I just tried adding a new thread, no weird message. So far seems like a random, one-time deal. I did not clear my cache between these two attempt, but I will proceed to do so now, just to stay on the safe side. @lincoln please delete my test thread, sorry for the inconvenience.
1) Supermods don't have permissions in the GW2 forum
Fixed, mostly because there is no more "supermod" role. There's admins, community leaders, and gaming leaders. You're a community leader, which didn't have permissions in that forum. I fixed it.
Thrax It's not really a duplicate, it's grabbing the same data twice. Noted. Yes, definitely don't attempt to delete either.
You guys referring to the fact that it lists the announcement as an announcement at the top of the page but then also lists the post in the regular timelined list of posts?
When trying to edit the thumbnail for my profile picture: "Failed to move uploaded file to target destination (/storage/websites/icrontic.com/uploads/userpics/268/pYMV5MYC5G1VH.JPG)."
When trying to edit the thumbnail for my profile picture: "Failed to move uploaded file to target destination (/storage/websites/icrontic.com/uploads/userpics/268/pYMV5MYC5G1VH.JPG)."
Notifications used to clear just by going to one's user profile activity page (by clicking on your username in the upper right). For the notification I just received for a badge I had to go to http://icrontic.com/profile/notifications (done by first going to profile as above, and then clicking the notifications link under the image on the left) before the notification would go away.
In long private conversations, the previous text can be completely hidden behind the "show older messages" link. Not a serious issue, just slightly annoying.
There's also no space (at least on dark theme) between the user title and the user... ranks, I guess? I.e. Jimmy's looks like
What a dickSupporter, Gaming Leader
And Cannon's:
EnginerdMember, Supporter
While it also happens to be true that Jimmy is a major dick supporter and Cannon is an enginerd's member, I think these were unintended happy consequences of a small bug.
It appears that the upper bar does not reappear when editing (formatting stuff, easy links, etc). Cache or bug?
oni_delsDrunk French CanadianMontréal, Québec.Icrontian
Here's a transcript (out of laziness) of a message i sent to Brian:
Unsure who i have to inform about this, but since the change of the ic site (achievements thing-ima-bob), it's messy when viewed on iphone (and prob other device, ima try on my psp for fun later). I cant imagine im the only icrontian viewing this on my phone. To be clear, so far it seems to be only the profile pages that are messy.
Not sure what you mean by "messy"... the "Reactions" portion of the site is pretty bad on my phone when in portrait mode (The reaction counts overlap each other quite a bit), but everything looks fine otherwise. Also, it looks just fine in landscape.
@lincoln please delete my test thread, sorry for the inconvenience.
2) Stickying a thread duplicates it, but deleting the duplicate deletes both.
There's also no space (at least on dark theme) between the user title and the user... ranks, I guess? I.e. Jimmy's looks like
What a dickSupporter, Gaming Leader
And Cannon's:
EnginerdMember, Supporter
While it also happens to be true that Jimmy is a major dick supporter and Cannon is an enginerd's member, I think these were unintended happy consequences of a small bug.
I didn't know there was a market for member supporters specifically for photographers ;-)
(It's happening on default theme also)
Forum view (expected):
Article view (unexpected):