Hatched this mofo from a 5km (I think) egg.... pumped some stardust into him. I thoroughly enjoy crushing Valor and Instinct gyms with him. Cuz they all scrubs around here.
It's not the max CP that was nerfed; it was the average CP at every hidden level. (PoGo pokemon have a maximum hidden level of 40.5, from which other stats are calculated based on "DNA" called IVs). Vaporeon was too strong vs. other pokemon.
Whereas the built-in tracker is dead; whereas Pokevision is RIP; whereas all the replacements on the appstore suck. I bring you this app (Android only) that totally rules face compared to everything we've had previously: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeScanner/comments/4vf335/release_175/
This game plays to the collector in me. I started after the 3 step glitch so I don't miss it as I never used it. Would be cool if they implement something but I find finding random 'Mon around pretty exciting still.
I've got to a few local hot spots. Mostly our civic center where there is a loop of stops every 100 ft or so. The loop is just big enough that the stops reset by the time you get back to where you started. There is a Gym at a gazebo with benches around it. Every time I have been there there are multiple groups of players battling for it. It changes hands constantly.
Last Friday I went on a date with Sugar to a restaurant on our down town strip. The strip itself is another loop where you can constantly hit up stops on both sides as you walk up and down. There are 5 stops around the restaurant that were lured the entire time I was there. 3 of which I could hit from our table. There were at least 100 people just hanging out in the patio area outside playing. There were some groups that had brought lawn chairs and posted up next to a stop.
I plan to take the whole DigiFam to a third hot spot in town at a nature reserve tonight. GG can run around and DigiKid, TheTeenager, and I can Pokè it up.
I only have one thing to say to the peeps who are getting upset about glitches and Niantic's "lack of communication"...
I just run away if Zubat doesn't get caught on the first throw; the game pops them back another 20 m when they escape and I can't flick the ball that far without it curving off the screen. They're usually still on the local map and I can try again from closer.
I've been able to throw my Pokemon into a gym and collect quickly six times so I have 60 coins. The gyms I frequent have a very high turnover rate so getting more than one at the same time has not happened yet.
@BobbyDigi said:
How are you guys doing for free coins?
I've been able to throw my Pokemon into a gym and collect quickly six times so I have 60 coins. The gyms I frequent have a very high turnover rate so getting more than one at the same time has not happened yet.
I've never been able to hold a gym for the requisite length of time.
I had 5 pokemon in gyms last night by using the following strategy:
There was a storm, so I didn't think a lot of people would be out. I drove and parked at blue/yellow gyms. Used the same 6 pokemon over and over ( i have a ton of revives) to knock it down, then put in pre-selected pokemon at full health into the gym as fast as I could (people tend to try to circumvent this process here.)
@BobbyDigi said:
How are you guys doing for free coins?
I've been able to throw my Pokemon into a gym and collect quickly six times so I have 60 coins. The gyms I frequent have a very high turnover rate so getting more than one at the same time has not happened yet.
I've never been able to hold a gym for the requisite length of time.
You just have to have a Pokémon in a gym. There is no time requirement. Place in gym, imidietly go to shop and collect. Unless you are saying that your Pokémon gets taken out faster than you can get to the shop, I've certainly had that happen a few times at an active gym.
Collecting the defender bonus (10 coins and 100 dust) is easiest done if you come across a gym that your team owns and has an open spot. Throw a 'Mon in there and collect.
The time limitation comes into play after you collect, you can only do it once every 24 hours.
@BobbyDigi said:
How are you guys doing for free coins?
I've been able to throw my Pokemon into a gym and collect quickly six times so I have 60 coins. The gyms I frequent have a very high turnover rate so getting more than one at the same time has not happened yet.
I've never been able to hold a gym for the requisite length of time.
You just have to have a Pokémon in a gym. There is no time requirement. Place in gym, imidietly go to shop and collect. Unless you are saying that your Pokémon gets taken out faster than you can get to the shop, I've certainly had that happen a few times at an active gym.
Collecting the defender bonus (10 coins and 100 dust) is easiest done if you come across a gym that your team owns and has an open spot. Throw a 'Mon in there and collect.
The time limitation comes into play after you collect, you can only do it once every 24 hours.
I had no idea; I read that you had to hold the gym for 20 hrs to pay out. I am going to get in way more fights now!
@RyanFodder said:
I had 5 pokemon in gyms last night by using the following strategy:
There was a storm, so I didn't think a lot of people would be out. I drove and parked at blue/yellow gyms. Used the same 6 pokemon over and over ( i have a ton of revives) to knock it down, then put in pre-selected pokemon at full health into the gym as fast as I could (people tend to try to circumvent this process here.)
Can you revive during a battle? Or are you saying you used the same 6 for battling each gym?
Trainers, Pokémon GO has been updated to version 0.33.0 for Android and 1.3.0 for iOS.
Pokémon GO has been updated to version 0.33.0 for Android and 1.3.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.
Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed. Trainers must confirm they are not driving in order to continue playing.
