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Zuma gets his Revenge

Zuma gets his Revenge

Not to be confused with Montezuma's Revenge

Not to be confused with Montezuma's Revenge

Let’s go back to the year 2001 for a moment. If you were a gamer back then, you may remember being shocked, irked, surprised, angry, thrilled, or mystified when you heard the techno music, the “clicks” and “tings”, and discovered your mom, your aunt, your kid brother, or the receptionist at your office playing video games on their computers.

It was Bejeweled, and with it, Popcap basically invented the genre known as “casual gaming”.

The big draw of casual gaming was a very low barrier-to-entry; you did not have to learn complex controls, get involved in a deep storyline, kill hordes of gun-toting antagonists, or repeat a frustrating feat of acrobatics again and again until you got the jump right.

Soon businesses were suffering productivity losses, families were falling apart, students were failing out of school, and nobody cared because they were all sucked into the bright, colorful world of Popcap games.

In 2003, Zuma entered the scene. If there’s one thing you can count on from Popcap, it is that they are masters of branding; you know the instant you see a game that it is from Popcap because of some of their signature elements: compelling sounds, unobtrusive yet catchy soundtracks, bright rainbow colors, and a humorous supporting cast. Zuma was no exception to this, and the use of these elements ensured a quick descent into the fiery depths of  hellish addiction.

It is no surprise, then, that they’ve decided to make a sequel.

He's immune to balls. Popcap's humor hasn't gone anywhere

Popcap's humor hasn't gone anywhere

Not to toot my own horn here, but this humble reviewer has one of the top recorded scores in the world of Zuma. I was obsessed with this game back in 2004, and in July of that year I posted a screenshot of an insane score. Through the magic of interwebs I was discovered by PopCap PR and they told me a dirty secret: Zuma II, aka Zuma’s Revenge, was on the way, and would I like to review it?

I dusted off my frog, found my balls, and prepared to go back into the Aztec-ian world of temples, demons, and clicky clacky.

The first thing I will say about Zuma’s Revenge is that Popcap have done a real number on the graphics. Six years is a long time in computer terms, and it would have been almost  inexcusable for them to not update the graphics, but they’ve outdone themselves. The game runs in the computer equivalent of 1080p, and can go up to 1920×1200, which is unheard of for Popcap games. Even their latest mega-hit, Plants vs. Zombies, runs at relatively low resolution in modern terms. Compare the screenshot of Plants vs. Zombies in full-screen mode to Zuma’s Revenge (click the image to view in full resolution)

Zuma II has really, really attractive graphics

Zuma II has really, really attractive graphics

Not only have they updated the resolution that the game will run at, but they’ve added serious 3D acceleration effects to the graphics. For example, in the level above, there are heat waves coming off the track, translucent smoke, and pulsating magma. You have the option to turn the effects off so that the game will still run on mom and dad’s computer, but it’s nice for Popcap to finally reward those of us with high-end hardware. This is easily the best looking game that Popcap has ever made.

Let’s get it out there: Zuma’s Revenge is essentially more of the same. If you’ve played Zuma, you will be able to jump right in to Zuma’s Revenge. Of course, that’s the hallmark of Popcap games; there is no story other than something vague about your frog maybe getting lost at sea and crash-landing on another island taken over by Zuma. I could be wrong. Who cares?

That said, there are many improvements and additions to the game. This is the hallmark of any good sequel; it’s familiar enough to players who loved the first, but there’s more of what made the first game great. In this case, the “more” comes in the form of new powerups, a new level type, boss fights, and new game types.


The Tri-Shot

The Tri-Shot

In addition to the now familiar Accuracy, Backwards, Slow, and Bomb balls, you will be able to power-up your frog with Lightning, Lasers, and Tri-shot.

The Lightning ball gives you the ability to pick a color to remove from the Curve. You aim the lightning bolt at, say, a gray ball, and all the gray balls will instantly explode. Clever use of this powerup can get you out of extremely tense situations.

The Laser ball gives you four shots with a laser beam. You aim the laser from the frog’s eyes, time slows down a bit, and you can shoot individual balls with pinpoint accuracy. This is a good tool to use to get other powerups, or get a pesky fruit (the replacement for the bonus coins) to score a bunch of bonus points.

