An internet-wide scavenger hunt has led to a new Harry Potter web site. This site, is simply the word Pottermore on a pink background, flanked by a pair of owls, and underlines with the words “Coming Soon” followed by J.K. Rowling’s signature.
Clicking on either of the owls brings one to a customized YouTube page, in which a video appears with a timer in it, stating that Rowling will be making an announcement on June 23rd around the open of business GMT.
There was of course a lot of frantic wondering about the possibility of an 8th Harry Potter book, which anyone familiar with the novels knows wouldn’t really work well. To quell some of the mystery, Rowling’s publicists came out with a statement assuring everyone that the upcoming project is not another novel or film, further saying only that the project will be “breathtaking in scope”.
To me, there only seems like two things it could be: An encyclopedia of the Wizarding world, or an MMO. The former would surely sell well, but the latter: Can you imagine? If there ever was a fantasy property strong enough to lure gamers away from the current big MMOs, it’s Harry Potter, and who knows— it might also be a good game. I doubt it, however.
What ever it is, Potter fans world-wide will be watching the news on Thursday morning to discover where they will get their next Potter fix.