Some of you guys have a very funny way of spelling Twilight Sparkle.
Also If you wanna talk fanfics I must give honorable mention to Heart of gold, feathers of steel.
But yeah ElrondS was right to mention both of his too.
It´s just a part of moe culture. Silly people, just like K-on and Lucky star etc, it´s not about the show being great. The show is great, but the key thing is the fact it´s moe. Read a bit about moe and everything will become clear. Exactly the same thing as in japan, the only difference is the fanworks for mlp go beyond the porn aspect. (Beyond I say as it´s still a big thing)
It gives people a "base" also, a starting point of reference from witch to dream about. (I m a brony btw)
Side note- that article led me here, and this community seems pretty chill. Think I might hang around for a while.
Welcome BHHammy! Great to see you decided to check us out. As mentioned in the post, we have regular MLP synchtube viewings together every couple of weeks, so that's definitely worth checking out. Keep an eye on the "Images with overloads of ponies" thread for info on the synchtubes.
Why do so many ponies crap on the Fan Fic? I personally think that a lot of the fan fic is actually better than the show's stories. Some is so epic that I feel it should be required reading in high school and college. Out of the three arts that have spawned from MLP I think Fiction writing is top fallowed by Music and then art. Though you have to realize that the artwork is about 1000% better than what I see in most other fandoms. Just my opinion.
Why do so many ponies crap on the Fan Fic? I personally think that a lot of the fan fic is actually better than the show's stories. Some is so epic that I feel it should be required reading in high school and college. Out of the three arts that have spawned from MLP I think Fiction writing is top fallowed by Music and then art. Though you have to realize that the artwork is about 1000% better than what I see in most other fandoms. Just my opinion.
Fanfics are a mixed bag. There's good ones, in which it's subjective to the tastes of each reader, and then the bad ones- which tend to apply negative stigma to the concept and keep people away from the good ones.
There ARE good ones out there. if I had to recommend an MLP fanfic, the only one I've really bothered to read that was pretty good was the "Progress" series, which mostly dealt with the subject of Princess Luna trying to acclimate to modern-day living after being stuck on the moon for 1000 years. It's handled pretty well, actually
Beyond those, I can't say.
Though my favorite form of media that the fans seem to crank out is the music, especially since the quality has been getting a LOT better lately.
Brilliant article. It's nice to see articles relating to the Brony phenomenon that don't become either "men who like ponies are weird" or "anyone that doesn't like ponies is a hater" like I've seen from many articles in the past.
I was listening to Erectin' a River while reading this with Desktop Ponies running in the background.
P.S. Is anypony as scared as I am about how Adventure Time is coming along? It's a fairly ridiculous show and I don't want on the Internet, but based on what I've seen here it'll spread anyways...
Not to invoke hate comments though. I just dislike the show, not hate it. AND IT WILL NEVER REPLACE MLP.
"When Faust sat down to work on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, she had a completely clean slate to do whatever she wanted with the IP. Knowing this, she threw out EVERYTHING and started from scratch. "
Yes... Except of course, the FiM pilot being practically a re-imagining of the G1 cartoon pilot (Return to Midnight Castle), and the entirety of the FiM main cast being based on - in fact, in some cases, effectively transplanted (Applejack -> Applejack, Firefly -> Rainbow Dash...) - from previous MLP cartoon series.
FiM is an EVOLUTION of the franchise that draws heavily from the two G1 cartoons in particular. It did NOT start as a blank slate by any stretch of the imagination.
Nicely said.
I'm actually plotting out a search-and-recruit brony op at my school using fliers that use subliminal means (eye-catching colors) in order for one to notice.
My theory is that if someone notices the huge colored Rainbow Dash more conciously than others, as in recognizing it, they will most likely email me the answer to the question "who can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat?".
It's mostly mind games, but I'll archive names and set a day for all of us to meet somewhere, whether it be in school or otherwise.
Heh. "My hobby: whenever someone uses an adjective ending in '-ass' I move the hyphen over mentally." 'Why grown ass-men love MLP:FIM so much.' :P Gotta love xkcd somethymes.
(Actually RTFAs.)
Wait, what's wrong with the fanfic? Some of this stuff is so awesome, it's not even funny. And not just because it's sad-themed. I just finished chatting with the author of "My Little Dashie" which is much too sad, but awesome. You may have seen the comic that inspired it, a filly Rainbow Dash sitting in a "Free 2 a Good Home" box. But it actually makes you think, which is nice. I'd suggest reading it. Another good one is "Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel" which is an alternative viewpoint to episode 5, and actually makes sense of Gilda and makes you feel sorry for her. Surprisingly.
Sorry if I got you even more hooked than you already are.
I don't read them because they are, if you'll excuse the term, a complete mess to the outside observer. If you don't know where to look, it's not only intimidating to try and get into to, but it can also suck because of all of the extra crap that you don't really care about.
See, I like canon. I like that professional storytellers put reason behind the stories they tell in episodes. I like that it is consistent. While fanfiction can be written incredibly well by a talented writer, it generally clashes with canon simply because it doesn't have any choice. That bugs me.