Laser Shot

Laser Shot

The Tri-shot fires three heavy iron balls in a cone formation from the frog’s mouth. They plow through everything in their way and do not stop. This is especially useful on levels where you have an angle along the line of the curve. You can take out an entire line of balls this way, or use the iron balls to get a fruit that is lost behind two or three rows of balls.

In all, the three new power-ups bring an exciting new dimension to the game, and open the doors to new kinds of strategies to defeat particularly vexing levels.

The new level type is what I call “Frog-on-Rails”. Instead of having your frog stuck in a circle from which you can spin, you are placed on a rail that runs either along the bottom, along the side, or directly through the center of the level. You can move back and forth, “Galaga” style, and fire upon the ever-relentless train of balls. It’s a refreshing twist, and in the higher levels, a maddening challenge.


Lightning bolt!

There’s another slight twist that I don’t consider a whole new level type, but there are a few levels with two circles that you can warp back and forth between to find different angles of attack. While these levels can be beaten without “jumping” to the other circle, it’s certainly a challenge, even for very experienced players.

As I briefly touched on before, the bonus point coins which used to make your “Zuma” bar fill up faster have been replaced with fruits. This is an inexplicable change, and they function in the exact same way as coins in Zuma I – they give you bonus points and end the round quicker.



Maga Maga is one of the new bosses

So says Baron Digo, one of the new bosses in Zuma’s Revenge. The boss levels are a fantastic new twist to the game. There are six locations on the island that you must clear, and there is a boss at the end of each. The boss fights take place “on rails”, and each has a gimmick that must be used to destroy him. The first two are fairly simple but they get rapidly more complex; for some you simply have to shoot them, while the most difficult ones require getting rid of guardians, shields, or a relentless stream of balls while avoiding fire from the boss that nerfs you (such as making your input work backwards, or slowing you down to a crawl).

The final boss fight was quite challenging, but nothing that this seasoned player couldn’t get through in a couple of tries.

That brings me to the final point: The difficulty.

This game is easier than its predecessor, without a doubt. I remember when I first started playing the original Zuma, that the difficulty ramped up to “frustratingly insane” after level 10. The final level, “space” was incredibly difficult. It took days of practice to beat it. I beat Zuma’s Revenge in one night, and it only took me two tries to beat the final level. However, that’s just the “adventure mode”. As is a trend with Popcap games, beating the “primary” mode opens up more game modes and challenges to surmount. In this game, the ultimate challenge is “Iron Frog mode”. Once I opened up Iron Frog mode, it was nostalgia central. Now this is the “want-to-punch-my-monitor”, “must-not-chuck-my-mouse-across-the-room” difficulty I remember from Zuma!  You get one life to beat 10 levels; and these levels are about as difficult as any from the final levels of Zuma I. The balls come fast and furious, they are highly mixed up, and power-ups are hard to come by. I made it to the sixth level of Iron Frog mode, and was relieved when I died because I felt like I was going to have a heart attack in real life.

Here lies Brian, he died playing that RIDICULOUS GAME, ZUMA.

Dear Popcap: Send the condolence check to my kids.

Zuma’s Revenge is available on Steam for $19.99, and comes with 13 achievements. Good luck.

One of the crazier boss fights in the game

One of the crazier boss fights in the game


  1. QCH
    QCH WOW... I need to block that game from my wife. If she see that, that will end our family. :D
  2. GnomeQueen
    GnomeQueen Great review, Brian! I can't wait to pick up the game!
  3. shwaip
    shwaip I'll probably buy this. Hopefully I wait until tonight so I can accomplish something at work.
  4. Cyclonite
    Cyclonite My mom loved the first one so much, I set her up with a Steam account and bought this sequel for her. She's pretty excited.
  5. primesuspect
    primesuspect Say goodbye to your mom for a while
  6. shwaip
    shwaip Bought it, beat it last night. Was fun. Only really had problems with the last non-boss level.
  7. primesuspect
    primesuspect Now finish Heroic mode and then tell me how far you get in Iron Frog.

    I'm up to level 6 in Iron Frog.

