Mind of BobbyTallbeer

ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
edited August 2013 in Community
Since his conversion into a beer, UPSLynx has become woefully uninteresting for anything but drinking. Should we foreverban him from making more videos?

Mind of BobbyTallbeer 27 votes

MAGICUPSHitmanCanti 3 votes
Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
KwitkoThraxStraight_ManpigflipperJokkeColgeremertesnUPSKingpinAlexDeGruvenTushonardichokemidgaTeramonaoni_dels 14 votes
I have been beguiled by this beer's charms and must see more videos from him POST HASTE.
BuddyJCrazyJoePirateNinjaMiracleManSGnomeQueenBandrikCliff_ForstercolaIlriyasCreeperbane2 10 votes


  • Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
    I would like to inform everyone that, immediately after posting this poll, YouTube played me a Capri Sun ad. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
  • TeramonaTeramona Consulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
    Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
    We must drink the tallbeer.
  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian
    I have been beguiled by this beer's charms and must see more videos from him POST HASTE.
    I can drink beer anytime, video and beer however? That sounds like a winner.
  • Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
    I mean, it IS called Mind of UPSLynx... and you are a beer.... and the mind is in the head.... I don't know where I'm going with this.

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian
    Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
    UPSLynx said:

    Wait, did you just suggest I bring back Mind of UPSLynx but make the show about beer?

    Because that very well could be the best idea anyone has ever had ever. And one I may be keen to.

    I am 10,000% ok with this.
  • oni_delsoni_dels Drunk French Canadian Montréal, Québec. Icrontian
    Why are we even taking a poll? Let's just drink the tallbeer.
    UPSLynx said:

    Wait, did you just suggest I bring back Mind of UPSLynx but make the show about beer?

    Because that very well could be the best idea anyone has ever had ever. And one I may be keen to.

    i want in on that. i wanna talk beer with a beer.
    Tall One and Frenchie
  • UPSHitmanUPSHitman The Big Nasty Indianapolis, Indiana Icrontian
    UPSLynx said:

    Wait, did you just suggest I bring back Mind of UPSLynx but make the show about beer?

    Because that very well could be the best idea anyone has ever had ever. And one I may be keen to.

  • UPSHitmanUPSHitman The Big Nasty Indianapolis, Indiana Icrontian
    I just realized I read the question on the poll wrong! I would like to change my vote to Orange!
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