I am excited to see more indie local multiplayer games coming up on the roadmap.
They are adding a multiplayer version of Stardew valley and Overcooked: Special Edition
Here is a presentation with other upcoming indie titles too:
00:10 - SteamWorld Dig 2
02:05 - What the Nindies Are All About
02:52 - Yooka-Laylee
04:09 - Overcooked!
04:49 - The Escapists 2
05:15 - Gonner
05:52 - Dandara
06:23 - Kingdom Two Crowns
06:45 - Runner 3
07:55 - Blaster Master Zero
08:44 - Flipping Death
09:59 - Nintendo Switch's HD Rumble Feature & Graceful Explosion Machine
10:38 - Mr. Shifty
11:06 - TumbleSeed
12:00 - Shakedown: Hawaii
13:29 - Pocket Rumble
14:23 - WarGroove
16:23 - Stardew Valley
17:00 - Looking Forward with Indie Games on Nintendo Switch
I'm calling it, the Switch will be a failure. No console with bad tasting cartridges can survive in the modern era. Breaks immersion.
My housemate works at Nintendo and brought home a copy of Breath of the Wild for Switch yesterday and dared me to lick it. I did. I regretted it.
It's incredibly bitter and foul, and even though I licked it for less than 2 seconds, the "flavor" sat in the back of my tongue for the next 3 hours until I went to bed. No amount of water or food would get rid of it.
It's actually brilliant and hilarious. No way in hell a kid is gonna eat one of those things.
@UPSLynx said:
It's actually brilliant and hilarious. No way in hell a kid is gonna eat one of those things.
I can't speak from experience, as I've not procreated.... but my coworker is dubious of this. From his experience with toddlers, tasting bad wouldn't have changed their minds about it.
Doesn't matter. If it fits in their mouth, they'll try to eat it.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
edited March 2017
[Tries citing his own experiences as a child. Realizes how messed up of a kid he was, and probably is can't compare realistically.]
Well I'll just say that this is probably enough to teach some young ones a lesson, and not enough for others. They'll all try and put it in their mouth at least once, if they haven't already learned the lesson. That's a given no matter what really. That wasn't the point though. Rather if the bitterness is enough to make them spit it out, or if they'll try to swallow it regardless?
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
A bit more on topic, if you haven't played Shovel Knight, it will be available at launch for the Switch including the new campaign that is going live for other versions of it later this week. The Switch version will also NOT require the Shovel Knight amiibo in order to do co-op.
Shovel Knight, Breath of the Wild, Snipperclips and the new Bomberman are more then enough for me to personally validate getting one at launch. I'm still not sure what exactly I'm gonna do though. It's either get one now plus those games, or wait till Summer and get it plus those with Splatoon 2, and get Breath of the Wild for the WiiU in the meantime.
Got my shipment notification from target for the system and from amazon for Zelda.
Let's Do This.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Went to the store a bit ago. I get there and the video game section has some conspicuously empty sections. The labels all have NSW on 'em. My first worried thought is that it flew off the shelves already. A true feat for my backwater town.
Nah, they just were in the process of stocking at the time I got there.
We found one in our local Target. Purchased immediately. I can't help but feel like Zelda and the form factor transitions alone have entirely changed the way I consume the games.
Noon on Friday. I make squinty eyes at my phone, thinking I am possibly getting a butt dial from @Zanthian.
But no - he's standing in a Best Buy, holding a neon Switch.
Do I want it?
Damn! I was going to hold out! I don't need it right now. I was hoping to wait for more games. I shouldn't spend the money. No, no, thank you, but no.
That's cool, he says. Someone took the other available one just now while he was on the call. They probably just got more in since Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was released today, he adds.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
I got my copy of Mario kart 8D today. Something I noted right off was that almost everything was unlocked from the start. All the characters including the new ones, all the cups, 200cc and mirrored. Not sure about the vehicle parts, but I noticed the golden parts weren't unlocked.
The additions to online are nice too. Great for organized play. Some streamers over on Twitch are setting up their own tournaments/lobbies to play with fans for example.
I recall being extremely disappointed about the VS maps for Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U. The new ones in the trailer look outstanding, and I'm super excited to try them.