    My Popcap PR contact is only up to level 4. We're having a pissing contest.
  8. Kwitko
    Kwitko You were quoted on their official site. ^5
  9. GnomeQueen
  10. Butters
    Butters I wish I could play Zuma's Revenge. As much as I liked the original, I didn't go that far on it since my "inability to perceive differences between color". I'm not even going to bother with this one. It sounds fun though.
  11. John Hey butters, don`t worry about collors. They have a new feature called "collor blind assistance". I guess that should help ;)
  12. Jane I made it through level 8 on the Iron Frog - 79,000 points - the first time. I haven't been able to beat level 7 since though.

    Final Adventure High Score so far:
    29 lives
    I'm a true Zuma addict. PopCap's gonna have to invent Zumarette chewing gum or something. LOL
  13. Jane Oh, and I have ALL the Ace Times in Challeng Mode except the final Level 10 Peacock. All my Icons are Gold except the last. You can't play the very last level until you finish Iron Frog.
  14. primesuspect
    primesuspect grrrrrr

    Now you've called me out on Iron Frog; meaning as an honorable gentleman I have to step up to the challenge

    To top it off, I don't even HAVE Zuma's Revenge right now because my beta review copy expired. You have lots of time to hone your skills while I play catch-up.


    Also, welcome to Icrontic :)
  15. QCH
    QCH Jane... I love it when Prime get's his "Gentleman Honor" knickers in a bunch.;D Welcome to Icrontic!!!
  16. Jane Thanks for the welcome. Yesterday I beat level 9 in Iron Fron, with 88,850 pts. It opened the last Challenge level and I beat it with an Ace time. It changed the Zuma Tiki who's holding the Main Menu. He's now wearing a suit and tie and looks a bit like my own personal butler. ROFL

    Never miss a Power Up. That's my only Cheat Code. Well, that and my original instructions to my family about how to play Zuma:

    Shoot Balls and Don't Die.

  17. QCH
    QCH ;D "Shoot Balls and don't die" ;D
  18. primesuspect
  19. Jane Ever so sorry, Brian. I know it's terribly bad form for me to show up the host on my first visits. What can I say? You suggested I could hone my skills, so I did. :o)
  20. Jane Oh, btw, my top 3 scores in the original Zuma are:

    Boy, it's hard to break 3 mil!
  21. primesuspect
    primesuspect Well that's that. you've smashed my all time original Zuma high score of 2 million something.

    Time to get better :Pwned:
  22. Jane I'm relentless. I've never managed to get more than a seven chain, so I've had to learn to be REALLY FAST. I envy those guys who can set up for a 20 chain or whatever. They put screenshots on YouTube.

    I quit if I don't get 10 lives by the end of Level 4, and then I try hard to get 2 1/2 or even 3 lives per level after that. My best is 29 lives at the end. 1 hr. 53 minutes is my best time.
  23. Jane I meant a seven combo. My highest chain is, like, 32 or something.
  24. Jane Okay, ONE more post and then I'll leave you alone. I just finished beating every single level in Challenge Mode with an ACE time, and something really funky happened to my guy holding the Menu sign. Now he's wearing a suit and sporting a VERY COOL hairdo. You'll see if anyone ever manages to do this. It's good practice for Iron Frog. The "Insane" level is all the levels from Iron Frog, so you can do them over and over and get better at them.
  25. Thrax
    Thrax Jane is putting the <i>hurt</i> on Brian! GET TO IT, BOYO.
  26. primesuspect
    primesuspect If I had the game, I would :(
  27. Jane Sorry 'bout dat, Brian. Too bad, so sad. I just beat the Iron Frog - 98,900 points. Something cool happens to your frog, but I ain't sayin' what. When someone else beats it, we can compare.
  28. krijntje3 How do I finish level 60 of the adventure mode, I keep playing for so many minutes, the balls keep coming. Somebody help me.
  29. Jane Level 60 is the last level, other than the final boss. It's no cake walk, but keep trying. Practice makes perfect. The more points you get in the round with combos, chains and gaps, the more power-up balls you'll get. So try not to put balls out of place.

    Get every Power Up. Work FAST. Double clicking FAST is one of my skills - it's especially helpful fighting bosses.

    In level 60 you have to try not to let the curve get too long, cuz you can't reach the balls except what's right in front of you or through gaps. Start shooting immediately, fast and accurately. Each wrong ball just makes the curve longer.

