Who wants to run around the moon with me this year?

So was sitting here on the job hunt, thinking I wanted to go for a run, but wished I had a running buddy. Remembering back to the days before ICOK 2013 we had a pretty good group going for motivation to run/walk and lose weight. Therefore, I thought of all of you! So, I think we should create a spreadsheet and motivate each other to get going again. The moon is approximately 7,000 miles around, and I think Icrontic can run around it this year. Let's start today, you can walk, run, elliptical, or any other activity you can record in miles!
WHO'S WITH ME!? @TiberiusLazarus, @tushon, @troublebaker, @WAGSFTW, @fatcat, and everyone else who wants tooooo joinnnnn ussss
Doc is live here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6vakc0bS8ndEY4NHhUTlFIRm5NejNieDdNTEtiSXc&usp=sharing
WHO'S WITH ME!? @TiberiusLazarus, @tushon, @troublebaker, @WAGSFTW, @fatcat, and everyone else who wants tooooo joinnnnn ussss

Doc is live here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6vakc0bS8ndEY4NHhUTlFIRm5NejNieDdNTEtiSXc&usp=sharing
everyone can do whatever they choose!
ALSO, HIGHFIVE to everyone who has signed up and is getting their sweat on to be active!
Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity · Feb 11
My total driving distance on Mars is 4.97 km. Anyone on Earth want to run a #5K when I reach that mark? #Curiosity5K #LetsMove
That'll do, Pink. That'll do.