If geeks love it, we’re on it

She hates grape jelly, okay?

She hates grape jelly, okay?

Hate Grape Jelly

Icrontic’s TroubleBaker, TiberiusLazarus, UPSLynx, and myself went to get breakfast this morning. During this normally jovial part of the morning routine, TroubleBaker announced how much she loathes grape jelly. We basically told her to make a movie about it, so she did.

She really, really hates grape jelly… get it?

(Rated NSFW for language!)


  1. Kwitko
    Kwitko Slow news day?
  2. the_technocrat
  3. Nemikan
    Nemikan At least its not cherry!
  4. primesuspect
    primesuspect IC Life = not a news channel. Why don't you create some content and then you can be up here too!
  5. Bandrik
    Bandrik I love how British they sound. HAH!

    Mmm. Peanut butter and pubic hair sandwiches. The lunch of champions.

    Also, this is why I <3 homemade strawberry preserve/jam my family makes.
  6. Kwitko
    IC Life = not a news channel. Why don't you create some content and then you can be up here too!
    Because I'm fucking uncreative.
  7. drasnor
    drasnor I bought cherry and amaretto jelly at the local farmer's market a couple of weeks ago.
  8. poofie
    poofie (IC should totes have a xtranormal video contest)

    you didn't hear it from me.
  9. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore Grape jelly is for bi-winners.
  10. Canti
    Canti >implying there is any good jelly

    Jam or gtfo
  11. QuadWhore
    Canti wrote:
    >implying there is any good jelly

    Jam or gtfo

    Oh. Yeah. This.
  12. fatcat
  13. Canti
    Canti God tier of breakfast fruit spreads.

  14. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster Any Green Eggs and Ham inspiration here?
  15. ardichoke
    ardichoke For once I agree with Canti. Mmm... blueberries.
  16. fatcat
  17. Canti
    ardichoke wrote:
    For once I agree with Canti.

    As any rational person should.

    @ Fatcat, Strawberry is also awesome, Apple Butter however is only decent.
  18. Gate28
    Gate28 People think I'm crazy because I don't like cheese. Also, this:
  19. QuadWhore
    Gate28 wrote:
    People think I'm crazy because I don't like cheese. Also, this:

    I've got some waiting for me at home. Brand new... jar.
  20. BobbyDigi
    BobbyDigi <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AfpyoGFJNNE&quot; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  21. NullenVoyd
    NullenVoyd I can never tell how much I find xtranormal made vids funny, but this one does amuse. If you get the downloadable version, you have much more freedom to cause mayhem, but then you need to buy any content beyond the base set, which is fair.

    Also, I agree with Bobby. Also also, the Icrontic Virtual All-star Thumb Drive Band should do a cover of this. One person records the beat, using whatever (pans, spoons, fake drums, real drums), roughly matching the base tune, then passes it onto someone else who adds another layer until its a song.

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