D&D in Detroit, You in?

sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
edited June 2015 in Gaming

So who wants to play D&D in Detroit?

@Sazbean, @primesuspect and I are putting together a monthly game at the Icrontic house and you are invited!

Here are the details

Who's DM? - Me. I've been DMing for Wizards of the Coast as an official Adventure League organizer since the 5th Edition came out two years ago. I have DMed at midwest game conventions for WoTC to packed crowds and even won an award for the game I ran. I currently have 3 ongoing campaigns for friends, so one more won't kill me (maybe)

Sorry, um, who are you again? - Yeah, I'm kinda a lurker. I was introduced to Icrontic through my wife @Sazbean last year. I'm not much of a video gamer, so this is my way of trying to fit into the group :) I've been to the last two Expos and had a great time, so you may have met me there.

System/Setting/Etc - So this would be a D&D 5th Ed game in the Forgotten Realms using my own written adventures. The campaign will be a 1940's pulp adventure style ala the Indiana Jones trilogy; lots of globe trotting, ancient ruins with traps and treasure, and over-the-top action scenes.

When & Where - @primesuspect was kind enough to offer up the house. @Sazbean and I both work downtown so that works well. I'll say one Friday a month as the when and we can see who all is interested and can make that time.

Who & How many - So honestly, if you have never played D&D but want to try, this is my favorite player. I love teaching the game and have done so for many others over the years. I have run tables of up to 12 players a night (exhausting) because I never turn anyone away who wants to play. I have run for teenagers but its a very different kind of game than adults, so we'll have to see.



  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Sweet living Tiamat YES

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    .... remote play option, mebbe?

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    @Snarkasm its not off the table as an option. I've had two campaigns on roll20 which worked well, but those were clearly all remote players. I've honestly never run a co-mingled remote + face-to-face game. I know Critical Hits does it with Skype video for two players. Let's say for now its a possibility that Ill have to investigate :)

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    Yeah, I was thinking Skype/Hangouts or something. I'm a long shot for it, to be honest, but if it might be an option, maybe I can convince Alyssa to join with both of us as n00bs. Let me know what you decide. :) Thanks!

  • SignalSignal Icrontian

    If remote is an option I'd be interested in getting back into it. I dabbled in it back in the good ole days with 3rd edition.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    As awesome as remote would be, I'm pretty set on making this an in-person event at the house. Having skype/laptops/remoteness piped in really changes the tabletop dynamic.

    I did four years of amazing remote D&D over Skype and FantasyGrounds. It was awesome, but I don't see any practical or good way that the two can mix.


  • RequitRequit That one guy Somewhere over there, I don't know Icrontian

    @primesuspect said:
    I did four years of amazing remote D&D over Skype and FantasyGrounds. It was awesome, but I don't see any practical or good way that the two can mix.

    Curse the fact that I live in AZ. I've always wanted to try DnD.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    I just did 18 months with 3 RL people + 1 skype. Went great. We pointed him at the tabletop.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    I have to back @primesuspect on this one - I would rather have a smaller group all in person than try to open up remote play for this campaign. Sorry.

  • SazbeanSazbean Madam President has a nice ring to it Chelsea, MI Icrontian

    I'm obviously a yes, lol ;) Maybe I'll play a huntard this time and sit in the back and pew pew.

  • GuppyGuppy Warren, MI Icrontian

    I've always wanted to give D&D a try. I don't really know anything about it though. I tried it once, but had no idea what was going on.

  • Creeperbane2Creeperbane2 Victorian Scoundrel Indianapolis, IN Icrontian
    edited July 2015

    @Guppy said:
    I've always wanted to give D&D a try. I don't really know anything about it though. I tried it once, but had no idea what was going on.

    Healing spells good
    Be sure to watch what is needed for what spells
    If you encounter semi-sentient purple mushrooms DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, USE FIRE ON THEM. I'm not going to spoil why, just trust me DON'T!

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @Guppy said:
    I've always wanted to give D&D a try. I don't really know anything about it though. I tried it once, but had no idea what was going on.

    This might be the perfect time. You in?

  • GuppyGuppy Warren, MI Icrontian

    Sure, I'll give it a shot.

  • ChoochChooch K-Pop authority™, Pho King Madison Heights, MI Icrontian


  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    @Church4252 So how can I turn that Maybe into a Yes?

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    So it looks like we at least have three players. Thats my minimum, so the game is officially on. We'll work out details offline.

    There is plenty of room for players to join in after we start. I know one guy who I can vouch for who wants to play that is registering for Icrontic now.

  • I'm definitely in on this awesome sauce.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    Four little indians

  • waxwax the neroberg Icrontian

    I'm in.

  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian

    What kind of start time would we be looking at? It is kind of a haul from Lansing, seeing as how I'd have to leave after work if it's on a Friday, but I've been interested in learning D&D for a while...

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    Five little indians

    @ardichoke so for a game that only meets once a month, you want to maximize your time together. So I would suggest we stick to a start time of right after work and then playing late into the evening.

    Now, having said that, I personally don't have an issue with a rolling start time that is soft in the beginning as people get in and then picks up once most people are there, so that would allow you to just join when you got there as long as you were ok with missing some of the action.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    @ardichoke One other thought, as I hope you can join us but know full well how much of a haul that is for you. There are places in Lansing running Adventure League games on Wednesday nights that you can drop in and join. It is a great way to learn the game. I ran one for our Wixom store for a year and had tons of new players drop in and have fun.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2015

    Still waiting to hear from @J @FreshyP @TheRedburn @TroubleBaker and @DaveMurr

  • I would like to join in. Still a beginner! Also have a friend who might like to join who has never played.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    Wow, awesome! @stephanieparty is our 6th little indian

    I have @primesuspect, @Sazbean, @wax, @Guppy, @Jhive, and @stephanieparty.

    So prime, I would cap the initial roster at 8. If we get more than that interested in playing we can start a second list for anyone that's interested in dropping in as a sub. Honestly I have yet run a night of gaming where everyone made it that signed up cuz, life, so players on a sub list do play often.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    @stephanieparty can you get your friend to register on icrontic and comment?

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    My wife @troublebaker and friend @J are definitely in

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @stephanieparty said:
    I would like to join in. Still a beginner! Also have a friend who might like to join who has never played.

    On a side note omg Stephanie your avatar is my favorite, you bobo.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited July 2015

    DING Sweet. Thats our 8.

    Anyone else interested playing, please let me know in an icrontic message or here in this post and Ill add you to a sub list.

    Also, if this goes well, which I expect it to, I will be doing more games in the future. Maybe even mix it up with a very different style collaborative story game like Call of Cthulhu

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