It says it in the footer of every page, yet somehow we let slip by the 15th anniversary of Keith publishing the first article on, the predecessor to the Icrontic community. That's right, some of you fools have been hanging around here 15 years. Jiminey.
Wow and damn and wow.
Jiminy's only been here since 2007
I can't remember. Maybe I was here 15 years ago, fighting for my 8kha+. It's blurry. I love you IC.
I actually have a calendar reminder for the 8th, and I was gonna make a thread, but I'm a bad and got busy and forgot
happy birthday Icrontic. <4
June 1 2003 is where our part of the story really began anyway.
I'm almost to 10 years. Who woulda thunk, huh?
Haven't talked to AA or Park_7677 in forever either.
15 years ago I was in Celchos 3rd story computer/rec room when Keith launched the site (apushardware) at the beginning of our Junior year of high school. Holy crap.
A few weeks later we did the first Ghetto Hardware. And a few months after that came the name change to Icrontic.
that yummy KT7
edit> haha I forgot OCZ did video cards
I honestly don't remember when I joined IC (I think it was Nov/2000), but the earliest web archive snapshot I can find showing me "online" is 1-21-2002, so I guess that works
IC is the closest thing I've ever had in my life to church or a gang. I've been off and on at times, but I joined when I 16. Best people. Happy birthday to IC original.
Sweet 16!

Icrontic can drive now!
Icrontic can also give consent in Michigan.