EPIC 2012 Boardgaming

CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷDer Millionendorf- Icrontian
edited June 2012 in Community
Sorry, I'm a bit late with this. EPIC is sneaking up on me. :)

As in past years, I will be running the official Boardgaming events at this year's Expo.

Not much is changing from last year. Most official boardgaming events will be held up in the cozy picture window room at the back of the cafe.

General Boardgaming

I will be bringing a selection of boardgames from my collection, and I will be running boardgame events basically all day each day with the exception of a few overidding events like the external food tour and the DTEC, which I expect everyoine else will likely be at anyway, and the Magic tourneys, which may use the boardgames space.

I'll be playing in many of the games, but my official job will be to teach and referee the sessions. Keep in mind that, due to the nature of EpIc, nearly every game we play will be a 'teaching game', since there is almost always at least one person who has never played that game at the table. This is welcome, and it's part of the point of the boardgaming events. This means that those who are regular to the game will have to be a bit patient sometimes. Also: as some rules can be interpreted different ways, all rules conflicts are up to my immediate and final ruling, no matter what experience or errata you might have. This will keep everything running smoothly.

All the games for the official gaming events will be from my extensive collection. I'd kindly request that others not bring their own games to the official boardgames table. The reasons are many, but the primary one is that I want to make sure that every board game that is played is one that I can quickly teach and easily referee. (You are free, of course, to bring your own games to play at another table or what-have-you)

Here is the list of games which are currently on the list to be brought:

- CB's gamebox (a toolbox with a bunch of supplies and smaller games)
- Setters of Catan
- Carcassonne (plus misc. expansions)
- Pandemic
- Puerto Rico
- Vegas Showdown
- Dominion (plus Intrigue and Black Market)
- Small World
- Ticket to Ride: Europe
- Nexus Ops
- Ponte di Diavolo

This list is subject to change. If you would like to see my list of games, and make a request look here. Not every game in my collection will work for this event (Sid Meier's Civilization, for example, is right out), but if it's a game of sutable complexity, style, and length for EpIc, I'll add it to the list. .

Participating in these official boardgames will earn the players tickets for prize jars, as in past years.

Players for each game will be decided by a sign-up list which will be put up in, or just outside of the boardgame room, so that people don't have to sit and wait for one game to be over in order to get in on the next one. Players do not need to "in" in this thread to play any of these standard boardgaming events. Just sign up when the board goes up, or listen for me to shout about needing players for a game. Everyone is welcome to observe games at the table at any time, and even ask questions.

Giant Settlers

I will be bringing with me the (finally) finished Giant Settlers set, which allows Settlers of Catan games to be played on a larger scale to allow observers to more easily keep track of the action, and give enough room for teams of players to stand around the board.

The set will be used at least twice. First, there will be the 'Giant Settlers Unveiled' Exhibition Game (GSU), which will take place at 4pm on Thursday.

This special event will be the first official use of the set (I'll be running some test games with it down here first to make sure I know how to manage it), and will accommodate any number of players. Whoever shows up will be split into four teams, so not everyone necessarily needs know how to play, as long as one person on each team knows the rules.

The game will use standard Catan rules, and will run until it ends. It'll be outdoors, so, hopefully, it wont be too hot.

Once that game is complete, we'll start the first game of the

Catan Tourney

The structure of the tournament will be determined by the number of people who sign up, but in general it will be in the form of a bracket, and will likely use tourney rules for the first round at least, so as not to suck up too much time (and also because it does seem to cause some interesting upsets in the bracket :D )

We'll likely only fit the first round of the tourney in that evening, depending on participation, but luckily, there is enough room for two game tables in the boargame room, so I'll be able to run a Catan table simultaneously with other table. This way the Catan tourney will not dominate the remainder of the boardgaming for the weekend.


If you would like to request a game from my collection, join the Catan tourney, or if you have any questions, post here. Note once again, the only "in"s I need are for the Catan tourney.

The players for the tourney, so far are:
Humerus Meg

I hope everyone is looking forward to a weekend of boardgaming as much as I am.


  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    IN tourney
  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian
    In for the tourney.
  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian
    I'm in for this, I just have no idea how to play Catan,

    Sort of on topic I have Axis and Allies sitting around in my basement somewhere should I bring that with me?
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    For purposes of facilitating the training of new users we like to keep the "Official" gaming list to only those games in CB's collection. However if you want to start a pickup game in another room, feel free.
  • @Humerusmeg defend your honor!
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited June 2012
    I'm bringing a new (to me) game (similar to apples to apples) called "Cards Against Humanity". It will be terrible fun. You will feel bad and have a good time
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    I'm bring a new game (similar to apples to apples) called "Cards Against Humanity". It will be terrible fun. You will feel bad and have a good time
    The game is bad, and you will feel bad

    The game is fun, and you will feel fun

  • HumerusMegHumerusMeg Something, something medical professional, Fitness bitch, Sexy chef Austin Icrontian
    As @spenceforhire said, I MUST DEFEND MY HONOR as last years Catan Champion!!! I will need to be in a latest bracket please @CB as I am driving in Thursday night after class... ETA 9pm is this possible?
  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian
    I'm in for this, I just have no idea how to play Catan,

