Built to Spill's album "Perfect From Now On," which if you haven't ever heard before you should really go to grooveshark.com and queu the whole album. Lynx also approves of this message.
The Apostasy by Behemoth, good music to clean the house by:
The all prophetic incantation
I was here before the dust bunnies came
And I am the one to come after all myths and gods
I will clean Thee, house, by the end ov days
I pity Thee not oh self despising crumbs
Thy self contempt filled with disgust
Cast aside Thy scorn ov the broom
Until I lay my wrath upon the Thee I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Clean the house!
Marriage is an institution that is in decay.
As for what I am listening to:
The Who - Boris The Spider
Jordan Sparks - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFd39ogKITE
Jedi Mind Tricks - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqS9eWNmAZU
If we're talking about Ayo Technology covers, I prefer this one.
Milow- Ayo Technology
The all prophetic incantation
I was here before the dust bunnies came
And I am the one to come after all myths and gods
I will clean Thee, house, by the end ov days
I pity Thee not oh self despising crumbs
Thy self contempt filled with disgust
Cast aside Thy scorn ov the broom
Until I lay my wrath upon the Thee I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Clean the house!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V775PPuBc7YExplicit lyrics!!!