise, they're $12 per ticket.
"A mode of transportation: The play area will be Metro Detroit, and you’ll need a vehicle to get around" - requires hooking up with someone willing to drive all over Detroit, limits those flying in.
"A four person team." gotta organize a team, which takes time
"At least one person on your team needs an iPhone or Android-powered device running Android 2.1 or higher. Your phones must be able to support the SCVNGR app." I know what SCVNGR is, but could care less about it. I don't know the stats on people with phones > android 2.1 either
"A SCVNGR account for one of the members of your team." again, some people just don't care about geo-locations (fad)
"A Facebook account for every participant" ah, why do you need facebook again? is this just to keep track via linked account with twitter?
"A ticket to either the 4pm or 7pm IMAX 3D showing of TRON Legacy at the AMC Forum 30 in Sterling Heights, MI on December 17th, 2010." to be honest, I had never even heard of TRON until everyone at Icrontic started fapping about the movie coming out. Yet, I still have no desire to see it. I think the movie is gonna let a lot of people down, imo.
"Friday, December 17th free on your busy social calendar." and this is the main killer right here. We just got done Thanksgiving, and we have Christmas right around the corner, so anyone not a Detroit "local" is pretty much out. I'm also gonna throw in the "new" TSA and the effin prices of plane tickets now days. I know I'm not flying anytime soon, if ever again.
So, instead of a "hey come hang out at ICHQ, drink, laugh, don't need to think or really do anything besides wear a costume, party" you have something, that while I'll admit is a really cool idea and something to look more into, that requires planning, requires traveling in December, and requires a good amount of $ to participate in.
As for why you don't have more "locals", I gotta agree with Thrax
A lot of people work until 6 PM, which makes it difficult to leave work, get ready and make it to the theatre in time for the showing.
It would be problematic for me, for example (if I were local that is).
I should also mention that, from the description, it doesn't feel like it's a "hey, come visit for a weekend" event - more of a Friday night one-off.
I mean: from now until the first of the new year, my weekends are packed with stuff for work, friends, and family. Everybody wants to have a holiday party, and there are only so many weekends in December.
Driving up to Detroit for a weekend, when it would mean missing 2-3 other holiday parties is a non-starter. Especially since I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing you guys in January, which isn't far off.
For those who have to fly, this is the worst time of year to fly, even when you don't consider TSA's new policies.
Even Meghann said she would want to do it, but can't make it in time to see the movie/scavenger hunt on Friday because she has an exam. I think the Friday thing is just the biggest issue.
I am excited for it as I usually am for IC things.
And, jesus christ Greg way to be a negative Nancy.
I think this event is a great idea. See my previous posts for suggestions (Saturday instead of Friday). Brian, you put a lot of work into this event, and I love scavenger hunts! I hope we can make it out! Would love to geek out with you about QR Codes and SCVNGR.
I imagine several of them accepted, and are planning on attending, but didn't read through everything and understand that they also need to confirm over here.
also, sorry about the bad blowjobs. really.
I think I'll have to message people who have RSVPed on Facebook because nobody seems to get that they need to post here.
I'm assuming, by the lack of response here, but anecdotally confirmed attendance elsewhere, that we'll organize teams at the beginning that afternoon?
I am so sorry, but I need to cancel the SCVNGR trek event due to many circumstances; believe it or not, the weather factored into it, but so did family sickness and some other random stuff, all of which severely impacted my ability to get everything ready in time.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the let-down and inconvenience.
The Daft Punk Tribute is STILL going on at the Old Miami. I highly encourage your attendance, it's going to be an amazing show and you get to see DJ Meph in a helmet. He is a robot, after all.
Again, my most humble apologies.
See you all for New Years.
I really detest going to movies alone. Even one I've been looking forward to this much.
Alex, you can try contacting customer service and returning it if you don't want to make the drive, day of they sometimes will.
I will be driving by that theater today around 2pm, and would love it if I had an accurate count of tickets because I could buy them then. They can also be obtained on Movietickets.com if you want to pay the $.50 per ticket service charge. Otherwise, they're $12 per ticket.