I just found a Golbat in my office and wasted twenty pokeballs on him before thinking of @primesuspect and giving up. I managed to hit him with only one single ball out of all of those, which he broke out of instantly. Even doing the longest swipes I possibly could, they all sailed right underneath him. What the fuck, Golbat?
Pokémon GO updated to version 0.35.0 for Android and 1.5.0 for iOS
Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.35.0 for Android and 1.5.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.
Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack and defense capabilities from their Team Leader (Candela, Blanche or Spark) to determine which of their Pokémon have the most potential for battle.
We are still working hard on several new and exciting features to come in the future of Pokémon GO.
HumerusMegSomething, something medical professional, Fitness bitch, Sexy chefAustin Icrontian
@Massalinie said:
I just found a Golbat in my office and wasted twenty pokeballs on him before thinking of @primesuspect and giving up. I managed to hit him with only one single ball out of all of those, which he broke out of instantly. Even doing the longest swipes I possibly could, they all sailed right underneath him. What the fuck, Golbat?
I'm glad its not only me that things golbats are ridiculous dicks
There was a decent level Tauros just outside work yesterday when I went for my daily afternoon sanity walk. Broke out of one great ball and ran away. What a dick, Tauros...
The next addition to Pokémon GO will be Buddy Pokémon. You will be able to pick your favorite Pokémon from your collection to become your buddy, opening up unique in-game rewards and experiences. Buddy Pokémon will appear alongside your Trainer avatar on your profile screen, adding helpful bonuses such as awarding Candy for walking together. You’ll also have the ability to change your Buddy Pokémon at any time.
This is pretty fantastic for when you have rares or ones that are just plain tough to find and they just have to kind of sit there with their low CP because you don't have enough candy to give them an appreciable level.
Highlight; Evolved 3 Eevees. My highest IV (82) 502CP named Rainer and 2 with no name change with highest CPs 619 and 649. All three came out Vaporeon. All 3 with WaterGun/Hydro Pump.
Current King of my collection is a 1740cp Arcanine with Bite/Fireblast.
Interesting about this game how different players have different experiences based on their location. I've caught a lot of Mankeys but Drowzee may as well be a legendary as I have yet to even see him on near by sightings.
How about a progress checkup for all of you still playing; What level are you? How many pokes you got? What's your highest CP?
I'm level 23 (hope to hit level 24 when I go out tonight). I've got 85 registered to the dex. My highest CP is 1938 Arcanine. He was at 1740 after evolving and I pumped him up a bit.
Still loving the game and looking forward to a likely update tomorrow to add buddies!
I haven't played in weeks. Didn't feel like there was much variety to the game. Maybe I'll check it out again after the update.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
I'm level 10. I've registered 46 and seen about 55. My highest CP as of this post is a 701 Vaporeon.
Mankey and Drowzee are quite common here. My rarest catch (relatively speaking) is probably a Staryu I hatched from an egg, followed by an Omanyte I caught right down the street. Saw an Omastar at the same spot.
The few bodies of water here aren't even registered on the map so water types are exceedingly rare here.
I'd say the most common here are, in descending order:
1. Pidgey
2. Ponyta
3. Paras
4. Drowzee
5. Mankey
6. Eevee
7. Rattata
8. Geodude
Something I find kind of funny is that I was expecting zubats to be quite common here since we have tons of Mexican Freetail Bats here, but zubats are fairly uncommon. Despite the fact that if you go to my town's main park in the evening (which is along a small river and has a couple sizeable bodies of water, again not registered on the map for some reason,) you'll see bats flying around the water there feasting on all the bugs.
Level 19. Haven't been playing much lately. Definitely been feeling like this game is too dull and repetitive lately.... but maybe that's just lack of free time to go places just to play it?
Anyway, seen 69, caught 69. Highest CP is still 1079 Pinsir. Mostly see a fuckton of pidgey, ratatta and weedle.
I took down a Level 8 Gym solo and it was wonderful. All 8 defenders were above 1000CP. The best way I can describe it is like an arcade game that I got to play for an hour straight for free. Too much fun. If you haven't tried Gym Battles, I highly suggest it.
I finally did my first gym battles and it was as advertised. Fun, easy to handle at a bar or otherwise. Enjoyed trading it with someone else a few times for kicks. Snagged my highest CP from a random encounter about 5 or min walk from work. I got to work and arrived at my desk, pulled up fastpokemap for a quick look, saw 10:00 left on a snorlax, and immediately walked away from my desk. That was a lucky last great ball to capture at my level.
On the cusp of level 18, mostly playing walking to and from work, and if I'm near pokestops while out other places. I did finally go to a park that has 3 pokestops in range of sitting in the middle and put out two lures. Captured 3 new pokemon and several more rare for this area among the candyfodder.
Here's my top pokecreatures:
Snorlax was a random capture, Lapras just got today from 10k egg.
Sitting at level 22 (75% to lvl 23).
Seen 86 and caught 85.
I did a purge of low IV and now my highest CP is a Vaporeon @ 1360 IV and the Scyther @ 1220.
From what I have gathered, past Pokemon games that included at least Gen 2 Pokemon based some evolution off of "Friendliness" level. There is nothing known to that extent in Go currently. There is however an easter egg with Pikachu as your Buddy in that he will sit next to you until you walk for 10Km with him. At that point he will sit on your shoulder. This is based off the TV show story line in which Pikachu did not trust ash at first. Some sort of selfless act was done my Ash that then caused Pikachu to start warming up to him.
I could see them using the total distance you have walked with a Pokemon to determine their "Friendliness".
My app hasn't updated yet and one the play store it says there are no updates available for it. Is anyone else having this problem or do you all have buddies? Is Niantic trying to tell me something?
I just found a Golbat in my office and wasted twenty pokeballs on him before thinking of @primesuspect and giving up. I managed to hit him with only one single ball out of all of those, which he broke out of instantly. Even doing the longest swipes I possibly could, they all sailed right underneath him. What the fuck, Golbat?
Niantic Source | Reddit Discussion | Appraisal details (Spoilers)
I'm glad its not only me that things golbats are ridiculous dicks
Things I ignore: Golbats, Kakunas, etc.
Golbats are dicks. Zubats are also dicks. I catch Drowzees just for the catharsis of giving them to the professor to grind them up into candy.
Also: There's a Ninetales and Digglett hanging out at the RenCen lately for anyone who needs those.
There was a decent level Tauros just outside work yesterday when I went for my daily afternoon sanity walk. Broke out of one great ball and ran away. What a dick, Tauros...
I had a clefable do the same to me and missed out on a snorlax by <15 seconds
Buddy Pokemon coming
@BuddyJ will become BuddyP
This is pretty fantastic for when you have rares or ones that are just plain tough to find and they just have to kind of sit there with their low CP because you don't have enough candy to give them an appreciable level.
Looking at you single Snorlax and Ninetales.
Before and after my 2nd lucky egg
TLDR; 63 Evolves, 6 New to the dex for 69,000XP
Highlight; Evolved 3 Eevees. My highest IV (82) 502CP named Rainer and 2 with no name change with highest CPs 619 and 649. All three came out Vaporeon. All 3 with WaterGun/Hydro Pump.
Current King of my collection is a 1740cp Arcanine with Bite/Fireblast.
(All other evolves were pidgeys)
Just today I've caught 3 Golbats