    Hope This Helps. You get to fight Zhaka Mu when you beat level 60. Good Luck!
  30. Annes
    Annes Excellent job, Jane! Are you planning on picking up any other games now that you've stomped this one into oblivion?
  31. Jane I also like Peggle and Peggle Nights, and I've been a Spider Solitaire Addict for what seems like decades now.
  32. krijntje3 @jane
    In level 60 I don't see the scoreline, is it possible there's a bug? I kept playing over 10 minutes (perhaps longer), but the balls keep coming.It seems endless.
  33. Jane Level 60 is a triangular Venus Flycatcher Plant. The balls come out in the middle, closest to the frog, and spin around him all the way to the End Skull - which is on the same side as the opening mouth of the Flytrap.

    It definitely shouldn't take you 10 minutes of continuous ball shooting. You would die. And the open mouth of the skull is really obvious. Could be a glitch, I guess. Have you gone through Challenge Mode yet? Level 60 in Challenge mode is the same as in Adventure Mode. Check it and see if it looks the same.
  34. vootzombo
    Jane wrote:
    Level 60 is a triangular Venus Flycatcher Plant. The balls come out in the middle, closest to the frog, and spin around him all the way to the End Skull - which is on the same side as the opening mouth of the Flytrap.

    So, what makes the candles go out on level 60?
  35. Jane Oh, that's the first part of the last boss. Shoot balls at the flames to make all four go out. When it's dark, you'll drop down in Zhaka Mu's Dungeon and start fighting the boss.
  36. krijntje3 @Jane,

    Thanks that was the solution. After shooting the flames out I can continu the game, it's getting harder and harder. I like it.
  37. Jane Krijntje3 said:
    "Thanks that was the solution. After shooting the flames out I can continu the game, it's getting harder and harder. I like it."

    Good for you. When you finish Adventure Mode, try the Iron Frog and Challenge Modes. In Iron Frog there are 10 levels and you can't die at all. Make it through all the levels and you win a prize. In Challenge Mode, you have three minutes for each level, and you have to try to reach the Challenge and/or Ace Times. The way to do it is build points quickly to get "Multiplier" balls to appear. Then get as many multiplier balls as you can. If you finish all the levels you get a prize, and if you finish them all with Ace times, you get another.

  38. SPIKE09
    SPIKE09 AAAAAAAAArgh damn Pop CAP and their ridiculously addictive game's After getting peggle extreme in the ornj bawks I got gifted peggle extreme and nights and insaniquarium deluxe , then someone suggested Plants vs Zombehs :zombie::zombie::buck: guess who just had his 60 mins trial of Zuma's revenge in one sitting god help Me :eek3:
  39. krijntje Sorry, I've got another problem to face, I'm playing it now for hours. It's "heroic frog'boss 3" . I need some tips and trics, why can you shoot downwards? I'm trying avoiding those two falling things ev'ry time. I'm getting desperate. Help me.
  40. Jane The bosses in Heroic Frog are REALLY HARD. I don't blame you for having trouble.

    You can face backward to shoot off balls that are the wrong colour, so you don't have to shoot them into your chain. Try to keep the chain short.

    Boss #3 is Baron Digo, I think. Only aim at the skulls that are glowing blue. Avoid the skulls the boss is spitting at you, cuz if they hit you, you get all wonky and it takes too long to recover. Try to remember which colour ball you have when you get hit, so you can start shooting again right away when you recover.

    My advice is to go back and play Adventure a few more times, and get more practice with the bosses. Good luck!
  41. krijntje Thanx Jane,

    I almost finished Iron Frog 10 with only six balls in the field and unluckly I failed to win it. All chalenges levels I beat untill now and scored Ace but not the last one yet. I like the game still and it's hard to stop.
  42. Jane I admit it - I've gone back to the original Zuma. I find it more challenging, trying to beat my best scores. I just got best time in Zone 1-5 - 32 seconds. Thought I'd never get any more best times.

    Also addicted to Peggle Nights. Dang PopCap anyway. When will I ever get anything else done??????
  43. nancy Is anyone else having trouble with their mouse not being accurate and/or slow in levels 40ish?
  44. xean I'm at level 60 now.. but the screen like kind of frozen... i only can move the frog but the tiki boss aren't moving at all..and there aren't any balls rolling out... is there a problem with my zuma?

