Our trip is in jeopardy at the moment. Bandrik's vehicle is down with mechanical issues. Fooman's car is rough, still unsure on Kingpin's ride, and I have no car. Bandrik's parents have offered to let us use the H2, but that's iffy considering two of us are unemployed, the gas money would kill us.
Our trip is in jeopardy at the moment. Bandrik's vehicle is down with mechanical issues. Fooman's car is rough, still unsure on Kingpin's ride, and I have no car. Bandrik's parents have offered to let us use the H2, but that's iffy considering two of us are unemployed, the gas money would kill us.
Our trip is in jeopardy at the moment. Bandrik's vehicle is down with mechanical issues. Fooman's car is rough, still unsure on Kingpin's ride, and I have no car. Bandrik's parents have offered to let us use the H2, but that's iffy considering two of us are unemployed, the gas money would kill us.
Current word is we were OK to use the H2, Bandrik just called to say he's not so sure anymore. Apparently it just got back from the shop and the check engine light is still on. So his Dad, thinking we weren't going, apparently has done... something. I dunno. Waiting to hear back from Bandrik wtf is going on.
Hey guys, sorry I couldn't make it. Car problems are very frustrating. I feel bad for ditching last-minute (I hate doing that), but it works out best that I sit this one out. I decided it would be better to conserve money and instead spend time with my family for the new year.
I hope Lynx and the others can find a way to make it up. I know they can pull it off. By the way, thanks everyone for offering to pitch in money to help out. It really shows how awesome this community is. Lynx, since I did back out abruptly, I would be happy to add $10 to the pot to help soften my absence. I can PayPal it if you need it soon. Just PM me.
All these years later and I still struggle to come to terms with the grace and willingness to give that Icrontians are capable of. Between help on gas money, food during the entire event, and a ride back home from Ryder, you guys all helped me to have a fantastic weekend - one that I sorely needed - when all the cards were stacked against me. No job, no car, and dire plans, yet because of all of you, I was still able to clang a glass to toast 2012 under to roof of ICHQ.
Thank you all so much. I promise, when things turn around for me, I'll find a way to return the favor. Much love you all.
Bobby, I'm in a very similar situation and I can honestly say that my financial situation had no bearing on the good times I had with my Icrontic friends this weekend. While I wasn't able to go out to eat and do all the things, none of that was important to me as it was to just kick back and relax with everyone, and celebrate a great year of Icrontic events. I hope that 2012 is kinder to all of us, but regardless of the outcome a year from now, we will still have the great friendships that we have forged with each other through the years.
I am blessed to be a part of this community. Can't wait to see you all again soon.
If you can only make one event, let it be EPIC in Juneish. Totally worth it.
So we joked about putting a helmet on me because I keep getting head injuries at ICHQ (which, strangely enough, are rarely actually fault of my own drinking). At Expo last summer, I hit my head on the low ceiling of the Cafe's basement over 10 times the five days I was there. During ICNY, a door swinging open slammed me in the temple and about knocked me out.
Everyone thinks being tall is cool until they see me get owned at IC events.
Everyone thinks being tall is cool until they see me get owned at IC events.
Too right, being the tallest person at my job I understand that, my last work shift they had me working in the freezer for cleaning duty, beyond freezing for nearly 4 hours I likely hit my head on the meat rails and the lightbulbs around 40 times (Stupid yes but when you're lifting crates and boxes for hours on end you don't really pay attention to anything.)
Course you're also a lot taller than I am, you'd likely have to bend over just to stand inside the thing.
Now that we're on the topic of height, how many times have you guys hit your head on either a lamp/chandelier/light or a shelf whereas those of shorter stature don't pay it any mind. (I've cut my head open hitting a shelf before.)
Now that we're on the topic of height, how many times have you guys hit your head on either a lamp/chandelier/light or a shelf whereas those of shorter stature don't pay it any mind. (I've cut my head open hitting a shelf before.)
I honestly have no clue. Well into the hundreds, if not over 1,000.
Low-bridge-ing oneself on a door frame is the pinnacle of forehead pain. Not to mention an easy way to lose 10 minutes of your life.
Stand by for updates.
Also, you guys are the best <4
I hope Lynx and the others can find a way to make it up. I know they can pull it off. By the way, thanks everyone for offering to pitch in money to help out. It really shows how awesome this community is. Lynx, since I did back out abruptly, I would be happy to add $10 to the pot to help soften my absence. I can PayPal it if you need it soon. Just PM me.
Have a blast, everyone!
Thank you all so much. I promise, when things turn around for me, I'll find a way to return the favor. Much love you all.
I am blessed to be a part of this community.
Also I feel freaking terrible for missing this, I mean I know I've only been a member for like 2 months but it sounds like it was a riot.
Trying to arrange plans to make it to EPIC (Whenever that is
So we joked about putting a helmet on me because I keep getting head injuries at ICHQ (which, strangely enough, are rarely actually fault of my own drinking). At Expo last summer, I hit my head on the low ceiling of the Cafe's basement over 10 times the five days I was there. During ICNY, a door swinging open slammed me in the temple and about knocked me out.
Everyone thinks being tall is cool until they see me get owned at IC events.
Course you're also a lot taller than I am, you'd likely have to bend over just to stand inside the thing.
No. You don't. You really don't. I have the scars to prove it.
Low-bridge-ing oneself on a door frame is the pinnacle of forehead pain. Not to mention an easy way to lose 10 minutes of your life.
@UPSLynx, the roads were pretty much the same as we saw all day, until I got 20 miles from home (about 10 miles into Michigan) then it got UGLY