To be honest, though, my biggest reason for not reading fanfiction is all of the sex. I know that romance is part of any good story, but the abundance of viciously descriptive sexual encounters in most fanfiction is an immediate buzzkill for me. Mainly because sex does not belong in the My Little Pony universe. It is pretty difficult to find good fanfiction (in any fandom) that doesn't dish out some sexy times. I've been in the Sonic fandom since the Genesis days, and that fandom is one of the worst I've seen. It pretty much ruined me on fanfics.
I have read 'Our Last Goodbye' and 'Friendship is Tragic' (And Cupcakes for LULZ). I enjoyed them, especially because I'm a sucker for sad stories. The sex annoyed me in Our Last Goodbye though, despite the fact that it is very, very limited in the grand scheme of things. I just don't care for it. I almost stopped reading because of it.
I'm not vehemently opposed to it. If someone can point me to some well-written fanfics that don't down in needless sex or violence, then I'm down for it. Recommendations would be welcome, considering I don't have a chance trying to dig into it myself.
To me it matters not who is the best pony, only who you like the most, for me that's Derpy id spend the rest of my life by her side if i could but that's lucid dreaming. The Brony community is one of the widest ranging and most awsum out there, its almost at the point that i can almost claim "its dwarfing the sonic movement", with every episode there is, within minutes of it airing there is a tidal wave of new fan works based off it making this the fastest moving communities too. in fact it was the community who made me a Brony, tho i must give a shoutout to Renard for his mashup of winter wrap-up and the front titles "rainbow dash likes girls "stay gay pony girl"" for showing me of the existance of our favourite Equestrians *i was living my life unaware of true power of friendship until then* and without it i would still be out of the loop and hating life in general, the fandom has changed my view of life for the better and for that i must thank you all. Haters gonna hate but we Bronys will be always be bro's and that's why im proud of being a Brony and will be till i die. BTW if you are looking of a good fanfic check out "my little Dashy" just make sure you have a box of tissues nearby...
Well, on Equestria Daily, all of the stories go through pre-readers, so they're pretty much guaranteed not to be a horrible pile of filth. The easiest way to avoid the overly-intimate is to avoid stories with shipping tags. A couple of absolutely brilliant could-be-an-actual-episode one-shot fanfics are Sunny Skies All Day Long and My Faithful Student (though I personally prefer the former over the latter, they are written by the same author who feels the latter is better).
Now, as for a series fanfic, I quite enjoy reading this little number. It breaks ALL the rules. Shatters them. It looks like it should have everything that would make it as bad as most Sonic fanfics. How does a blatant self-insert OC former-human-now-unicorn with unique abilities, cigarettes, and a smart phone sound? How about him becoming fast friends with the mane 6 and close friends with Princess Luna (no, not quite *that* close...but almost)?
Somehow this guy pulls off a story like that and makes it hilarious and it still has a serious overarching storyline. It's So Meta, Even This Acronym. It knows when and when not to take itself seriously. Everything has a rhyme and reason, every action with real, lasting consequences. I was going to go on some more, then I remembered this post pretty much covered it. If a fic is rated 5 stars and has nearly 700 comments on it on EqD, it has to have done something right.
Also, Falllout: Equestria. There IS a reason why the EqD comments page for it got maxed out at 5000 comments. They had to give the story a second post to continue comments. Not only is the story series extensive, it has an equally extensive collection of fan-made stories to add to it, many with long-running series of their own. How epic does a fanfic have to be to spawn fanfics of fanfics (and fanfics of fanfics of fanfics) that the original author accepts as part of the storyverse? It's probably the only series I think could warrant the creation of a 7-star tag, since the 6-star tags are granted to stories that are almost unanimously voted 5-stars and have people vouching for their excellence in the comments.
Good read, I enjoyed it. I think it's also worth mentioning the way the has managed to incorporate rather tense dilemmas and even mortally dangerous situations without losing its innocent "friendship is magic" theme. That takes skill.
Oh, and I thought for sure it was common knowledge by now that Fluttershy is best pony. Pinkie Pie is #2.
I LOVED Past Sins. But I still wouldn't recommend it to someone who has a negative view of fanfiction in general, because people's opinions of it are incredibly polarized. Everyone either loves it or loathes it, nobody thinks it's just 'alright'. I'd stick to recommending Progress, as BHHammy said. It's funny, and it's got that episodic feel to it, which people who like the show but haven't gotten into fanfiction would probably appreciate.
wait what...
anyway, not bad. I may not be a brony, but you guys seem to enjoy yourself; so have at you.
Also If you wanna talk fanfics I must give honorable mention to Heart of gold, feathers of steel.
But yeah ElrondS was right to mention both of his too.
It gives people a "base" also, a starting point of reference from witch to dream about. (I m a brony btw)
Side note- that article led me here, and this community seems pretty chill. Think I might hang around for a while.
Silly filly, that's not how you spell Gummy!
Welcome BHHammy! Great to see you decided to check us out. As mentioned in the post, we have regular MLP synchtube viewings together every couple of weeks, so that's definitely worth checking out. Keep an eye on the "Images with overloads of ponies" thread for info on the synchtubes.