    FYI : i'm using vista home premium
  45. Jane xean - Did you shoot out the four torches and drop down into the dungeon?
  46. Mike W I was able to finish Iron Frog level 9 a few times but was not yet able to beat level 10!! This is so frustrating!! wow, it is insanely difficult! I can only seem to finish level 9 on 1 of every 4 attempts, and it takes a while just to get to that point. Any tips on Iron Frog level 10 for anyone who got there? It is recommended to right-click and swap balls ever? I find that I don't have the time. Seems like you simply need to FIRE AS FAST AS HELL - STOP ONCE TO THINK AND YOU ARE DEAD!!!!!!
  47. Jane I just scored 3,002,070 points in Zuma Deluxe!!! I've been striving to beat 3 million for MONTHS! YAYYYYYY.
  48. primesuspect
    primesuspect Congrats!

    Jane, you should just register for Icrontic already :D
  49. Jane What will you give me if I join, Brian? Money, fame, three wishes?????

    Just kidding. Done. But I'm not much for all the Profile stuff. I'm just Jane - Zuma Queen. LOL
  50. Thrax
    Thrax We can give you three wishes. There's just no telling what we might grant on their account.
  51. primesuspect
    primesuspect Money: I'm not so good for
    Fame: I can help
    Three Wishes: Depends on what they are :D

    Welcome to it then! :)
  52. Kim Gonzales I cannot figure out how to beat level 60!!! I have been at forever! How am I supposed to shoot the balls beyond the spiral closest to me? I mean other than shooting through the gaps which I am pretty good at but one can't always get a gap. It is driving me crazy! : )
  53. Jane Kim - there's no trick to it or anything. I just went and played again, and level 60 - the reverse spiral - is all about the gaps. There's no way to shoot the outer spiral unless you make a gap to shoot through. Be sure to get all the power-ups. Bombs and lasers work well, and that one that takes out all of one colour. Try to keep the curve as short as possible with combos.

    Hope this helps.
  54. Ali Agins I've aced all the challenges except for the first one on Serpent Scuffle and I have not been able to get beyond 6 in Iron Frog so the last 4 I have not been able to open.

    I LOVE this game. I have played Zuma Delux for years and beat it many times.

    P.S. For all the young gamers.... I'm almost 70 and a grandma!
  55. zuma dude not to brag :), but if I don't score more than 3 million in zuma delux then I'm having an off day, got through everything in Zumas Revenge (including level 10 in iron frog), love this game 1:23:33 is my best time so far.....
  56. Sarkazein Tips if you're having trouble scoring:

    1) You need a minimum of 150,000 points per 10 levels, preferably more. This boils down to a minimum of 15,000 per level.

    2) Getting 15,000 per level is most difficult on the earlier stages because the perfect bonus is so low. The perfect bonus is 1000 for the first 10 stages, 2000 for the next 10 stages, and so on. By the last ten stages, you're getting 6000 for a perfect bonus, making the 15,000 level score very easy.

    3) You shouldn't lose any lives at all. In the very least, don't lose any lives until the last 10 levels.

    4) Aim mostly for the back of the ball chain (wherever the balls come out), not for the front of it. Additionally, do whatever you can to get all the bonuses on all the levels. This gets more difficult the further you go because you'll sometimes need double gap shots to get the bonuses.

    5) Take a break every now and then. If you're not doing well, stop playing for at least a few hours and then pick it up again.


    Ps -- After beating the Iron Frog, the graphic gets a top hat and a monocle. :)
  57. Louis By far way more addicting than the original. Stuggling to make it through adventure without losing a life. Only made it to 52 so far. Have the top hat, monocle, rainbow wig and tux though. You think I'd stop after acing all the challenges and beating iron frog but alas.
  58. joy How do you beat heroic frog. The rest was a breeze but I can't even get close! Whats the trick?
  59. Alyson I am on the last boss on the adventure mode and when I get ready to play no balls are coming what do i do?
  60. chikobuntai I reached level 8 in Iron Frog when my cat jumped on my lap then stepped on my keyboard and I died... I felt like wrapping my cat in a sack and throw it in a raging river....... aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh.....
  61. Sarkazein The trick to Heroic Frog is practice. It takes a bit to get through it. It took me a week of 1-2 hours a night.

    And for the record, I hit a new high score of 1,043,460 in Adventure. I'll share a scoring chart on how to do this if you want. It's a "what should my score be at the end of each level" type thing and if you're hitting those numbers, you'll break a million easily.

