Yes, as in why the hell tex and citrix were bidding against each other... oh wait, I see the light!! The snipe program couldn't be canceled, therefore, Tex and citrix ended up bidding against each other. wow... sux to lose 700 bucks like that...
I guess they got bit in the ass by trying to use They were sniping against each other before they were "in" together and the thing shot up over $1000 in 5 seconds. Mortin is one lucky dude. He just got $2225.77 for having his site hacked.
Blackhawk is right, I just didn't want to be the one to spill the beans for anyone, got to love insider news eh? So don't worry, is not going to become some pr0n site or anything.
Tex is just_tex666, Citrix is krazybaloo. They had to know that it was each other. Why didn't Tex just not bid? They knew that was active.
If it were me....I'd formally complain to to refund their bid prices (the difference).
I'm very afraid to phone Tex now.
oops...just read post back one page explaining it all.
TekGamer said Its probably gonna become some french canadian moose lovers (not the sexual lovin) site. Full dedication to the welfare and discussion of mooses.
danball1976 said I doubt that anyone in the forums was from Quebec. If that's true, its too bad that Icrontic is going to be something totally differnet.
danball1976 said I think mortin is pretty happy (I guess) that he got that much money. Now he can pay some extra bills.
Or dissapointed cause he got less than what he expected.
Honestly... he got nothing compared to what he could have gotten if he would have ran his site worth a damn... But he didn't and he won't.
I think Mortin is a good guy... but he threw away something that could have been much larger in the future if more effort would have been put in on his part. Meh... either way.
Despite the fact that some of us disagree with Mortin's decision, at least it worked out for the best... if someone other than Tex and CitrixMeta had won icrontic, I shudder to think of the possible outcome!
TekGamer said Its probably gonna become some french canadian moose lovers (not the sexual lovin) site. Full dedication to the welfare and discussion of mooses.
Back into the frying pan.
But then at the end as Tex wasnt the highest bidder the Snipe site kicked in.
just_tex666( 25) $2,200.77 Jun-04-03 12:16:57 PDT
krazybaloo( 23) $1,800.00 Jun-04-03 06:15:16 PDT
just_tex666( 25) $1,500.00 May-28-03 19:02:22 PDT
Tex is just_tex666, Citrix is krazybaloo. They had to know that it was each other. Why didn't Tex just not bid? They knew that was active.
If it were me....I'd formally complain to to refund their bid prices (the difference).
I'm very afraid to phone Tex now.
oops...just read post back one page explaining it all.
All gramatical and puncual errors are intentional....
We already know it was Citrix who won.
read the whole thread dude... Krazybaloo is CitrixMeta, who IS from Quebec, and who WAS a very active member of the forums.
way to not read the entire thread b4 posting
lol...beaten to it
Now that I know who krazybaloo is, its all cool.
I think mortin is pretty happy (I guess) that he got that much money. Now he can pay some extra bills.
heh, j/k good to see you made it
That could be true too.
Honestly... he got nothing compared to what he could have gotten if he would have ran his site worth a damn... But he didn't and he won't.
I think Mortin is a good guy... but he threw away something that could have been much larger in the future if more effort would have been put in on his part. Meh... either way.
yeah yeah, you were right....
easy killer i was just making a joke..
I'm going to stop before I cross too many lines and have to ban myself. rofl.
BTW, niiiiiice... I definitely enjoy a little beaver myself.