I can answer that one. Yes. When Internet privacy is at stake, it is serious business. I forget the main group, but they only put up banners and such when needed and it is usually only up for a couple days.
@artichoke I'd like to bring them back; I'll ping the team to see if I can figure out why that happened. If it's incidental breakage, I can probably fix. If it's some giant parsing nightmare, I won't be able to.
I'm told it works in the new snazzy editor we just released. However, it doesn't have backwards-compatibility with the Spoilers plugin which we currently use. The Spoilers plugin is what seems to have partially broken as described, but probably isn't worth fixing with the new editor arriving. The developer of the new editor says he's working on that bit so we'll wait it out and switch over when it's ready.
You're smart to do it. I just meant that users could change it and then other users would never find the post that caused it, but I'm sure you've got voodoo magic to dispel all that.
I guess I should probably report these here instead of the Markdown thread.... a couple bugs with the editor.
When using the Url button (or Ctrl+L) to insert a link, the popup box asks you to enter the URL. After clicking OK, it inserts the appropriate Markdown syntax, HOWEVER, it highlights the URL portion of the code for editing instead of the text block. Someone unfamiliar with Markdown would then end up typing over the actual URL and be confused when their link shows up like this: google.com
When quoting a post, the editor does not insert an additional newline after the quote. If you don't manually insert another newline, your response ends up becoming part of the quote block. Example follows.
@BobbyDigi said:
Weird to see my sig again (all emotes it seems?)
This text here shouldn't be part of the quote block.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
Being able to highlight a section in a post and then hit quote and it only quote the selection would be neato.
Just saw this after noticing it on another thread. Please fix this @Lincoln, it's my favourite gimmick. Single level spoilers just aren't the same.
@artichoke I'd like to bring them back; I'll ping the team to see if I can figure out why that happened. If it's incidental breakage, I can probably fix. If it's some giant parsing nightmare, I won't be able to.
I'm told it works in the new snazzy editor we just released. However, it doesn't have backwards-compatibility with the Spoilers plugin which we currently use. The Spoilers plugin is what seems to have partially broken as described, but probably isn't worth fixing with the new editor arriving. The developer of the new editor says he's working on that bit so we'll wait it out and switch over when it's ready.
I just noticed the title bar on the main forum says "Icronticans" where before I could have sworn it said "Icrontians" - am I just that blind?
It changes... I can't remember what thread though. That title changes with a post/keyword in a specific thread, iirc.
It's any thread. It changed back to "Icrontians" because of @GHoodum's post! Oh god I hope he was so confused.
Ah... so any thread with a word that starts with.... Icrontisupercalifragalistic
Upon further testing, it seems to be set by a post, but not removed by deleting that post. Shenanigans ensued.
There were Icrontinanigans when it first came out, been around quite awhile actually.
@GHoosdum To be perfectly transparent, I log all the changes and who did them It ain't that sneaky.
You're smart to do it. I just meant that users could change it and then other users would never find the post that caused it, but I'm sure you've got voodoo magic to dispel all that.
This is what happens when @Ghoosdum comes out of his self-imposed internet-free cave for a few minutes.
I have reverted the totally fucked profile formatting to default, and brought back the Bookmarked sidebar list.
Oh gee @mention autocompletes just launched no big deal.
@Lincoln I can tab select the name to autocomplete it, but in chrome it won't let me click the name to autocomplete.
YOU CAN'T QA HERE! Yeah I noticed that too and punted it back to the dev who's working on it. Thanks!
I just IcrontiQA all over the place
Apparently you can use arrow keys to select the autocomplete option. Clicking is a WIP.
Weird to see my sig again (all emotes it seems?)
I guess I should probably report these here instead of the Markdown thread.... a couple bugs with the editor.
This text here shouldn't be part of the quote block.
Being able to highlight a section in a post and then hit quote and it only quote the selection would be neato.
What is the call to action for the user? Add comment seems muted compared to the others.
Search seems to be off again.