    The trick is patience and retrying. A lot. :)

  62. Nicolene Hi there please help me im playing Zuma revenge deluxe wonderfull game imve reached level 60 in adventure mode my points are 781,732 and 2 lives but there is no end of dying maybe im stupid i finshed challenge mode also till level 60 and stops i must complete adventure mode but how?

    Please help me

  63. Sarkazein Just hit 1,095,680 with 35 lives...

    Nicolene, are you on 60 or at the last boss? In the last boss, "blow out" the candles in the corners by shooting balls at them. That will open up the real final boss level(s).

    If it's level 60 (the spiral), well, make as many matches as you can, get every powerup you can and, if possible, use the powerups to get fruit to end the level quickly.
  64. Louis Dammit, you've got me by 90,000 points. I was just happy to clear 1 mil.
    To answer a lot of questions on how to beat Heroic or Iron Frog, the main key is chains (just shooting at 2 or more of the same color and NO singles). You will hit ZUMA a hell of a lot faster. Of course do anything you can for fruit.
    Kinda obvious I know and you have to be patient and switch to another color if necessary
  65. Alan I just completed Iron Frog all the way through for the 5th time. My best time is 24.47 and score 98840. How do your timr and totals compare?
  66. cajunmiss This may be a strange question but I cannot find a way to go back and see all of my high scores. Where is it?
  67. Ang I am obviously no where near the expertise of you guys but I need help beating Mossy Square Level 25 in Adventure mode. I always get stuck/KILLED on that level. It is very infuriating. It gives me tons of practice going through the same 3-4ish levels over and over but HELP.
  68. 7atem i beat the adventure mode , heroic mode and iron frog mode and my scores in challenge are 200+ in 95% of levels

    my best score is in iron 5 and it is 472K in my pc and on my cousin pc is 505K
  69. Louis Crowley 7atem - sounds like you're going for the same thing I did after beating the game every way possible.
    Highest challenge is 501K on level 9, I'll have to try Iron 9.
    Broke 200K on all challenges - Iron 2 is brutal and took 171 attempts to break 200K
  70. Louis Crowley Hey 7atem,
    Level 50 challenge - 1,093,608 points.
    I tried to beat your iron 5 and only at 493K so far
  71. 7atem cool, i will try to break challenge 50 score ASAP
  72. 7atem cool, i will try to break your lvl 50 score soon
  73. Andrew Love Zuma Revenge, my best Iron Frog is 15 min, & 116 K, what do other people get?
  74. Alan Iron Frog 24 mins 24 secs, 102,200, so you're ahead of me.
  75. Igor Hate this game. I tried level 10-20-30 times and then got bored and uninstall it. Too difficult to me. Thank god didn't pay for game.
  76. kristina zavala ohhh my..i am stuck at iron frog level 6....sooo frustrating...i want to finish adventure mode soooooooooo bad!!! :(
  77. ZumaManiac Iron Frog 20:08 106,240 points and 8 victory attempts.
  78. ZumaManiac I love to play Iron Frog mode. By the way, I used to lose at Iron Frog Level 10. I almost to beat Iron Frog Gauntlet!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Aiyehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  79. ZumaManiac Level 70 Challenge - 328,476
  80. ZumaManiac Yeeha!!! I got new highest score in iron 10 of Challenge Mode 351,597 and Highest Multiplier Bonus x19 Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
  81. primesuspect
  82. RyanFodder
    RyanFodder just me... or are all the links to pictures broken on this article?
  83. ZumaManiac I'll break 300K in iron 3 of Challenge Mode soon...
  84. ZumaManiac It's hard to break 300K in iron 3!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
  85. ZumaManiac Yeeha!!! Finally, I broke 300K in iron 3 of Challenge Mode by my new highest score 312,287. Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
  86. ZumaManiac Guess What! I broke 200K in iron 9 of Challenge Mode by my new highest score 226,497 Yahooooooo!!!!!
  87. ZumaManiac Yeeha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's unbelieveable, I broke 300K in iron 6 by new highest score 317,998 Yeeha!!!!!!!!!!!!
  88. ZumaManiac Yeeha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I broke 400K in Level 50 (Shark Den) of Challenge mode by new highest score 413,227 Yeeha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  89. primesuspect
  90. ZumaManiac I have just broke 200K in Iron 2 of Challenge mode by new highest score 225,664 from my 62 attempts. That's mean I broke 200K in all levels!!!
  91. david I've completed Adventure and Heroic Frog modes, aced all 70 levels of Challenge mode, and completed the Iron Frog gaunlet a few times. The frog has his top hat and monacle, and the guard is grinning in his tuxedo and rainbow wig.