    Sort of on topic I have Axis and Allies sitting around in my basement somewhere should I bring that with me?
    I had no idea how to play Catan when I came to EPIC last year, and ended up winning my first match XD
  • mertesnmertesn I am Bobby Miller Yukon, OK Icrontian
    In for tourney. Also if it helps I have Catan on my iPad. It could potentially serve as an additional four player game board.
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited June 2012
    As @spenceforhire said, I MUST DEFEND MY HONOR as last years Catan Champion!!! I will need to be in a latest bracket please @CB as I am driving in Thursday night after class... ETA 9pm is this possible?
    In for tourney. Also if it helps I have Catan on my iPad. It could potentially serve as an additional four player game board.
    Sure. It'll help, since I only have one set... well... one non-giant set...
    I'm in for this, I just have no idea how to play Catan,

    Sort of on topic I have Axis and Allies sitting around in my basement somewhere should I bring that with me?
    Newbs are fine, but I would recommend playing one game before the tourney if possible. The GCU would be a good way to learn the rules.

    And as GH said, you can bring it if you like, but Axis an Allies is, frankly, not well suited to this kind of event due to the time investment involved.
    I'm bringing a new (to me) game (similar to apples to apples) called "Cards Against Humanity". It will be terrible fun. You will feel bad and have a good time
    That's not a 'game', it's an activity with minor gaming elements. :D
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
  • HumerusMegHumerusMeg Something, something medical professional, Fitness bitch, Sexy chef Austin Icrontian
    thanks so much @CB! im so excited! :)
  • SodaSoda Ann Arbor, MI Icrontian
    I'll be bringing Factory Manager (by the makers of power grid). It has a similar style of gameplay, but just a different kind of setup. It plays even more quickly than power grid (~1hr), and is a ton of fun.
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    I would really love to get some Ascension going too! I know that @Spencerforhire has the whole set, although of course it's entirely up to him as to whether or not we use it. (Could we, spencer?)

    CB, can we get raffle tickets for board games we play that you don't own (like Ascension?)
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    I would like to request CB to bring his Fluxx game. It's fast and fun, and could easily be played at any time. Perfect for EPIC.

    I would also like to second GQ's request for someone to bring Ascension. I really enjoyed it last EPIC. Need more.

    Personally, I'll be bringing my fabled "We Didn't Playtest This At All" card decks for side-play, as well as Tetris Link (think a fancy version of Connect Four... but Tetris).
  • I haven't played in a while, it is quite possible but not guaranteed. I know CB's policy in the past is that he won't officialize games that aren't his because he can't guarantee the expertise to teach or making rulings on them.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    I would like to request CB to bring his Fluxx game. It's fast and fun, and could easily be played at any time. Perfect for EPIC.
    I think he keeps Fluxx in the CB's gamebox mentioned above.
    I haven't played in a while, it is quite possible but not guaranteed. I know CB's policy in the past is that he won't officialize games that aren't his because he can't guarantee the expertise to teach or making rulings on them.
    True, but I believe there are still tickets given out for participating in pickup games.
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian

    CB, can we get raffle tickets for board games we play that you don't own (like Ascension?)
    Yes, but you only get the bonus tickets for being the winner on official games. :)
    I would like to request CB to bring his Fluxx game. It's fast and fun, and could easily be played at any time. Perfect for EPIC.
    Fluxx is in my toolbox.
    CB's policy in the past is that he won't officialize games that aren't his because he can't guarantee the expertise to teach or making rulings on them.
    Right, but you're still welcome to play any pick-up games you'd like.

  • CrazyJoeCrazyJoe Winter Springs, FL Icrontian
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    Of note the MTG: Draft League is at the same time as the Catan unveil. I am one of the 8 that this will not be able to be at the unveil though I look forward to watching at least one game played on it.

    Huge ^5 to CB for putting that together along with being Board Game Master as always.


  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    Yes, this is an unfortunate side effect of how many awesome things people want to do between noon Thursday and midnight Saturday.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    Sweet. And another huge THANK YOU to CB for orchestrating the board games. It's one of the IC highlights I look forward to the most.
  • TeramonaTeramona Consulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
    Oh, man. I want to play ALL the boardgames...
  • lersheelershee Keeper of J Sterling Heights, MI Icrontian
    I am IN for the first time! Woohoo!
  • TeramonaTeramona Consulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
    To elaborate on my last post, I will seriously play any board game that has room and patience for me. Especially Dominion, because I like watching my opponents catch fire as I mercilessly destroy their dreams of winning.

    But I'm really fun to play with.
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    I've gotten in touch with the church that owns the parking area across the back lawn from the cafe, and have gotten permission for us to play Settlers over there. Their only request was that we not smoke or drink on their property, and I think that's fair.
  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian
    In for Catan Tourney
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    Nice, CB!
  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian
    Cool, Giant Catan is pretty awesome. CB did a great job on it.
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