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Guild Wars 2 beta signup now open

Guild Wars 2 beta signup now open

Guild Wars 2 Beta Signup
Get thee to the Guild Wars 2 beta signup, run the Scannertron 5000, and cross your fingers. The Scannertron is a small application that uploads your hardware specs. Presumably they only want beta testers whose machines can handle the game.

Guild Wars 2 will be having beta “events”; if you’re not selected for one, you may be selected for another. This is up to the developers, and according to the FAQ, will change depending on the event.


  1. trooster89
  2. RahnalH102
    RahnalH102 Oh no! I get a "Error can't send system information. Sorry :(" message!
  3. Thrax
    Oh no! I get a "Error can't send system information. Sorry :(" message!
    Same issue as every other hotly-anticipated MMO beta: the server is getting crushed, with 100k signups in the first hour alone. Just keep trying.
  4. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx Lord.. the ART of this game is some of the best I have ever seen. Pixar quality of attention to detail. It's like the lush art of Bastion but in a high budget big studio game. I can't WAIT to play this.
  5. Tushon
    Tushon Worked for me as of this post.
  6. Zanthian
  7. SpencerForHire
    SpencerForHire Success. Prepare for a floodgate of my HYPE!
  8. TrustMeImAGirafe I can't run it because it says there a missing gdiplus.dll missing?? Y U NO WORK?ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
  9. RahnalH102
    RahnalH102 Ok got it in. This would be my first attempt at a BETA so I didn't anticipate a possible backup.
  10. CrazyJoe
  11. Tanner In. My computer can't run it so if I do end up getting in I'll give away my beta account here.

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