SUCK IT @primesuspect
I hatched Mankey!

Caught Mankey at the RenCen 2 weeks ago. Meh.
Interesting about this game how different players have different experiences based on their location. I've caught a lot of Mankeys but Drowzee may as well be a legendary as I have yet to even see him on near by sightings.
How about a progress checkup for all of you still playing; What level are you? How many pokes you got? What's your highest CP?
I'm level 23 (hope to hit level 24 when I go out tonight). I've got 85 registered to the dex. My highest CP is 1938 Arcanine. He was at 1740 after evolving and I pumped him up a bit.
Still loving the game and looking forward to a likely update tomorrow to add buddies!
I haven't played in weeks. Didn't feel like there was much variety to the game. Maybe I'll check it out again after the update.
I'm level 10. I've registered 46 and seen about 55. My highest CP as of this post is a 701 Vaporeon.
Mankey and Drowzee are quite common here. My rarest catch (relatively speaking) is probably a Staryu I hatched from an egg, followed by an Omanyte I caught right down the street. Saw an Omastar at the same spot.
The few bodies of water here aren't even registered on the map so water types are exceedingly rare here.
I'd say the most common here are, in descending order:
1. Pidgey
2. Ponyta
3. Paras
4. Drowzee
5. Mankey
6. Eevee
7. Rattata
8. Geodude
Something I find kind of funny is that I was expecting zubats to be quite common here since we have tons of Mexican Freetail Bats here, but zubats are fairly uncommon. Despite the fact that if you go to my town's main park in the evening (which is along a small river and has a couple sizeable bodies of water, again not registered on the map for some reason,) you'll see bats flying around the water there feasting on all the bugs.
Level 19. Haven't been playing much lately. Definitely been feeling like this game is too dull and repetitive lately.... but maybe that's just lack of free time to go places just to play it?
Anyway, seen 69, caught 69. Highest CP is still 1079 Pinsir. Mostly see a fuckton of pidgey, ratatta and weedle.
I took down a Level 8 Gym solo and it was wonderful. All 8 defenders were above 1000CP. The best way I can describe it is like an arcade game that I got to play for an hour straight for free. Too much fun. If you haven't tried Gym Battles, I highly suggest it.
I finally did my first gym battles and it was as advertised. Fun, easy to handle at a bar or otherwise. Enjoyed trading it with someone else a few times for kicks. Snagged my highest CP from a random encounter about 5 or min walk from work. I got to work and arrived at my desk, pulled up fastpokemap for a quick look, saw 10:00 left on a snorlax, and immediately walked away from my desk. That was a lucky last great ball to capture at my level.
On the cusp of level 18, mostly playing walking to and from work, and if I'm near pokestops while out other places. I did finally go to a park that has 3 pokestops in range of sitting in the middle and put out two lures. Captured 3 new pokemon and several more rare for this area among the candyfodder.
Here's my top pokecreatures:

Snorlax was a random capture, Lapras just got today from 10k egg.
So that is why they haven't been releasing new features...
Sitting at level 22 (75% to lvl 23).
Seen 86 and caught 85.
I did a purge of low IV and now my highest CP is a Vaporeon @ 1360 IV and the Scyther @ 1220.
Oh, and this is what I see ALL DAY... !!!

And why the pedometer on Amazon has been delayed forever.
Buddies incoming!
Also Rooted phones are now incompatible with PoGo.
From what I have gathered, past Pokemon games that included at least Gen 2 Pokemon based some evolution off of "Friendliness" level. There is nothing known to that extent in Go currently. There is however an easter egg with Pikachu as your Buddy in that he will sit next to you until you walk for 10Km with him. At that point he will sit on your shoulder. This is based off the TV show story line in which Pikachu did not trust ash at first. Some sort of selfless act was done my Ash that then caused Pikachu to start warming up to him.
I could see them using the total distance you have walked with a Pokemon to determine their "Friendliness".
My app hasn't updated yet and one the play store it says there are no updates available for it. Is anyone else having this problem or do you all have buddies? Is Niantic trying to tell me something?
I also don't have it yet. It has been "rolling out" since Friday.