I just realized: this is the first console OR handheld gaming system I've purchased... ever... in my life.
As a kid, I got an original Game Boy and later an N64 as gifts. I got an original Nintendo secondhand from a friend (post-N64) for like $50 but I don't really count that. Otherwise, @primesuspect has been doing the game system buying around here for the last decade.
@Charity and I played some MK8 on the flight back today. The game looks/plays great with split screen and local wireless. We knocked out 1.5 hours of our flight without even realizing it. No chance to try the Internet play, but might give it a shot tomorrow. Played a few of the new battle maps. Much better than the previous design. Hard to tell how well they play, though, with just AI.
Moving away from MK8, I grabbed Voez a couple weeks ago. Finished the rest of the flight with that. Everything is unlocked from the start. If you like rhythm games, it's fun, but a lot of anime-esque music. I'd recommend grabbing the "free" version on mobile to see if you like the style before paying the full $25 on the Switch. I think I read that if you paid to unlock every song on mobile (vs grinding), it'd be about $37.
@GnomeQueen said:
If the person who owns the switch goes on a trip and takes the switch with them, everyone else in the house doesn't have a console to use?
@GnomeQueen said:
If the person who owns the switch goes on a trip and takes the switch with them, everyone else in the house doesn't have a console to use?
Isn't this how every console ever works?
I can see this being the first time its a real issue. I seriously pick up and play the switch on the go more than I do on the TV (that could also be a function of children etc.)
You're assuming the Switch is designed to be a parked-at-home console. It's not. It's a handheld system first and foremost. Nobody ever thinks of having one 3DS for the household. Everybody gets their own.
@primesuspect said:
You're assuming the Switch is designed to be a parked-at-home console. It's not. It's a handheld system first and foremost. Nobody ever thinks of having one 3DS for the household. Everybody gets their own.
Yea, I get that, and I'm saying that I don't want my own. I have no need for handheld system, so I hopefully won't find it fun as a household console.
See, I look at it from the other end: I don't care what piece of equipment is required to play Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Dragon Quest.... Whatever it is, I'll buy it.
yay snipperclips will be a launch digital game and only $19.99
Definitely worth checking this one out if you are picking up a switch.
Yea, I saw that the other day.
I'm calling it, the Switch will be a failure. No console with bad tasting cartridges can survive in the modern era. Breaks immersion.
I am excited to see more indie local multiplayer games coming up on the roadmap.
They are adding a multiplayer version of Stardew valley and Overcooked: Special Edition
Here is a presentation with other upcoming indie titles too:

00:10 - SteamWorld Dig 2
02:05 - What the Nindies Are All About
02:52 - Yooka-Laylee
04:09 - Overcooked!
04:49 - The Escapists 2
05:15 - Gonner
05:52 - Dandara
06:23 - Kingdom Two Crowns
06:45 - Runner 3
07:55 - Blaster Master Zero
08:44 - Flipping Death
09:59 - Nintendo Switch's HD Rumble Feature & Graceful Explosion Machine
10:38 - Mr. Shifty
11:06 - TumbleSeed
12:00 - Shakedown: Hawaii
13:29 - Pocket Rumble
14:23 - WarGroove
16:23 - Stardew Valley
17:00 - Looking Forward with Indie Games on Nintendo Switch
My housemate works at Nintendo and brought home a copy of Breath of the Wild for Switch yesterday and dared me to lick it. I did. I regretted it.
It's incredibly bitter and foul, and even though I licked it for less than 2 seconds, the "flavor" sat in the back of my tongue for the next 3 hours until I went to bed. No amount of water or food would get rid of it.
It's actually brilliant and hilarious. No way in hell a kid is gonna eat one of those things.
I can't speak from experience, as I've not procreated.... but my coworker is dubious of this. From his experience with toddlers, tasting bad wouldn't have changed their minds about it.
Doesn't matter. If it fits in their mouth, they'll try to eat it.
[Tries citing his own experiences as a child. Realizes how messed up of a kid he was, and probably is can't compare realistically.]