    The "end" seems so much more anti-climactic than the orignal Zuma ending. Is there nothing else in the game? I feel like there's something more that I'm missing.
  92. andras
    andras Iron Frog: 114 510
    Best time: 13:48
    The high score and the best time came together from different plays, acutally got stunned at the best time as my previous best was somewhere above 15 min.
    Challenge high scores:
    Level 30 1 161 996
    Level 15 671 930
    Level 50 652 857

    Iron Frog 2 only 126 329 (hate it!), all the others above 300k (level 3 390k, level 9 322k)
  93. BHHammy
    BHHammy >It was Bejeweled, and with it, Popcap basically invented the genre known as “casual gaming”.

    Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Puyo Pop would like to have a word with you, Brian.

    While Popcap may have ran with it and pioneered putting out lots of this sort of thing in the past decade, it still follows in the footsteps of these beasts.

    Dr. Mario was the sort of game you always made the mistake of introducing your mom to as a kid. Soon you have saturday afternoons where the ONLY way for you to get on the NES and play games was to play 2-player Dr. Mario. It was the game that actually forced you to go outside and...ugh...play in the REAL WORLD (THE HORROR!) while your mom was hogging all of the video games.

    Your Gameboy on car trips wasn't always safe, either. You wake up from napping for several hours in the car out of sheer boredom, and try to turn on your Gameboy only to find about 20 seconds later that your mom has drained all of the batteries playing Tetris in the passenger seat.

    And Puyo Pop? if you were into any sort of puzzle gaming in the 16-bit console era, you've played it. After all, it was practically swiped by two different game companies and pretty much cloned, with their own characters inserted (Kirby's Avalanche for SNES, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine for Genesis).

    ...just thought I'd drop some TruFax. Continue with what you're doing.
  94. ZumaManiac
    ZumaManiac I have just broken 300,000 in Iron 4 of Challenge Mode by my new score 324,288. Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  95. ZumaManiac
    ZumaManiac I have just broken 300,000 in Iron 4 of Challenge Mode by my new score 324,288. Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  96. primesuspect
    >It was Bejeweled, and with it, Popcap basically invented the genre known as “casual gaming”.

    Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Puyo Pop would like to have a word with you, Brian.
    I'd argue that the fact those were console games are exactly what prevented them from being "casual". Casual games are games you can waste time at work with. A console is already a huge barrier to entry: Aunt Sally's not going to go out and buy a Nintendo Entertainment System and hook it up to her TV and learn how to operate a controller. Put your example in context: NES was marketed at families and kids.

    Back then, those games you mentioned weren't considered "casual" games. They were considered games. And they cost the same as other games.

    I stand by my statement: Popcap invented casual gaming; cheap (or free), work on any PC, accessible, and Grandma could pick them up and play them without assistance from little Joey.

  97. CB
    CB It depends on your discussion. I agree with you Brian, but the language has changed such that the phrase 'casual game' doesn't just mean one thing anymore. The literal and more correct meaning is that it's a marketplace or niche, as you describe it, and that was indeed invented by Popcap.

    However, those games are all so similar, and utilize such uniform mechanics, that many have come to see the term 'casual ' as a gameplay genre which consists mostly of dropping and matching things. This may not be as correct, but I would argue that more people get that definition than the more correct one.

    In that sense, Popcap is an imitator, as they never invented any mechanics, and the roots of their games can be seen going way back into video gaming history.

    You and Hammy are on opposite sides of a semantic wall. You see these things from an industry perspective, but he sees them from a fan perspective, and casual means two completely different things therein.
  98. andras
    andras Iron Frog 4 new high: 350 391
    Just for breaking your record. :)
  99. Clubdelisa I need Zuma 3. I'm now up to 121 Iron Frog Victories. How much longer can I keep playing this game? Till the next Zuma comes out apparantly
  100. Thrax

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