Icrontic Summer Shindig 2013 - UNPLUGGED

#ICSS #6
Labor Day Weekend: August 30-September 2, 2013
Facebook Event Page
We're going to really shake things up for Summer Shindig this year...
In years past, Summer Shindig started up around the Woodward Dream Cruise, but as the years went on people got less and less interested in fighting the crowd just to see some classic cars cruising Woodward Avenue.... and the million attendees didn't really help matters.
This year we decided to really change it up, in light of Renn Faire being cancelled (ANNE... THE BABY) and Summer Shindig being less and less about the cars and more and more about just hanging out between Expo and Oktoberfest.... we're moving it north. Way north.
Icrontic Summer Shindig 2013 will be held at Prime's property in northern Michigan (around these parts we call it "up north"). It's 5.5 acres of lovingly tended wilderness, with plenty and plenty of camping space as well as woods and tons of privacy. There is a trailer on the property with running water and electricity, so we do have a shower and a toilet.
Bring a tent, bring some beers, bring your favorite thing to grill, and you will have an amazingly awesome weekend of hanging out in the woods, campfires, and relaxing good times.
Those who are flying in can get a spot in one of the vehicles. If you're willing to drive, let us know how many spots you have available so we can start assigning cars.

Labor Day Weekend: August 30-September 2, 2013
Facebook Event Page
We're going to really shake things up for Summer Shindig this year...
In years past, Summer Shindig started up around the Woodward Dream Cruise, but as the years went on people got less and less interested in fighting the crowd just to see some classic cars cruising Woodward Avenue.... and the million attendees didn't really help matters.
This year we decided to really change it up, in light of Renn Faire being cancelled (ANNE... THE BABY) and Summer Shindig being less and less about the cars and more and more about just hanging out between Expo and Oktoberfest.... we're moving it north. Way north.
Icrontic Summer Shindig 2013 will be held at Prime's property in northern Michigan (around these parts we call it "up north"). It's 5.5 acres of lovingly tended wilderness, with plenty and plenty of camping space as well as woods and tons of privacy. There is a trailer on the property with running water and electricity, so we do have a shower and a toilet.
Bring a tent, bring some beers, bring your favorite thing to grill, and you will have an amazingly awesome weekend of hanging out in the woods, campfires, and relaxing good times.
We will start the journey at ICHQ Detroit, to make carpooling as efficient as possible. When all the cars are loaded, we'll head up (relatively grouped up but definitely not "caravaning" which is unsafe and inefficient). The journey is just about 2.5 hours north of ICHQ Detroit. Every car should have at least one smartphone or GPS to get there. Google Maps has 115 E. City Limits road slightly wrong; it's actually about .25 miles north of where it says on the map... There is a grass driveway on the right-hand side that leads down a hill and up again to the property. We'll have a sign up.Those who are flying in can get a spot in one of the vehicles. If you're willing to drive, let us know how many spots you have available so we can start assigning cars.

finecheap winehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/icrontic/sets/72157635341009480/