We taking requests? I think I may have found my next useless thing I want to play with. All the ones I can find online appear 3D Prints, and I thunk to myself, "Hey, there is a dude on icrontic that does 3D printing!"
My printer is currently not working, but that print would be super easy. Would recommend checking out your local library, a lot of them have 3D printers nowadays.
@d3k0y said:
We taking requests? I think I may have found my next useless thing I want to play with. All the ones I can find online appear 3D Prints, and I thunk to myself, "Hey, there is a dude on icrontic that does 3D printing!"
Its plastic, and 4 ball bearings, should be simple enough, and hopefully cost less than 25 bucks. So what say you!?
Also that video makes me jelly. I love watching gears work. Also quarter mil for that watch? I'd buy it with my first 5 million.
@RyanFodder said:
My printer is currently not working, but that print would be super easy. Would recommend checking out your local library, a lot of them have 3D printers nowadays.
Your local library doesn't, @D3k0y, but the one downtown does, and the fees are reasonable. Also, they have a neat kid's section. You can make a family trip to the big'ol Cincy Library!
@CB said:
Your local library doesn't, @D3k0y, but the one downtown does, and the fees are reasonable. Also, they have a neat kid's section. You can make a family trip to the big'ol Cincy Library!
Well shazam! I haven't been to the Main Branch in a very long time, I think it was something like 19 years ago. I might have to go check that out.
22mm being around .8 inches, I think might be a good size for my large hands. It looks like most of the etsy ones are half inch bearings, but I am not seeing any on Amazon that look good. Using a handy dandy measuring tape my co-worker randomly had it looks like my pinch distance is around 3inches
Looking at the finished design, if I went with .8 bearings, with the gaps between the arm bearing, and the edge I'd be just around 1.7 inches ( .4" radius of middle bearing, .2" gap, .8" bearing, .3" edge)
Benson's fit both criteria. Quality construction, tight fit, solid feel.
Check this shit out.
Do it without metal and I'll be truly impressed.
We taking requests? I think I may have found my next useless thing I want to play with. All the ones I can find online appear 3D Prints, and I thunk to myself, "Hey, there is a dude on icrontic that does 3D printing!"
https://www.etsy.com/listing/466978536/3d-printed-tri-fidget-spinner-hand?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=restless hands&ref=sr_gallery_8
Its plastic, and 4 ball bearings, should be simple enough, and hopefully cost less than 25 bucks. So what say you!?
Also that video makes me jelly. I love watching gears work. Also quarter mil for that watch? I'd buy it with my first 5 million.
My printer is currently not working, but that print would be super easy. Would recommend checking out your local library, a lot of them have 3D printers nowadays.
That would be very easy to print, just would need the sizes of the bearings.
I'm printing some stuff for @PinkInDetroit at the moment, but I can take a crack at it after that.
Your local library doesn't, @D3k0y, but the one downtown does, and the fees are reasonable. Also, they have a neat kid's section. You can make a family trip to the big'ol Cincy Library!
Well shazam! I haven't been to the Main Branch in a very long time, I think it was something like 19 years ago. I might have to go check that out.
Also, thinking about this for the bearing
22mm being around .8 inches, I think might be a good size for my large hands. It looks like most of the etsy ones are half inch bearings, but I am not seeing any on Amazon that look good. Using a handy dandy measuring tape my co-worker randomly had it looks like my pinch distance is around 3inches
Looking at the finished design, if I went with .8 bearings, with the gaps between the arm bearing, and the edge I'd be just around 1.7 inches ( .4" radius of middle bearing, .2" gap, .8" bearing, .3" edge)
Library led me to "Thingverse", found this: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1812257/#files, anyone able to pop that open and tell me what the dimensions for the bearing are?