Not trying to change your mind, yo. I'm indifferent to the matter. You drop a lot of comments here and there, though, so I was just sayin'.
Are you implying that I'm broni-curious? I'm confident with my cartoonality, nothing wrong with that. I have nothing to hide. I don't hate bronies. I ain't no bronyist. I guess I don't understand the lifestyle. However, that doesn't mean I want to become one. One day bronies and non-bronies will coexist side-by-side without cartoon violence.
As long as you have love in your heart, Bobby, I'm all good in da hood.
Ah, but it is different in one important way... you mentioned that its no different than a bunch of nerds going on about Firefly or Dr. Who or Star Trek, but what about the obvious elephant in the room... that MEN are so into something that, even if Faust tries to dance around the idea, has a very deep feminine background?
I think the answer lies in in a generation who is helping shatter the paradigm of homophobia we're becoming trapped in. The show rocks, the community rocks, agreed... but I think theres an extra level of empowerment for males who just throw in the towel on those out there who try to bully sexual behavior by labeling them Gay. You openly love MLP and take part in it, you are liberating yourselves from that trap as well and making a social statement when you say "Ya I love it. Deal with it" and thats freaking great!
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
edited October 2011
It's funny rmw, that same thought has crossed my mind a few times.
That's weird, I thought we broke the invisible barriers of homophobia by going to local pride fests, hanging out at the local gay bar, slapping our gay friends on the ass and saying them cheeks, or posting in the dude thread...
Ponies? No, ponies is just a way for me to remember not to grow up too fast. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
edited October 2011
The only time I experience homophobia is when a gay person is trying to kill me.
Ninja, I disagree; maybe it's because I live in a very blue collar area that is still very homophobic. I think rmw has brought up an excellent point; guys who are not homophobic feel empowered when confronted by those who are homophobic when they can say "MLP. Deal with it." it sends a signal: I'm not hung up on gender roles, back the fuck off.
Ninja, I disagree; maybe it's because I live in a very blue collar area that is still very homophobic. I think rmw has brought up an excellent point; guys who are not homophobic feel empowered when confronted by those who are homophobic when they can say "MLP. Deal with it." it sends a signal: I'm not hung up on gender roles, back the fuck off.
But that's gender roles, not sexuality. I guess you are right though, it probably has a lot to do with where you're from. I just never thought about it that way
You guys should all come visit lb.
Gender roles have a GREAT deal to do with perceived sexuality in middle america, man. MY SON AIN'T GETTIN' NO EASY BAKE OVEN, HE AIN'T GON' BE NO GAY", etc.
And so on this day of Ten - Ten - Eleven, one man's cultural horizons were expanded, along with his understanding of human nature, all thanks to the Why grown-ass men love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic so much response thread.
Note to self: Don't pretend to enjoy things you normally enjoy while visiting Alabama. Instead observe the maturation of an entire population largely taught from childhood to do the same thing, note the consequences, and leave.
Dang, RMW just threw a huge curveball that I hadn't realized, yet makes perfect sense. I think that's a very good supportive positive to the whole MLP fandom.
Though cartoons in general for me are always a reminder to not grow up too fast. My desk with all of its action figures, my batman comic books, gratuitous board games, and all that serve as a constant reminder to me. I never wanted to outgrow the things I loved as a kid, and now that I'm grown, I've tossed out the standard conventions of 'adulthood', and I couldn't be happier.
It's funny, my roommate Tim who is, for lack of a better descriptive term, a normal 20-something dude that fits most the stereotypes gets confused when he sees me watching the new Avengers cartoon, or MLP, or sees the comic books on my desk. He not only sees the behavior as deviant, but also more or less wrong. He's known me for years though, so this isn't surprising to him - he just doesn't get it. And I couldn't care less.
I've gotta ask: how does one go about writing an article for this site? 'Cause I'd REALLY like to do a retrospective on previous MLP generations outlining the appeal they had and showing why it's not that weird that a My Little Pony series could be good.
I've gotta ask: how does one go about writing an article for this site?
You should have a "Contribute to:" box on the homepage which links to tech/gaming/life. You can write and submit stuff to the site through there.
If you don't, PM Brian or myself. Let's chat about it - the more writers, the merrier
You should have a "Contribute to:" box on the homepage which links to tech/gaming/life. You can write and submit stuff to the site through there.
If you don't, PM Brian or myself. Let's chat about it - the more writers, the merrier
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
You should have a "Contribute to:" box on the homepage which links to tech/gaming/life. You can write and submit stuff to the site through there.
If you don't, PM Brian or myself. Let's chat about it - the more writers, the merrier
They really should make that more obvious, all this time and I never knew.
Once in Wordpress, you can write in the quickpost box to the right side of the main page. I hate quickpost, though, so I always use the "My Sites" link at the top > pick the relevant subcategory > New post.
As long as you have love in your heart, Bobby, I'm all good in da hood.
<4 it's how we roll.
>implying our lives revolve around Ponies.
I think he was running with the "lifestyle" analogy.
>implying yours doesn't
I think the answer lies in in a generation who is helping shatter the paradigm of homophobia we're becoming trapped in. The show rocks, the community rocks, agreed... but I think theres an extra level of empowerment for males who just throw in the towel on those out there who try to bully sexual behavior by labeling them Gay. You openly love MLP and take part in it, you are liberating yourselves from that trap as well and making a social statement when you say "Ya I love it. Deal with it" and thats freaking great!
Ponies? No, ponies is just a way for me to remember not to grow up too fast. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.
But that's gender roles, not sexuality. I guess you are right though, it probably has a lot to do with where you're from. I just never thought about it that way
You guys should all come visit lb.
Note to self: Don't pretend to enjoy things you normally enjoy while visiting Alabama. Instead observe the maturation of an entire population largely taught from childhood to do the same thing, note the consequences, and leave.
Your son will NEVER be as happy as her Mr. Jethrobediah and it's ALL YOUR FAULT.
Though cartoons in general for me are always a reminder to not grow up too fast. My desk with all of its action figures, my batman comic books, gratuitous board games, and all that serve as a constant reminder to me. I never wanted to outgrow the things I loved as a kid, and now that I'm grown, I've tossed out the standard conventions of 'adulthood', and I couldn't be happier.
It's funny, my roommate Tim who is, for lack of a better descriptive term, a normal 20-something dude that fits most the stereotypes gets confused when he sees me watching the new Avengers cartoon, or MLP, or sees the comic books on my desk. He not only sees the behavior as deviant, but also more or less wrong. He's known me for years though, so this isn't surprising to him - he just doesn't get it. And I couldn't care less.
You should have a "Contribute to:" box on the homepage which links to tech/gaming/life. You can write and submit stuff to the site through there.
If you don't, PM Brian or myself. Let's chat about it - the more writers, the merrier
I love this thread SO MUCH.
They really should make that more obvious, all this time and I never knew.