TF2 Gun Mettle Update
? R U #Hats !TX Icrontian
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This update is Huge! (So huge I'll have to break it into multiple posts!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm hooked on TF2 for another 3+ months.
So you can now temporarily loot weapons off other players and use them? If so what's the point in crafting/ trading/ drop farming anymore?
Whoa though; big nerf to Loch n Load. @Bobbydigi do you know if bots are considered "buildings"?
Looks like I got the Natascha just in time, I guess?
Damnit now I need a new fancy sniper rifle and scatter gun.
That is just grody. Free to play turning into pay every time you want to play something.
Quit yer bitchin'. Don't play if you don't like it . I've dumped tons of money into playing TF2 MvM with my friends and have zero regrets. The memories I make playing this game for the last 8 years of my life (not to mention the priceless and irreplaceable friendships) are worth more than they could ever possibly charge. They could bill me for a thousand bucks for past enjoyment and I'd pay it. No game in my life has done more for me, personally, and for this community, than TF2
Still no updates to MvM : (
As far as I know, no. But this is a pretty big nerf to Demo MvM if they are not.
Paid 100% cosmetic update is cosmetic. All game play changes in this update are Free as they have been for the last 2+ years. You going to stop playing because other people have painted guns? No, you're going to have a blast picking up other people's guns and killing them with their own guns.... for free.
And then you are going to get mad Jelly and either break down and pay the $5.99 or I'll buy it for you because like it or not you are part of this TF2 community and we want to shoot you with your newly painted Instant Karma Mk. VII. Deal With It.
BRB Uninstalling.
So this update broke the game enough for you that you no longer want to play with your friends? WTF dude? Season 5.5 is coming soon.
He mad
So they unnerfed heavy, made my tide turner loadout viable again, and nerfed most of my troll loadouts. Someone should make an icrontic event for us to play all this fancy new stuff tonight.
@BobbyDigi I am just touched you remembered my sniper rifle name.
No more immortal Demofarge!
Demotarge you mean. Demofarge is going to be a bit harder to kill with these changes.
I'm sad because now I need name tags.
So we packing the server tonight for this?
As long as we can play the new maps
Make sure server gets updated
I got my first week/contract weapons. Minigun and rocket launcher. Sold the minigun promptly while prices were still high. Both were the minimum quality or whatever. I like the rocket launcher. Could have sold it for nearly $2.00 but I kept it, because soldier stuff. I'm anxiously awaiting next week Hopefully we can all play together. The new maps are a blast.
Sold minigun? Sad heavy.