@Karma said:
primesuspect Isn't it just a play on poltergeist?
Yeah, and Poltergeist came out in 1982, which is before most people who would be familiar with this band/song were born. That's all I was saying. I feel like most fans of this video would be like "oh wow cool video" but have no idea that it's Poltergeist.
On a side note, JoBeth Williams in that t-shirt and panties was probably my first childhood crush.
HumerusMegSomething, something medical professional, Fitness bitch, Sexy chefAustin Icrontian
Oh, I got that it was poltergeist-ish-- I feel like all the stuff from that movie has become so mainstream that it doesn't even seem like a specific reference to me anymore
@Karma said:
Lol only came out 9 years before I was born. I don't know what GnomeQueen excuse was for not knowing.
As I said above, I knew the poltergeist thing. I just feel like the content from the poltergeist has become so mainstream that I no longer think of it as a specific reference-- just general horror movie fare.
I know that a lot of you may not be into the kind of music I like, but I felt is should share it anyway. I like a lot of country music, as well as a little sub-genre called outlaw country. One artist that can be listed in this category is Shooter Jennings, the only son of the late country legend Waylon Jennings. I'm a fan of his. Here are a couple of his songs that are my favorites. I highly suggest checking them out.
@primesuspect Isn't it just a play on poltergeist?
Yeah, and Poltergeist came out in 1982, which is before most people who would be familiar with this band/song were born. That's all I was saying. I feel like most fans of this video would be like "oh wow cool video" but have no idea that it's Poltergeist.
On a side note, JoBeth Williams in that t-shirt and panties was probably my first childhood crush.
Rye Weaver has been my latest obsession
Oh, I got that it was poltergeist-ish-- I feel like all the stuff from that movie has become so mainstream that it doesn't even seem like a specific reference to me anymore
Lol only came out 9 years before I was born. I don't know what @GnomeQueen excuse was for not knowing.
As I said above, I knew the poltergeist thing. I just feel like the content from the poltergeist has become so mainstream that I no longer think of it as a specific reference-- just general horror movie fare.
I mean the song is fine but the music video redo is kinda the tits. 49 art students were all given 52 frames to do.
Ignore the cheeseburger butts.
One must not.
@Church4252. Brand new Crayon Pop today.
Watched it earlier and loved it lol
BOY - Little Numbers / they're a 2 piece from Europe. Bought their album on iTunes after listening to two songs. Totally worth it.
It's horrifically adorable, really.
It's all because of this video.
I love Scissor Sisters. Laura is one of my favorite tunes ever.
I know that a lot of you may not be into the kind of music I like, but I felt is should share it anyway. I like a lot of country music, as well as a little sub-genre called outlaw country. One artist that can be listed in this category is Shooter Jennings, the only son of the late country legend Waylon Jennings. I'm a fan of his. Here are a couple of his songs that are my favorites. I highly suggest checking them out.
"Electric Rodeo"
"This Ol' Wheel"
Literally listening to this right now. Came out yesterday I think. Currently on track 2.
Came here to also post about new Metric album. It is so good.
I think this one will take some time to grow on me. It's a bit different from their last few albums and only one song really stood out to me.
It's not bad by any means but it didn't kick me in the feels like Synthetica or Live It Out.
This song is pretty depressing, but it's phenomenal.
This guy is incredible. I can not wait to see where he goes. I haven't listened to a non rock album this much since "Give Up" by The Postal Service.
I started listening to the tune, kind of catchy, and then I found the video and was like, are you serious? Ok, fine, I'll allow it.
1996 Foxy
Spin Doctors
Kicking it waaay old school