Well I'll just say that this is probably enough to teach some young ones a lesson, and not enough for others. They'll all try and put it in their mouth at least once, if they haven't already learned the lesson. That's a given no matter what really. That wasn't the point though. Rather if the bitterness is enough to make them spit it out, or if they'll try to swallow it regardless?
A bit more on topic, if you haven't played Shovel Knight, it will be available at launch for the Switch including the new campaign that is going live for other versions of it later this week. The Switch version will also NOT require the Shovel Knight amiibo in order to do co-op.
Shovel Knight, Breath of the Wild, Snipperclips and the new Bomberman are more then enough for me to personally validate getting one at launch. I'm still not sure what exactly I'm gonna do though. It's either get one now plus those games, or wait till Summer and get it plus those with Splatoon 2, and get Breath of the Wild for the WiiU in the meantime.
I can't wait to pick up my switch.
Tonight Perry and I will pick up at midnight along with Zelda, he is not allowed to play without me. I am still very psyched.
Got my shipment notification from target for the system and from amazon for Zelda.
Let's Do This.
Went to the store a bit ago. I get there and the video game section has some conspicuously empty sections. The labels all have NSW on 'em. My first worried thought is that it flew off the shelves already. A true feat for my backwater town.
Nah, they just were in the process of stocking at the time I got there.
There are some consoles available on Amazon right now
We found one in our local Target. Purchased immediately. I can't help but feel like Zelda and the form factor transitions alone have entirely changed the way I consume the games.
Noon on Friday. I make squinty eyes at my phone, thinking I am possibly getting a butt dial from @Zanthian.
But no - he's standing in a Best Buy, holding a neon Switch.
Do I want it?
Damn! I was going to hold out! I don't need it right now. I was hoping to wait for more games. I shouldn't spend the money. No, no, thank you, but no.
That's cool, he says. Someone took the other available one just now while he was on the call. They probably just got more in since Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was released today, he adds.
"Mario Kart 8 for Switch came out today?"
"Yeah, you didn't know about that?"
Glad I could "help"
Shipped it this afternoon.
I got my copy of Mario kart 8D today. Something I noted right off was that almost everything was unlocked from the start. All the characters including the new ones, all the cups, 200cc and mirrored. Not sure about the vehicle parts, but I noticed the golden parts weren't unlocked.
The additions to online are nice too. Great for organized play. Some streamers over on Twitch are setting up their own tournaments/lobbies to play with fans for example.
Mario kart 8 is a perfect take and play multiplayer example for the system.

I recall being extremely disappointed about the VS maps for Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U. The new ones in the trailer look outstanding, and I'm super excited to try them.
I just realized: this is the first console OR handheld gaming system I've purchased... ever... in my life.
As a kid, I got an original Game Boy and later an N64 as gifts. I got an original Nintendo secondhand from a friend (post-N64) for like $50 but I don't really count that. Otherwise, @primesuspect has been doing the game system buying around here for the last decade.
@Charity and I played some MK8 on the flight back today. The game looks/plays great with split screen and local wireless. We knocked out 1.5 hours of our flight without even realizing it. No chance to try the Internet play, but might give it a shot tomorrow. Played a few of the new battle maps. Much better than the previous design. Hard to tell how well they play, though, with just AI.
Moving away from MK8, I grabbed Voez a couple weeks ago. Finished the rest of the flight with that. Everything is unlocked from the start. If you like rhythm games, it's fun, but a lot of anime-esque music. I'd recommend grabbing the "free" version on mobile to see if you like the style before paying the full $25 on the Switch. I think I read that if you paid to unlock every song on mobile (vs grinding), it'd be about $37.
Isn't this how every console ever works?
I can see this being the first time its a real issue. I seriously pick up and play the switch on the go more than I do on the TV (that could also be a function of children etc.)
You're assuming the Switch is designed to be a parked-at-home console. It's not. It's a handheld system first and foremost. Nobody ever thinks of having one 3DS for the household. Everybody gets their own.
Yea, I get that, and I'm saying that I don't want my own. I have no need for handheld system, so I hopefully won't find it fun as a household console.
See, I look at it from the other end: I don't care what piece of equipment is required to play Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Dragon Quest.... Whatever it is, I'll buy it.