Made improvements to the accuracy of a curveball throw
Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses.
Fixed achievements showing incorrect Medal icons.
Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time. Please choose your new nickname wisely.
Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS and re-enabled the feature.
Added visuals of Team Leaders Candela, Blanche, and Spark.
We’re currently testing a variation of the “Nearby Pokémon” feature with a subset of users. During this period you may see some variation in the nearby Pokémon UI.
Minor text fixes
We hope you enjoy this new version and please share your feedback!
I haven't played much in Canada yet due to mostly being in rural areas with spotty Internet, but managed to catch my first non-Detroit-area pokemon tonight in Gatineau.
Hatched this mofo from a 5km (I think) egg.... pumped some stardust into him. I thoroughly enjoy crushing Valor and Instinct gyms with him. Cuz they all scrubs around here.
Anyone know if the latest update included a Vaporeon nerf? Seems every gym here has one of those roided-up Mudkips holding it down...
Yes, Vaporeon was nerfed.
I evolved a 540 Eevee to a 1500+ Vaporeon. What were they going up to before?
It's not the max CP that was nerfed; it was the average CP at every hidden level. (PoGo pokemon have a maximum hidden level of 40.5, from which other stats are calculated based on "DNA" called IVs). Vaporeon was too strong vs. other pokemon.
Ahh. Ok. I don't plan on ever getting that deep, lol. I'm just having fun walking around with my kids.
Whereas the built-in tracker is dead; whereas Pokevision is RIP; whereas all the replacements on the appstore suck. I bring you this app (Android only) that totally rules face compared to everything we've had previously: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeScanner/comments/4vf335/release_175/
This game plays to the collector in me. I started after the 3 step glitch so I don't miss it as I never used it. Would be cool if they implement something but I find finding random 'Mon around pretty exciting still.
I've got to a few local hot spots. Mostly our civic center where there is a loop of stops every 100 ft or so. The loop is just big enough that the stops reset by the time you get back to where you started. There is a Gym at a gazebo with benches around it. Every time I have been there there are multiple groups of players battling for it. It changes hands constantly.
Last Friday I went on a date with Sugar to a restaurant on our down town strip. The strip itself is another loop where you can constantly hit up stops on both sides as you walk up and down. There are 5 stops around the restaurant that were lured the entire time I was there. 3 of which I could hit from our table. There were at least 100 people just hanging out in the patio area outside playing. There were some groups that had brought lawn chairs and posted up next to a stop.
I plan to take the whole DigiFam to a third hot spot in town at a nature reserve tonight. GG can run around and DigiKid, TheTeenager, and I can Pokè it up.
I only have one thing to say to the peeps who are getting upset about glitches and Niantic's "lack of communication"...
Found footage of @primesuspect trying to catch that Zubat.
Noob. It was a Golbat
I just run away if Zubat doesn't get caught on the first throw; the game pops them back another 20 m when they escape and I can't flick the ball that far without it curving off the screen. They're usually still on the local map and I can try again from closer.
This sounds about right for the rough time I have been having the last couple days.
Official communication only a week after the community noticed a huge change! Getting better, I guess.
Baby steps.
But they won't tell you how many
Update on Maintaining and Running the Pokémon GO Service
Graph. No axis units. Wut.
But at lease you know its around even if you don't know exactly how high it is.
@Susurro sent me the following picture, and i feel the need to steal his thunder.
How are you guys doing for free coins?
I've been able to throw my Pokemon into a gym and collect quickly six times so I have 60 coins. The gyms I frequent have a very high turnover rate so getting more than one at the same time has not happened yet.
I've never been able to hold a gym for the requisite length of time.
I had 5 pokemon in gyms last night by using the following strategy:
There was a storm, so I didn't think a lot of people would be out. I drove and parked at blue/yellow gyms. Used the same 6 pokemon over and over ( i have a ton of revives) to knock it down, then put in pre-selected pokemon at full health into the gym as fast as I could (people tend to try to circumvent this process here.)
You just have to have a Pokémon in a gym. There is no time requirement. Place in gym, imidietly go to shop and collect. Unless you are saying that your Pokémon gets taken out faster than you can get to the shop, I've certainly had that happen a few times at an active gym.
Collecting the defender bonus (10 coins and 100 dust) is easiest done if you come across a gym that your team owns and has an open spot. Throw a 'Mon in there and collect.
The time limitation comes into play after you collect, you can only do it once every 24 hours.
I had no idea; I read that you had to hold the gym for 20 hrs to pay out. I am going to get in way more fights now!
Can you revive during a battle? Or are you saying you used the same 6 for battling each gym?
After the battle, I revive any that died.
I named my first Ponyta "Pinklestia", She is on her 4th or 5th iteration now...
Nabbed a 385 Gloom outside of the gym today and evolved it to a 889 Vileplume. Fuck yeah grass/poison types!
I haven't played much in Canada yet due to mostly being in rural areas with spotty Internet, but managed to catch my first non-Detroit-area pokemon tonight in Gatineau.