I hope the hardware is nifty, because I'm feeling all SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. And, I'm looking forward to what aftermarket hackers do to replace the out-of-box firmware, as I do with all gadgets
It's basically dev/early adopter/beta test + training kit. It sounds like they're seeding the ground for 3rd party apps early, which seems like a great idea. They want to see the creative ways people will use it so they can up the integration with Google Now (which is what those flash-card looking things appeared to be).
This is targeted at people who are on the cutting edge and want to shape the direction of the product. Not to mention this isn't just a product that already existed with a nice skin on it (yes, my colors are showing).
A lottery to get a draft of a product for an extremely high price with no release date or other info about how it works is "transparent" while "This goes on sale today and releases next month at volume and it runs the same apps as everything else in our ecosystem with the same APIs" isn't. Right.
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
My guess is the price is to keep it from falling into the hands of derps. They're looking for people who are going to be serious about beta testing. Or I could be wrong, which I am from time to time. And by time to time I mean second to second.
That's how I saw it as well. no one is talking about market price here. They are trying to get what are basically prototypes into the hands of a few people who would be super serious about giving them a go. The contest and fee are the way of confirming super seriousness.
Just some app ideas: Museum Tours: When looking at the art the app gives you the pertinent information. Home Buying: You can google hangout to give someone the tour of the house you are thinking of buying. Home inspector could record inspection points with audio/video Cooking App: Step by step directions without having to touch a tablet Gaming Help: Game strategy guide app that gives you steps when it pics up a tag that is embedded in the game video
etc... Just the possibilities make me excited for this tech.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
HUD for travel. I'd love to have this as my GPS instead of a thing I stick to my window. Also Dennou Coil. If you know, you know.
I was writing them into my sci-fi stories over fifteen years ago. The characters called them PHUDs. Unfortunately for my futurist cred, those stories were never published formally (some did appear here on Icrontic though).
In the current version of the novel which is based on the Zeta Disconnect stories (which is under consideration for publication currently, BTW) the devices have been renamed simply to 'visors', and it's no longer a prediction of the future, it's more of a tech that everyone has because duh.
1. Few people wear glasses on purpose. They spend a lot of money to not need them.
2. Glasses are more insular than a smartphone. It is literally between you and others.
3. "I'm distracted by my phone" is borderline rude. On your face, there is not even that social cue.
4. Hold your phone up like you're taking a picture all day. Every interaction will begin to break down.
5. You can put your phone away. If you put Glass away regularly, there was no point.
There are great uses for this technology in many businesses, but not the consumer market. The marketing behind this suggests they are instead aiming for consumers. I don't see it happening.
This is targeted at people who are on the cutting edge and want to shape the direction of the product. Not to mention this isn't just a product that already existed with a nice skin on it (yes, my colors are showing).
1. Click
2. Look at main image
3. Try not to think that it is @UPSLynx
4. Beer Goggles MIRIGHT!?
Also, when did an iPad become a PC?
Just some app ideas:
Museum Tours: When looking at the art the app gives you the pertinent information.
Home Buying: You can google hangout to give someone the tour of the house you are thinking of buying. Home inspector could record inspection points with audio/video
Cooking App: Step by step directions without having to touch a tablet
Gaming Help: Game strategy guide app that gives you steps when it pics up a tag that is embedded in the game video
etc... Just the possibilities make me excited for this tech.
Also Dennou Coil. If you know, you know.
Taking apart your car for the first time? Have the video or, better yet, a contextually-driven set of labeled instructions right in your FOV.
In the current version of the novel which is based on the Zeta Disconnect stories (which is under consideration for publication currently, BTW) the devices have been renamed simply to 'visors', and it's no longer a prediction of the future, it's more of a tech that everyone has because duh.
2. Glasses are more insular than a smartphone. It is literally between you and others.
3. "I'm distracted by my phone" is borderline rude. On your face, there is not even that social cue.
4. Hold your phone up like you're taking a picture all day. Every interaction will begin to break down.
5. You can put your phone away. If you put Glass away regularly, there was no point.
There are great uses for this technology in many businesses, but not the consumer market. The marketing behind this suggests they are instead aiming for consumers. I don't see it happening.
2. You are LOOKING AT PEOPLE through your glasses. What could be more insular than looking AWAY from someone and at your phone instead?
3. Exactly.