Fanfics are a mixed bag. There's good ones, in which it's subjective to the tastes of each reader, and then the bad ones- which tend to apply negative stigma to the concept and keep people away from the good ones.
There ARE good ones out there. if I had to recommend an MLP fanfic, the only one I've really bothered to read that was pretty good was the "Progress" series, which mostly dealt with the subject of Princess Luna trying to acclimate to modern-day living after being stuck on the moon for 1000 years. It's handled pretty well, actually
Beyond those, I can't say.
Though my favorite form of media that the fans seem to crank out is the music, especially since the quality has been getting a LOT better lately.
Excellent article, by the way. *brohoof*
And to the people who wanted to watch the full episodes, all of the episodes are in 1080p here.
P.S. Is anypony as scared as I am about how Adventure Time is coming along? It's a fairly ridiculous show and I don't want on the Internet, but based on what I've seen here it'll spread anyways...
Not to invoke hate comments though. I just dislike the show, not hate it. AND IT WILL NEVER REPLACE MLP.
Yes... Except of course, the FiM pilot being practically a re-imagining of the G1 cartoon pilot (Return to Midnight Castle), and the entirety of the FiM main cast being based on - in fact, in some cases, effectively transplanted (Applejack -> Applejack, Firefly -> Rainbow Dash...) - from previous MLP cartoon series.
FiM is an EVOLUTION of the franchise that draws heavily from the two G1 cartoons in particular. It did NOT start as a blank slate by any stretch of the imagination.
lrn2research, thanks.
I'm actually plotting out a search-and-recruit brony op at my school using fliers that use subliminal means (eye-catching colors) in order for one to notice.
My theory is that if someone notices the huge colored Rainbow Dash more conciously than others, as in recognizing it, they will most likely email me the answer to the question "who can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat?".
It's mostly mind games, but I'll archive names and set a day for all of us to meet somewhere, whether it be in school or otherwise.
These are my favorite alerts.
Wait, what's wrong with the fanfic? Some of this stuff is so awesome, it's not even funny. And not just because it's sad-themed.
Sorry if I got you even more hooked than you already are.
I don't read them because they are, if you'll excuse the term, a complete mess to the outside observer. If you don't know where to look, it's not only intimidating to try and get into to, but it can also suck because of all of the extra crap that you don't really care about.
See, I like canon. I like that professional storytellers put reason behind the stories they tell in episodes. I like that it is consistent. While fanfiction can be written incredibly well by a talented writer, it generally clashes with canon simply because it doesn't have any choice. That bugs me.
To be honest, though, my biggest reason for not reading fanfiction is all of the sex. I know that romance is part of any good story, but the abundance of viciously descriptive sexual encounters in most fanfiction is an immediate buzzkill for me. Mainly because sex does not belong in the My Little Pony universe. It is pretty difficult to find good fanfiction (in any fandom) that doesn't dish out some sexy times. I've been in the Sonic fandom since the Genesis days, and that fandom is one of the worst I've seen. It pretty much ruined me on fanfics.
I have read 'Our Last Goodbye' and 'Friendship is Tragic' (And Cupcakes for LULZ). I enjoyed them, especially because I'm a sucker for sad stories. The sex annoyed me in Our Last Goodbye though, despite the fact that it is very, very limited in the grand scheme of things. I just don't care for it. I almost stopped reading because of it.
I'm not vehemently opposed to it. If someone can point me to some well-written fanfics that don't down in needless sex or violence, then I'm down for it. Recommendations would be welcome, considering I don't have a chance trying to dig into it myself.
Responses literally range from "best FiM fanfic yet" to "it's the 'Twilight' of the MLP fandom".
Rant over
Now, as for a series fanfic, I quite enjoy reading this little number. It breaks ALL the rules. Shatters them. It looks like it should have everything that would make it as bad as most Sonic fanfics. How does a blatant self-insert OC former-human-now-unicorn with unique abilities, cigarettes, and a smart phone sound? How about him becoming fast friends with the mane 6 and close friends with Princess Luna (no, not quite *that* close...but almost)?
Somehow this guy pulls off a story like that and makes it hilarious and it still has a serious overarching storyline. It's So Meta, Even This Acronym. It knows when and when not to take itself seriously. Everything has a rhyme and reason, every action with real, lasting consequences. I was going to go on some more, then I remembered this post pretty much covered it. If a fic is rated 5 stars and has nearly 700 comments on it on EqD, it has to have done something right.
Also, Falllout: Equestria. There IS a reason why the EqD comments page for it got maxed out at 5000 comments. They had to give the story a second post to continue comments. Not only is the story series extensive, it has an equally extensive collection of fan-made stories to add to it, many with long-running series of their own. How epic does a fanfic have to be to spawn fanfics of fanfics (and fanfics of fanfics of fanfics) that the original author accepts as part of the storyverse? It's probably the only series I think could warrant the creation of a 7-star tag, since the 6-star tags are granted to stories that are almost unanimously voted 5-stars and have people vouching for their excellence in the comments.
Oh, and I thought for sure it was common knowledge by now that Fluttershy is best pony. Pinkie Pie is #2.
Thanks Bobby!