Pokemon GO



  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    No update here

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    Download it from apkmirror if you're on Android. Safe and easy.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    @BobbyDigi said:
    From what I have gathered, past Pokemon games that included at least Gen 2 Pokemon based some evolution off of "Friendliness" level. There is nothing known to that extent in Go currently. There is however an easter egg with Pikachu as your Buddy in that he will sit next to you until you walk for 10Km with him. At that point he will sit on your shoulder. This is based off the TV show story line in which Pikachu did not trust ash at first. Some sort of selfless act was done my Ash that then caused Pikachu to start warming up to him.

    I could see them using the total distance you have walked with a Pokemon to determine their "Friendliness".


    Gen 2 introduced baby Pokemon and the full friendliness system (Yellow version had something similar but only with the special pikachu in it). All baby Pokemon need to have that friendliness maxed with you in order to evolve. Eevee also can't evolve into Espeon or Umbreon unless it's at max friendliness with you. The most basic way to build friendliness is to just walk around while they are in your party.

    So it's quite possible this buddy system is the first step towards that. In the grand scheme of this game, they really do need to expand the ways to evolve Pokemon. If they get all the way to gen 6, getting all the eevee-lutions is gonna suck.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    All I got was another pidgey! /s

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    I saw him and I prepared for battle. His reputation had shown itself to me before. Many missed throws. Many balls wasted.

    Feelings of confusion and mostly disappointment after 1 berry and 2 ultra balls...

    ..disappointment that it wasn't a bigger challenge.



  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    GOT 'EM

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Taking daily walks has become a habit because of Pokemon Go. I feel bad now if I don't get up and go. This game has trained me to be active. How interesting.


  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited October 2016

    Also ghost hunt starting soon...

    Niantic Source

    It’s Halloween season and we have a treat for you! From October 26th to November 1st, you’ll earn double the amount of Candy every time you catch, hatch and transfer Pokémon! Don’t forget your Buddy Pokémon, because they will help you earn Candy four times as fast.


  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian
    edited October 2016

    Cubone, Marowak, and Meowth also have an increased spawn rate.

    I wonder why Meowth gets a bonus spawn rate but not Persian. I guess cause closest thing to black cat.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited October 2016

    The event is glorious. Glorious.


  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    I've seen 2 Gengar, 5 Haunter, and a !@#$ load of Ghastly tonight.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Nice to get some Drowzee and my first Hypno tonight. Seen a few Ghastly and Zubat on sightings but no spawns yet.

    My Grimer buddy is collecting candy like a maniac.


  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian

    It's all Ghastly and Haunter in OKC. Saw a few Gengar on the tracker but even with an incense rolling I couldn't get it to come out. Thankfully we're bat-free thus far.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Indeed, Gen 2 Hype Train Crashing Into Your Face This Week!


    Side Note: I just hatched a Porygon this morning leaving Lapras officially the last Pokedex entry I need for my Gen 1 North American Dex.


  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Gen 2 is live.


  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian
    edited February 2017

    First Gen2 catch in my front yard.

    Edit: And 3 Sentret a few minutes after that.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    Only a Sentret has appeared near enough for me to catch it. I've seen a healthy amount of new silhouettes appear on the radar though.

    If you want to skip the RNG for Espeon or Umbreon the nicknames that ensure their evolution are in the spoiler below.


    "Sakura" for Espeon and "Tamao" for Umbreon.

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    @RahnalH102 said:
    Only a Sentret has appeared near enough for me to catch it. I've seen a healthy amount of new silhouettes appear on the radar though.

    If you want to skip the RNG for Espeon or Umbreon the nicknames that ensure their evolution are in the spoiler below.


    "Sakura" for Espeon and "Tamao" for Umbreon.

    Happy for that. I'm impatient.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    I just dislike the RNG to it, much prefer the stone way ingame. On that note, they made it so the new Johto pokemon that require a certain held item in the regular games to evolve, still require that item to evolve. Plus the candy amount. You can get these items at pokestops.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    There is a theory in testing, maybe confirmed? that you can walk a buddy Eevee for 10K and then evolve it while it is your buddy either at night or during the day to get Umbreon or Espeon respectively.


  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited February 2017

    Pretty sure confirmed, here is an evolve of Espeon during the day:


  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    That's pretty close to the regular method in the main games. Glad to see them add it in then.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    So it is public knowledge that a "Gym System Rework" is coming. With the most recent update there is some very interesting data suggesting RAIDS IN POKEMON GO!


    Stoked! Hype!


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